Chenango American, Greene, NY, December 12, 1878
At the home of the bride, Nov. 26th, by Rev. N.J. Hawley, Mr. Alminor I. Crane of Sanford [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Frances A. Robinson of Colesville [Broome Co. NY].
At the Baptist Parsonage in Marathon, N.Y. [Cortland Co. NY] Nov. 27th, by Rev. J.H. Sage, Mr. Floyd D. Breed to Miss Evaline Benedict both of Smithville [Chenango Co. NY].
In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY] Dec. 89th, by Rev. H.W. Congdon, John Hughes to Miss Elizabeth [Gibson] daughter of William Gibson, of Smithville.
At Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Mo. Nov. 28th, by Rev. P.B. West, Mr. Frank D. Ressegieu of Hamilton to Miss Clementine Francisco of Guilford, N.Y. [Chenango Co.].
In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Dec. 1st, Mrs. M. Eliza [Bingham] wife of W.H. Bingham, aged 35 years, 4 months.
In Triangle [Broome Co. NY] Dec. 6th, Mr. Luman Olmstead aged 67 years.
In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 12th Mr. Henry Hamilton aged 70 years.
In Bainbridge Nov. 29th, Mrs. Louisa S. [Clark] wife of Luman B. Clark, aged 40 years.
In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Dec. 10th, Mrs. A. Purdy wife of Joseph Purdy, aged 70 years. Funeral at her late residence on Thursday at 12 o'clock.
Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, December 14, 1878
RYAN - DWYER: In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Thursday, Nov. 21, by Rev. A.P. Ludden, Mr. M. Patsy Ryan and Miss Hannah Dwyer Both of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].
Cornelius Kennedy whose death we announced last week was one of our most substantial farmers, honest, frank and upright in his dealings, and a generous friend. He belonged to the class of men of whom we wish there were more such, and when he had well filled his three-score and ten years, he passed away leaving many to regret the benefit of his living example and counsel could not have longer vouchsafed them.
The Chicago Inter Ocean of the 3d inst. gives the following sketch of the funeral of the late Mrs. George A. Meech whose decease we announced last week: "The funeral of Mrs. Celia Adelaide Meech, wife of Justice George A. Meech, took place yesterday from the family residence, 15 Harmon Court. From an early hour in the forenoon relatives and friends of the lamented deceased and her bereaved husband commenced to assemble to take a farewell look at the face now cold in death and witness the last sad rites. The remains incased in a handsome casket, almost covered with beautifully designed floral tributes were placed in the front parlor and surrounded by sorrowing relatives. At 1 o'clock they were taken in charge by the pall bearers, Justices Summerfield and Haines, Senator Robinson, State Treasurer J.C. Smith and Messrs. Ira W. Buell and O.P. Abercrombie and placed in the hearse, and when the many mourners had taken their places in the waiting carriages, the cortege moved slowly to Grace Episcopal Chruch. The destination reached, the pastor, the Rev. Clinton Locke, met the remains at the entrance to the church and preceded it up the aisle, reading passages of Scripture. The remains being rested, the beautiful service of the Episcopal Chruch was proceeded with. After the usual anthem, taken from the Psalms had been read by the pastor, with choral responses, Hymn 509, "Having a desire to depart, and be with Christ," was beautifully rendered by the choir. The lesson from Corinthians followed and then hymn 514, "Where I am, there also shall my servant be." Dr. Locke offered prayer and then announced that the rest of the services would be performed at the grave. The remains were next removed from the church, the pastor leading. There was scarcely a dry eye in the structure at this point, the congregation of which deceased was a member, appearing at the moment fully to realize that a sister had parted from them, on earth forever. the solemn procession was then reformed, and the remains taken to Rose Hill cemetery and tenderly laid away."
Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, December 19, 1878
The funeral services of the late Mrs. Nearing will be held on Saturday morning at nine o'clock, at the house of Mr. Daniel Bristol. The body will be taken to Morris [Otsego Co. NY] for interment.
Mr. John Rinehart, a German living in one of the tenement houses on Charles Freiot's farm is sorely afflicted. He has recently lost two children with fever and now his wife and another child are down with it. We understand that they are in almost destitute circumstances and are worthy of assistance. We think if the Mission Bands of our churches would contribute to the relief of such in need it would avail more than to send it to foreign countries where they ought to be able to take care of their own poor.
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