Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 1, 1830
In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] on the 26th ult by the Rev. Oliver Tuttle, Mr. Benjamin Hitchcock to Miss Sally Reynolds, daughter of Mr. Isaac Reynolds, all of Meredith.
In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] on the 26th ult by Joseph Combs, Esq. Mr. Henry Dart to Miss Emeline Peak all of Hamden.
At the residence of her father in Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 16th ult. of pulmonary consumption, Miss Betsey North daughter of Robert North, Esq. aged 29 years.
In the death of Miss North, her family have much to mourn for in her were blended every domestic virtue and sisterly affection. She was beloved by her friends for her firm and unwavering attachments, her amiable and exemplary deportment, the sweetness and serenity of her temper, and for a just conception of things. For a few years past, she has been threatened with approaching dissolution, by the fatal progress of the disease which has finally terminated her existence. But in her death, there is hope. When sickness overtook her, she quietly let go her hold upon the fleeting joys of this life, and steadfastly and earnestly looked forward to that better portion which the world cannot give, and we humbly trust that in the hour of her departure she was not left a stranger to that Redeemer whom she had faith to believe would lead her through the dark valley and shadow of death, to His own blessed kingdom.
The venerable Col. Willett is no more. He died last evening at his house, Cedar Grove, in the 91st year of his age. Col. Willett distinguished himself by his bravery and good conduct in the war of the Revolution. His courage, prowess and presence of mind were particularly displayed in conflicts with the Indians who took part with Great Britain. He filled several civil offices in this his native state and finally was for several years Mayor of New York. He was a man of great integrity, frankness and decision of character in private life. Evening Post, Aug. 23.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 8, 1930
In the town of Bovina in this county [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday, the first instant, Mr. James Stroddart in the 83d year of his age.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 15, 1830
We are informed that Mr. Albert Wood was killed at Deposit [Delaware Co. NY] in this county, on Monday of this week by being thrown from a wagon loaded with boards which he was driving. The wagon was overturned, and the load fell directly upon him. His skull was fractured, and a leg and arm were broken. He survived about half an hour, but without any apparent sense of his suffering condition. Mr. W. was about 21 years of age, and we understand that his parents reside in Guilford, Chenango County [NY]. This fatal accident it is said was caused by the horses taking fright at the discharge of a gun fired by some person on his way to Deposit to attend the annual review held there on that day. It is well known that the discharge of firearms are strictly forbidden by law within two miles of any parade on the day of meeting. It is to be hoped that this solemn warning will be sufficient to prompt every commandant of a company or regiment to the strict fulfilment of his duty in putting in force this salutary law and thereby prevent endangering the lives of their fellow citizens.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 22, 1830
On the 16th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Harrison, Mr. Orsamus Crandall to Miss Betsey Ann Carr all of Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY].
In Hancock [Delaware Co. NY] on the 6th inst. Mr. Royal Wheeler.
Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 29, 1830
In Hobart [Delaware Co. NY], on Monday morning last after an illness of one week, Mr. Cyrenus Foote in the 50th year of his age.
Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, December 26, 1878
At the residence of Mr. John McChesney in Mohawk [Herkimer Co. NY], Dec. 10th, by Rev. J.C. Darling, Mr. Frank M. Hooker of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Sarah McChesney of Mohawk.
At Springfield Center [Otsego Co. NY] at the house of the bride's parents on the 18th inst. by Rev. L. Casler, George R. Snyder and Miss Ella F. Hilsinger, all of Springfield.
At the Parsonage in Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 18th by Rev. S.M. Cook, John C. Mott and Miss Mary E. Pierce all of Hartwick, N.Y.
In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] Dec. 16th, Andrew Dunham aged 67 years.
On Wednesday afternoon of last week, Mr. Merton Green of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] went into the woods to fell some trees for firewood, expecting to be back at chore time. His father-in-law, Mr. Wyllis and the hired man having done the chores, became alarmed at his absence, as having a large dairy he was generally present to help about the care of the stock. They at once started for the woods in search, but darkness coming on they were unable to find him. The neighbors being notified with a number of citizens in the village, all joined in the search. About 10 o'clock he was found by Mr. Hurd beneath the trunk of a large tree. It appears that the tree had been broken partially in twain by some gale of wind, the upper part of the trunk not being quite severed, although the top had fallen down so that it rested upon the ground, forming an arch. This no doubt caused the tree to fall in a different manner from what he anticipated. When found he was lying upon his face about four feet from the stump and the body of the tree lying across his neck and shoulder. From every indication, he was killed instantly. He was in the prime of life and leaves a wife and one child who have the most heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. Mr. Green was a public-spirited citizen, a warm friend and a genial man, whom everybody will miss. His funeral was attended on Friday at the M.E. Church, of which he was an active member. An unusually large concourse of people with unrestrained tears testified to a deep sympathy with the bereaved, as well as the loss on the part of every one of a valued and honored friend. The Odd Fellows of which Order he was a member were present from this and the Cooperstown Lodge and paid honors to their deceased brother. Hartwick December 23, 1878
On the 12th inst., a little son of Thomas McDonald, aged 7 years, living about a mile and half east of Middlefield Center [Otsego Co. NY] was kicked by a horse so severely that he died on the 14th.
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