Saturday, May 25, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, April 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, April 20, 1878


BAKER -BEACH:  In Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY], at the residence of the officiating clergyman by Rev. R.C. Crandall, Mr. Chancellor Baker and Miss Olive Ann Beach, all of Pharsalia.


PARCE:  In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], Friday, April 12, Miss Polly Parce, aged 42 years.

GREGORY:  In Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY], Tuesday April 9th, 1878, Elizabeth [Gregory] wife of Hubert Gregory, aged 30(?) years.

COLE:  In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], Thursday April 11th, 1878, Richard Cole, aged 98 years.

GREEN:  On Wednesday last, William Green died at his residence in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], aged 66 years.  The deceased had been in very poor health for several months but had so far recovered that some weeks since he resumed his labors but was only able to attend to the business for a few days when he was again prostrated by the disease from which he never recovered and breathed his last about noon Wednesday, after having been unconscious for nearly ten hours.  Mr. Green had been a resident of this village for something over six years occupying positions in different establishments working at his trade and in every walk of life he won himself scores of friends, who learned to respect him as an honest man, a sterling citizen an obliging neighbor and a faithful and conscientious Christian gentleman, and his loss will be deeply felt and regretted by all.



by Mrs. W.H. Benedict

The subject of this Poem was a beautiful child of six summers, daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Pearsall, whose death occurred about five months ago.

Our darling sleeps; / But, when the rosy fingered dawn / Shall draw the veil from night's repose, / More brightly shall the blue eyes glow, / And deeper yet upon her cheek / Shall bloom the rose.

Our darling sleeps; / But waking, with what loving clasp / And kiss, she'll meet our fond embrace, / And through the day with play and song / And pattering feet, shall make our home / Earth's dearest place.

Our darling sleeps; / O, why do not the lids unclose / Or sweet lips tremble with the breath / Of her young life? We wait in vain / Chill'd is the brow and cheek of rose / by frost of death.

Last, silent sleep! / A lovely cross of blossoms fair / Is laid upon her childish breast, / And buds within her waxen hand, / And name, in snowy buds she'll wear / In her sweet rest.

No other, will she ever bear, / Oh precious thought! No days unblest / No weary dark or tearful hours / Will e'er be hers, but life and rest / in heaven's bowers

In that bright home / Will not the shining seraphs bend / From harp and crown and loving will? / And gently all her footsteps tend? / And there, will not her angel name / Be Lena, still?

Sad, lonely hearts, / Look up, "there is a light beyond the cloud, " / There, shines for you the "morning star" / Bear ye His cross in these dark hours; / Though heavy now 'twll change at last / to one of flowers.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, April 17, 1878


BALLARD  - DOUGLASS:  In East Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], March 27th, by Rev. S. Johnson, Mr. Egbert Ballard of Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Eliza Douglass of Bainbridge.


EATON:  In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY], April 8th, Clarissa [Eaton] wife of the late Horace Eaton, aged 81 years.


ROOT:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], April 4th, Libbie [Root] daughter of Charles and Sarah Root, aged 18 years.

There is room in Heaven, my darling, / In the courts of bliss divine, / For the spirit of our Libbie, / When she joins the righteous vice,  

There are bright and loving angels /Waiting for thy soul's release; / They will bear thee safely upward /To the realms of perfect peace.

There is room among the angels, / And a crown for Libbie dear; / She will sing life's sweetest music / By the sea of glass so clear.

There is room above, dear Libbie / For thy spirit, pure and sweet, / When within the vales of Eden / You the shining angels meet.

Then the gloom of earth departed, / And the joys of Heaven begun / Darling Libbie with the angels / Has eternal glory won.

There is room among the angels, / And sweet Libbie will be there! / Pure among the bright eternal, / Fairest 'mid celestial fair.

Crowned with lovely flowers unfading, / And harp to Libbie gives, / With the minstrels' choir in glory, / She will sing sweet songs in Heaven

Then a dazzling star in glory, / With the loving blood-washed band / Darling Libbie's soul is happy / With the good in angel land.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, April 18, 1878


NEWTON:  In Corsicana Texas, April 5, 1878, Whitman M. Newton, of Bainbridge, NY [Chenango Co.] aged 47 years.

MANNING:  In Coventry [Chenango Co. NY], April 15, 1878, Mrs. Myra Manning, aged 48 years.

News Item

A very sad accident occurred at Church Hollow [Chenango Co. NY] on Monday the 8th inst.  The facts are as follows.  Mr. "Lenny" Montgomery it appears was engaged in driving a fence post into the ground while a younger brother about ten years of age was holding onto the same, when unfortunately, the beetle which the former was using accidentally flew from its handle striking the boy directly on the head and felling him senseless to the ground, fracturing his skull.  He died the night following.  The funeral was held on Wednesday. 

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