Saturday, May 25, 2024

Incidents from Afton, Chenango Co., NY History

 Incidents of the Early History of the Village of Afton

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, April 18, 1878

The town of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] was formed from Bainbridge, November 18th, 1857, with a population of four hundred inhabitants.  The first white settler was Mr. Bush, who came in 1786, originally from Connecticut.  Nathaniel Stone taught the first district school in 1790, and Asa Stowell kept the first inn in 1788.  The first church was organized by Rev. Daniel Buck in 1802 (probably of Presbyterian origin).  Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, operated quite extensively in this town and vicinity during the early years of his career as a prophet.  He came to Afton in the year of 1828 or 1829, and while attending district school his supernatural powers manifested themselves for telling fortunes or "foretelling futurity."  This was done by placing a stone - perhaps a brick sometime - into his hat, then looking into it (the hat) by drawing it over his eyes so as to exclude the light.  Seven years later he pretended to "heal the sick," "cast out devils" &c, thereby gaining many followers, including the devils, of course.  Excavations were made in various places for treasures, and rocks containing iron and pyrites were drilled for gold.  Previous to digging a sheep was killed and the blood sprinkled upon the spot.

The town also claims the honor of yielding him his Bible.  Like ancient Greece: "Severn cities claim the Homer dead, / Through which the living Homer begged his daily bread."

The suspension bridge, which spans the Susquehanna, is one of the finest structures of its kind in the State and was the "Pioneer" free bridge across this beautiful stream.  Messrs. A.C. Hyde, R.H. Caswell and Thos. Landers were appointed commissioners to see the work constructed. The bridge was built by bonding the town and at an expense of fifteen thousand dollars which has long been cancelled, together with the railroad bonds of thirty thousand dollars.

The village of Afton, at the present date [1878], contains 1,000 inhabitants.  An academy and free school was established about seven years ago, and since its completion has ranked second to none in the State, receiving students not only from this county but adjoining counties, is at present under the direction of Prof.  J.M. Sprague.  There are five churches, namely:  Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal and Universalist.  There are two hotels, three dry good, two drug and six grocery stores, to say nothing of the many offices, restaurants, shops, &c. Messrs. Wright, Pierce & Co. manufacturers and builders, have a large factory and send their work to all parts of the State and Pennsylvania. Another feature, and one in which Afton is justly proud is the Silver Cornet Bank, which has gained a notable reputation wherever it has appeared, for gentlemanly deportment and musical ability.

The village has many beautiful residences in the yards of which are well arranged trees, and the whole appearance of the village for its size in point of beauty and business has no equal on the Albany and Susquehanna railroad.  Binghamton Times

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