Monday, May 20, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, April 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, April 13, 1878


WARD - COLE:  At the residence of the bride's parents, April 8th, by Rev. C.A. Stone, Mr. Wm. Ward of Bay City, Michigan, and Miss Lottie E. Cole of South Edmeston, N.Y. [Otsego Co.].

NORTHCOTT - PLACE:  At the M.E. Parsonage, Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY], April 10th, 1878, by Rev. B.B. Carruth, Mr. John W. Northcott to Miss Miranda C. Place, all of Butternuts, Otsego Co. N.Y.


BILLINGS:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], April 12, 1878, J.T. Billings, aged 79 years.

STOWBRIDGE:  In Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY], April 31 , Daniel D. Strowbridge [sic] aged 71 years, formerly of this place [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY]

Thus, has passed to his reward a faithful Christian.  Those who knew him best, realize most how brightly the graces of the spirit shone forth in his daily life.  He labored earnestly to lead souls to Christ.  Doubtless many will rise up in the last great day and call him blessed.

EATON:  Mrs. Clarrissa Eaton an aged widow lady, of this village [Sherburne Chenango Co. NY] died Tuesday from the effect of dropsy.  She was well known in our midst as an estimable lady.

PURDY:  Lewis Purdy a farmer living about two miles southwest of this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], died on Wednesday from the effects of Kidney complaint from which he has been a constant sufferer for many months.  He was well known as a very quiet, upright man and much respected by the community in which he lived.

News Item

"Though Lost to Sight to Memory Dear."

"In spring the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," and Andrew Jackson is no exception.  We don't mean Old Hickory, the hero of New Orleans, but the sportive Andrew, who but a few short months ago, tended the old Stone Mill that ground the corn that fed the tramp so weary and worn, that begged his "chuck" with feelings of scorn, of the servant maiden all forlorn.  But no more shall we behold the manly form, or the seductive smile of the noble Andrew, for it is believed he has gone to be an "Kanacker" in the Sandwich Islands.  Andrew was once a youth of noble men, and as pure in life and principle as the snow which rested in winter on the hillsides of his Madison County [NY] home, and as such he wooed and won a lady of culture and refinement, and commenced life with prospects as bright as could be desired. But in an evil moment he fell, and since which time his course has gradually but surely tended downward.  About six weeks ago, his wife left him and has since applied for a divorce, after in vain trying to win him back to his home.  But he has continued to associate with the most dissolute and abandoned characters in violation of all regard for decency or self respect.  He has for a long time carried on an intimacy with Franc McQueen, a Norwich nymph, frail, but lovely, and when the radiant Franc started for Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, on Monday morning last, Andrew, it is alleged, accompanied her, and at this writing they are probably afloat on "the blue rolling wave" enroute for the home of the "Kanackers," where they might profitably exhibit themselves to those heathen as representatives of American civilization.  Mrs. Jackson is to be congratulated on thus being rid of an unfaithful spouse and "bad egg" generally.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, Aprl 10, 1878


ALLEN:  In Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], March 28th, of diphtheria, Stella S. [Allen] youngest child of S.S. and Eliza M. Allen, aged 3 years.

News Item

Search for a Man Supposed to be Murdered

About a week since, one Gilbert Walker, living in the town of Sanford [Broome Co. NY], about six miles from Afton [Chenango Co. NY], disappeared and as yet no trace of him can be found.  It is supposed that he has met with foul play, inasmuch as he had several enemies in the vicinity in which he lived.  The day on which he disappeared it is stated that he had been to Deposit [Delaware Co. NY] and borrowed about $200, with which to defend a lawsuit pending the day following.  Saturday a party of fifty or more were out searching the woods for  his remains.  The missing man lived alone in a log cabin on his farm.  Republican-Times

Chenango American, Greene, NY, April 11, 1878


At Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY], March 27th, by Rev. C.E. Taylor, Mr. Willis B. Runyan of Lisle [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Ida D. Brewer of Triangle [Broome Co. NY].

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, April 13, 1878


UPHAM - POLLOCK:  In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], on the 10th inst. by Rev. W.G. Queal, Mr. Charles Upham and Miss Annie E. Pollock, all of this place.

WILKES - FLOWERS:  At the Congregational parsonage in Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], April 2, 1878, by Rev C.O. Johnson, Mr. Philamus A. Wilkes and Miss Millisant E. Flowers, both of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY].


BILLINGS:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], on the 7th inst., Mrs. Lucretia Crawe [Billings] wife of John F. Billings, aged 79 years.

Mrs. Lucretia C. Billings, wife of John F. Billings, of Smyrna, came to her death on the 6th inst. [sic], from the effects of a fall received but twenty-four hours previously.  She was a very estimable lady, and one of the oldest residents of the town, having resided with her husband on the homestead where she was born, and where she died, fifty-three years.

EATON:  In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], on the 8th inst., Mrs. Clarissa Eaton, aged 81 years 3 months and 6 days.

PURDY:  In this town [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], on the 9th inst, Mr. Lewis Purdy aged 48 years and 8 months.

Mr. Lewis Purdy, whose death it is our painful duty to record this week, was one of our most energetic and industrious farmers, a warm hearted, faithful friend, a kind and indulgent husband and father, and an honest man.  He had resided in Sherburne from his boyhood and his loss is most sadly mourned by a largely extended circle of friends.  May he rest in peace.

WILDER:  In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], on the 11th inst., Miss Mary Ann Wilder, aged 66 years.

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