Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, July 6, 1870
At Zion church in Morris [Otsego Co. NY] June 21st by F.N. Luson, Rector, Mr. Eugene Moore to Miss Frankie Payne both of Morris.
Alexander Beatty died suddenly at Holmesville [Chenango Co. NY] on June 27. It seems that in crossing the railroad track, he in some manner caught his foot and fell striking his head upon the iron rail. He was picked up and carried into a house and lived but a very few moments. Whether he died from the effects of the fall or from some other cause we are not fully informed. New Berlin Pioneer
Jared C. Moulton of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] some ten or twelve days since stepped upon a nail which penetrated his foot. He died from lockjaw on the 22d ult.
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, July 13, 1870
In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] June 24th, Humphrey Tiffany aged 82 yrs.
At Cedar Falls, Iowa June 20, John F. Perkins formerly of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] aged 61 years and 6 months.
At East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] June 30th Joseph Fletcher aged 61 years.
At the residence of her daughter in the town of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] June 30th, Nancy Baker, wife of Daniel Baker aged 60 years.
A young man nineteen years of age, by the name of Cristinson employee upon the railroad was drowned while in bathing in McKellip's pond near this village [Morris, Otsego Co. NY] on the 26th ult.
The late Mrs. Mary A Sill of Burlington [Otsego Co. NY], in this county, who died on the 15th ult., left an estate of about $10,000. By her will she gives about $2,000 to relatives and friends, her brick dwelling house to the 1st Baptist Church of Burlington for a parsonage, $1,000 to the American Tract Society, the balance of her property, say $3,500 to the Home for the Friendless in N.Y. City.
Mr. Thomas Pugsley died on the 21st, at his residence in this town [Little Falls, Herkimer Co. NY] at the remarkable advanced age of 106. He retained his mental faculties up to the last hour of his life and sank into death without disease or signs of physical suffering until the last few minutes. The machinery of life seemed simply to have worn out. He distinctly remembered and loved to talk about many incidents in the Revolution and the rejoicing of the people when independence and constitutional liberty was finally secured to them. His last words were "I have lived to enjoy the rich boon of freedom for which our fathers bled and died. Good-bye one and all. I hope to meet you in a better world."
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, July 20, 1870
At the residence of John Glenhill, New Lisbon, N.Y. [Otsego Co.] June 28th, by Rev Wm. M. Hiller, Benj. Estes of Albany [Albany Co. NY] to Miss Mary Nash Herrington of New Lisbon.
In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] July 4 by Rev. A. Reynolds, Mr. W.C. Green of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Selina J. Bronson of West Oneonta.
In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] July 8th, Elisha Phelps aged 75 years.
Hon. Ansel Berry of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], died on the 15th inst. He was a businessman and a politician and father of B. Gage Berry one of the editors of the Chenango Telegraph.
Gen Zadock T. Bentley a prominent lawyer of Madison County [NY] died of paralysis a few days since.
Died at Lott's Creek, Hambolt Co., Iowa, June 24th, Mrs. Mary Rosaline [Hunt] wife of James A. Hunt and daughter of Asa Tilson in the 36th year of her age. This beloved sister lived in the enjoyment of perfect health, until about one year previous to her death, when the hand of disease fastened upon her and although every remedy was applied that wealth and affection could devise, all proved unavailing, and she died as she lived, beloved by all who knew her In her faith she was and had been for many years a Universalist and enjoyed the full blessing of that glorious belief until the last, never forgetting that God was her Father and Christ her Saviour. Although she would gladly have been restored to her family, yet she accepted death cheerfully and often spoke of the blissful prospect of those who had gone before. In all her suffering she murmured not, but manifested a patience, trust and resignation, beautiful to behold and gave evidence continually that she "trusted in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe." The community, for miles around, attended her funeral, and went in procession to her last resting place, manifesting the deepest sympathy. The services were led by the Rev. Mr. Lynn of the Presbyterian Church, who spoke very tenderly and beautifully of the departed, very comfortingly to the mourners and highly satisfactorily to the friends generally. A beautiful wreath of lilies presented by friendly hands, lay upon the coffin, during the services as emblem of her sinless life and suggestive of the immortality which we felt was already here. S.C.G.
Lines Written on the Death of Mrs. M.B. Hunt by one who loved her
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, July 27, 1870
My sister! we have laid thee down with summer flowers to rest; / From a life as pure and beautiful as the lilies on thy breast: / And tears of deepest sorrow, we freely shed today, / That one so young and dearly loved, should early pass away.
My sister! we have laid thee down, from all life's cares and woes, / In the cool bosom of the earth, thou may'st find sweet repose; / But thy spirit, calm and beautiful even in its latest stay. / Hath passed beyond the power of death, in its high glorious way.
Though our hearts are filled with sadness, and our sad loss we bemoan, / We bow with meek submission, for God recalls his own; / His own amid the wanderings where earthly feet have trod; / His own where saints and angels bow around the throne of God.
Our thoughts of thee are peaceful, there, in that sweet silent rest, / With the ivy wreathed about thy head and lilies on thy breast, / Placed there by fond affection, the true, the deep, the strong. / Meet emblem of thy sinless life, that knew not guilt or wrong
Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, July 27, 1870
At West Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] July 24th by Rev. Joel Davis, Alfred Thurston of Morris [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Adelia Hawkins of Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY].
In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] July 12th, Chloe ]Brink] wife of Moses F. Brink aged 34 years.
At his residence in Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] of dropsy, July 20th, Sylvester Reed aged 66 yrs and 2 months.
Noah Perry, Esq. of New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] came to this village last Tuesday morning, July 26th for the purpose of trading and while in the store of J.M. Lull, died very suddenly. His remains were at once taken to the residence of his brother, Horace Perry. Aged about 75 years.
Charles E. Hyer of Rockdale [Chenango Co. NY] who has been blind for a number of years past, died very suddenly on the 15th inst. He left his home for a walk and crossing the river, stopped at a neighbor's house, saying he would rest a few moments. He was observed to become drowsy, while sitting in his chair. Soon he became unconscious, and death speedily ensued. He was about 50 years of age. Union
On the night of the 13th inst., the barn and wagon house of Thomas Monroe, about three miles west from Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], were burned to the ground. Among the ashes were found the skeleton of a man, unknown, and a clay pipe. It is supposed that the man had entered the barn, enjoyed a good smoke, and fell asleep while his pipe was yet alight and that from this the fire ensued.
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