Friday, May 24, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, April 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, April 18, 1878


Romeo W. Lewis of Sacramento, Cal., formerly of Coventry [Chenango Co. NY] and a graduate years ago from the Union office, arrived in town on Wednesday morning.  He will return to his western home next week, accompanied by one of Norwich's fair daughters as his bride.


CHURCH:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] April 3d, Hespeth [Church] widow of Lyman Church, aged 74 years.

WILLET:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], April 6th, Mrs. Sarah Willet, aged 80 years.

ROOT:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], April 4th, Libbie [Root] daughter of Charles and Sarah Root, aged 18 years.


BILLINGS:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], April 7th, Mrs. Lucretia Crawe [Billings] wife of John F. Billings, aged 79 years.

Mrs. Lucretia C. Billings, wife of John F. Billings, of Smyrna, came to her death on the 6th inst. from the effects of a fall received but twenty-four hours previously.  She was a very estimable Ladly, and one of the oldest residents of the town, having resided with her husband on the homestead where he was born, and where she died, fifty-three years.  News

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, April. 17, 1878:  In good health and remarkable vigor for one of her years, on the evening of April 6th, she met with an accidental fall, inflicting injuries that caused her death in twenty-four hours.  She was born at Enfield, Conn., Feb. 19, 1799, and was married in Hamilton, N.Y. [Madison Co.] Jan. 19th, 1825, to Mr. John F. Billings of Smyrna.  Fifty-three years of wedlock they were permitted to enjoy, living on the homestead where he was born.  Quietly domestic in her tastes, home was her kingdom.  Faithful as a wife, devoted as a mother, her departure is keenly felt by her husband and surviving children.  Her hope for the life to come was founded on a personal faith in the atonement of a Divine Redeemer.


ALDRICH:  In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], April 14th, Hettie M. [Aldrich] daughter of Leban and Lowenza Aldrich aged 5 years, 1 month and 6 days.

PARKER:  On the Great Brook, New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY], April 6th, Mr. Lysander Parker, aged 64 years.

SHAWLER:  Suddenly in Columbus [Chenango Co. NY], March 23d, Mr. Nathaniel Shawler, aged 79 years and 11 months.

VERRILL:  At the County House in Preston [Chenango Co. NY], April 9th, Mr. Joseph Verrill, aged about 36 years, formerly of Greene [Chenango Co. NY].

STROBRIDGE:  In Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY] April 3d, Mr. Daniel D Strobridge aged 71 years, formerly of this place.

Thus, has passed to his reward a faithful Christian.  Those who knew him best realize most how brightly the graces of the Spirit shone forth in his daily life.  He labored earnestly to lead souls to Christ, doubtless many will rise up in the last great day and call him blessed.

PARCE:   Miss Polly J. Parce, aged forty-two years, was buried here [Pitcher, Chenango Co. NY] last Sunday.  Her disease was consumption.


GREEN:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], April 17th, Mr. William Green, aged 66 years.

After months of patient suffering, William Green entered into his rest on Wednesday morning of this week, between the hours of eleven and twelve o'clock.

Mr. Green came to this village in January 1872 and was engaged as cutter in the clothing store of Lamb & Hill.  He retained his connection with that establishment, during its various changes, until he became a partner with Mr. Hill, which partnership was dissolved one year ago, when deceased took charge of the clothing department of T.S. Miller, which position he held until failing health compelled him to relinquish it.  Although he for a time rallied and attempted to resume his duties, he was unable to do so for any length of time, and finally gave up.  For weeks past he has been gradually failing, from a combination of diseases and on Wednesday morning he was released from his sufferings, having been unconscious for several hours previous to his death.

The estimation in which deceased was held by this community was shown by the interest taken by all classes during his illness and the hourly inquires as to his condition, evinced the strong hold he had upon the sympathies of neighbors and friends.   An honest man, in every sense of the term, a devoted Christian, kind husband and father, a good citizen, respected and esteemed by all, his memory will be kept ever green by those who knew him.

Deceased leaves surviving him a widow and two sons, one of whom, who resides in Cleveland, Ohio, reached here on Tuesday evening.  The other son, residing in Washington, D.C., was unable to be present during the last hours of his father, owing to the serious illness of his wife.  His remains will be taken to Sing Sing for interment this (Wednesday) evening, and funeral services will be held at his late residence at five o'clock, which will be attended by the Masonic fraternity, of which order he was an honored member.  His age was sixty-six years.


A letter from G.A. Dodge, Secretary of the Chenango County Colony, which left Bainbridge on the 11th of March last, published in the Republican of last week, announces the safe arrival of that portion of the Colony destined for Corsicana, at that place, on the 16th.  After describing the beauty ad fertility of the country, he mentions a sad accident which occurred to one of the party, a former resident of Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY].

"A most distressing accident befell one of our party, Mr. W.M. Newton, last Wednesday (March 27th).  While drawing lumber about a mile west of town, the forward wheels of the wagon struck a rut, precipitating him to the ground, a distance of some four feet, and giving him such a severe shock as to completely paralyze his limbs.  He is at present in first-class quarters, has good medical attendance, and is as comfortable as he can well be made under the circumstances, although no decided improvement has taken place in his condition up to the present writing.  The team was walking on a comparatively smooth road, and just how and why the accident occurred seems a mystery.  Mr. Newton was full of hope in anticipation of improvements which he contemplated making on his beautiful farm and the future looked bright and promising.  His misfortune has cast a shadow of gloom over out little party, yet we are not disheartened.   In the meantime, we shall do all that neighbors and friends can do to alleviate the condition of our unfortunate comrade."

A dispatch since received in Bainbridge states that Mr. Newton had died from the effect's of the accident.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, April 17, 1878


Coventry, Chenango Co. NY:  The marriage of Henry Smith and Nettie Wilkins was a very pleasant affair and their many friends wish them God speed.


ALLEN:  In New Haven, Conn., Sunday morning Aril 7th, of Effusion of the Brain, Ira B. Allen, aged 26 years.

Ira B. Allen died on Sunday morning April 7th in New Haven, of effusion of the brain.  Mr. Allen was a member of the senior class in the theological school in Yale College and was a graduate of Beloit College, Wisconsin.  During his vacation last summer, he preached in Columbus [Chenango Co. NY] and with his kind and loving manner soon won for him many true friends and had he lived to finish his studies would doubtless have become their pastor.  He gave promise of becoming a very successful minister of the gospel.  Mr. Moody in his discourse on Sunday evening in Yale chapel spoke very feelingly in regard to his death.  His remains were taken to Geneva, Wis., for interment, by his father, George Allen, who resides there.

WATERMAN:  Plymouth, Chenango Co. NY:  On Sunday morning, the funeral services of Miss Ann Waterman were held at the M.E. Church, the house being well filled with friends of the deceased.  Rev. J.H. Barnard, though suffering somewhat from a late illness, officiated, preaching an excellent sermon.

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