Saturday, March 22, 2025

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1978)

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, December 11, 1878


NORRIS - RORAPAUGH:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY], Dec. 1 by Rev. I.P. Towner, Mr. Millard Norris to Miss Mary  J. Rorapaugh, both of Greene.

GALPIN - HOWE:  In McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] Dec. 1 by Rev. I.P. Towner, Mr. James V. Galpin to Miss Jennie M. Howe both of McDonough.


RUDDOCK:  In Spearville, Kansas, Maria Louisa [Ruddock] wife of Rev. E.N. Ruddock, formerly of East Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY].

GALPIN:  At Homer, N.Y. [Cortland Co.] Dec. 7th, Rebecca A. [Galpin] wife of L.A. Galpin of Binghamton [Broome Co. NY] aged 21 years.

Wm. D. Davis father of Mrs. T.L. Moore, of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY], died in Whitesboro, Friday.  His age was 85 and he was born at Sir Fon, Wales.  The old gentleman spent the summer in this village.

Chenango American, Greene, NY. December 19, 1878


Mr. and Mrs. John G. Copeland celebrated their fiftieth anniversary on Wednesday evening, Dec. 11th, 1878, at the late residence of Kinyon Bly, now residing in Marcellus, Mich.  Their children, five daughters and one son were present with their respective husbands and wife, as follows:  Martin J. Copeland and wife, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Kinyon Bly, of Marcellus, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Jackson, of Triangle, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith of Greene, N.Y. ; Mr. and Mrs. Benj. VanName of Chenango Forks, N.Y.; and Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Mook, of Belleville, Id.  Five grandchildren were also present. The parties made extra exertions to be present on this occasion and came very near being disappointed on account of the prevailing high water.  But 7 o'clock brought the family together.  The company was entertained as fast as they arrived but the high water detained a large number of those invited.  The aged father and mother were in fine spirits and all present seemed to enjoy themselves in a remarkable degree.

At 9 o'clock Rev. Russell Todd, rector of St. John's Church made some very touching and appropriate remarks, after which a bountiful table was spread, from which about sixty-five partook with hearty relish.

The party understood that presents were not expected, but notwithstanding this there were over $70.00 worth presented.  I will not take up your space in enumerating all of them but will mention a few of the most valuable. The five daughters presented their parents with a cash gift of $35.00 and numerous other presents.  Mr. J. Copeland and wife gave to each a pair of gold spectacles and other articles of value. Some of their neighbors gave suitable presents, among which, were a gold line cake basket and two gold lined silver vases.

Abot 1 A.M., after extending congratulations, the party began to disperse, all having enjoyed themselves very much indeed of this joyous and unusual occasion.  

One present, Chenango Forks [Broome Co. NY], Dec. 12th, 1878.


George Furman lost his youngest child Friday morning with diphtheria.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY December 21, 1878


Guilford, Chenango Co. NY:  We hear of the marriage of Winfield Spencer to Miss Ettie Briggs.  Our congratulations to you, minnie.


PIERCE:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] Dec. 14th, Lois E. [Pierce] wife of Samuel Pierce, aged 62 years and 6 months.


WHITNEY:  In this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] on the 15th inst. Mrs. Thirza Whitney, aged 91 years.

Another of the landmarks has passed away, Mrs. Thirza Whitney, widow of the late Ephraim Whitney, died in this village, on Sunday, the 15th of December 1878.  Deceased was the daughter of Jared Benedict, and born in Salem, Westchester County [NY].  Her parents removed to this town when she was a child of eleven years.  Ephraim Whitney was a native of Vermont and came to this town about the year 1800.  They were married in 1807 and lived together for upwards of fifty years, sharing in all the changes incident to pioneer life and the future development and prosperity of the country in its blossoming from the wilderness into a fruitful field. They were the parents of nine children, all of whom were born in Sherburne and are yet living, viz.  Edson G., Charles W., Sarah S. (wife of Sylvanus Tinker), Albert B., Porter E., Caroline E. who are residents of this town, Almira G. (wife of John Gardner of Rochester), Mary E. wife of John C. Harrington of Granby, Oswego Co. and Catharine H. (wife of Ralph Mather of Chatauqua Co.)  The deceased also leaves surviving her, twenty-one grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren.  Her husband died in 1859, since which time she has resided with her son, Charles W, and daughter Caroline E., who have watched over her with a kindly solicitude and smoothed her pathway down the declivity of years. She was a consistent and in her younger days an active member of the Congregational Chruch. She will be mourned as one who well lived a life of more than the allotted years and has been gathered in well fitted for the harvest.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, December 26, 1878


FLETCHER - BURDICK:  At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 24, 1878, by Rev. H.D. Harned, Mr. Oscar W. Fletcher and Miss Ella M. Burdick, both of Guilford, Chenango Co. NY.

WHEAT - WOOD:  In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] by Rev. D.C. Haynes, Dec. 23, 1878, Mr. Emerson Wheat of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] and Miss Augusta Wood of Downsville [Delaware Co. NY].


NEARING:  In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] Dec. 18, at the residence of D.S. Bristol, Mrs. Abigail Nearing wife of the late Joseph Nearing and mother of Mrs.  D.S. Bristol, aged  81 years.

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