Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1870)

 Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, April 6, 1870


Levi Wood Esq. one of the most venerable and honored citizens of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] departed this life Thursday morning, March 24, aged 81 years.  He had been in feeble health some time, more rapidly declining during the last few days. He had frequently expressed the wish that he might not live to be dependent upon the care of others, and his departure was as he desired.  He walked into the sitting room on Wednesday and returned, being but once assisted, to his bed.  He passed away as calmly and peacefully as an infant falls asleep.


Hon. James S. Campbell : From a published discourse of Rev.  H.W. Swinerton, delivered at the funeral of Mr. Campbell, whose death we announced last week, we gather the following:

He was at the time of his death, older than the government.  He was born a subject of George III.  He was four years old when the Declaration of independence was made.  He was six years old when Cherry Valley was destroyed by the Indians.  He was carried away captive by the Indians and was a prisoner with them for nearly two years, so that he was a surviving prisoner of the War of the Revolution.  He was adopted into the Indian family of Williams in Canada.  At the time of his birth, Cherry Valley was in the county of Albany, so that he lived in the counties of Albany, Tryon, Montgomery and Otsego, and yet never changed his residence.  He was, without doubt, the only man who had seen and conversed with the first Chief Magistrate and the last Chief Magistrate of this Republic.  After the War of the Revolution, he met the first President, General Washington, personally, when he tarried at his father's house on this spot where we now stand, as he came up the great Susquehanna Valley to view the outposts of that immense area which he had successfully defended and dedicated to freedom and to look upon the scenes of some of the bloodiest chapters in that war.  At the close of the late struggle, he met and conversed at Albany with the leading commander of that second revolution, who now occupies the chair of state as the head of the nation, thus bringing together in one life the earliest and the latest events in the history of our country.  All his children except one survive him.  Among his children are the Rev. Dr. A.E. Campbell, Judge Wm. W. Campbell, Samuel B. Campbell of Castleton, John Campbell of New York and Dr. Augustus Campbell of Illinois.  At a patriarchal age he was gathered to his fathers.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, April 13, 1870

News Item

Rev. Benjamin G. Paddock the oldest Methodist Minister in this State [NY], the first Pastor of the Methodist church in Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY], who is here on a visit to his daughter Mrs. Dr. Lathrop, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, April 3d.  Though in his 82d year, Mr. Paddock has the appearance and mental and physical vigor of a younger man.  It is 65 years ago since he first commenced to preach, under a permit from his church organization, which gift he exercised for several years before he became the settled Pastor of a church.  For 45 years he officiated in that capacity and then was placed on the superannuated list, but he had continued frequently to preach, as health and strength would permit and enjoys the privilege.

Mr. Paddock came here in 1818, fifty-two years ago, about which time the Otsego Circuit was established by the Philadelphia Conference and took charge of the Methodist Church which had previously been organized but had no settled Pastor.  The Society had commenced to build a meeting house.  Mr. P. who lived in the house now occupied by Judge Sturges, took hold of the work energetically, boarded the hands employed to work upon it, and crowded it forward to early completion.  He remained with this church three years and saw the fruits of his earnest labors.  during this time, he was in the habit of performing circuit duty, preaching in the towns of Burlington, Richfield, New Lisbon, Hartwick, Milford, Laurens and Oneonta.  By the oldest inhabitants in this village and those towns who knew him half a century ago, he is borne in kindly and respected remembrance, and all we are sure will join in the wish that his remaining days may be full of peace and enjoyment; that the benediction he has so often pronounced upon others may rest upon his own venerable head.  Freeman's Journal

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, April 20, 1870


Last Friday two gentlemen of Milford [Otsego Co. NY] went on a fishing excursion up the Cherry Valley Creek, above Westville [Otsego Co. NY].  Their names were Mr. Saxton, son-in-law of J.V. Hawver, of this village [Morris, Otsego Co. NY], and Dr. Keith, a dentist of Milford.  They drove a very vicious horse who had on several occasions run away.  After they had fished to their satisfaction, started for home, and when near the four corners at Westville, the horse became frightened, behaved very badly when Mr. Saxton was thrown from the wagon, striking his head against a signpost which stands near the road, crushing the top of his head.  He was taken up and conveyed to his father's residence, which was fortunately but a few rods off. The accident happened about 8 o'clock in the evening and he died at about 11 o'clock, soon after his wife had arrived, having bene sent for to Milford.  After Mr. Saxton was thrown from the wagon, the horse ran a few rods, when the Doctor was thrown out, breaking both of his legs and crushing one of them very badly.  Mr. Saxton was about 33 years of age and leaves a wife and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his untimely death.

Mrs. Ann Pomeroy, relict of Dr. George Pomeroy, and third daughter of Judge William Cooper, the founder of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] died April 7th, 1870, aged 86 years.  Her funeral took place at Christ church on the Sunday before Easter.  Mrs. P. was a communicant of this church for over sixty years and during all her life an active and efficient auxiliary in church work.  Her mortal remains lie in the Cooper church lot, among kindred spirits who went before.

And still another of our oldest resident, another respected and loved "Mother in Israel," has taken her departure.  Mrs. Lorinda Sturges, after an illness of several months, died at the residence of her son Judge Sturges on Monday, April 11, aged 77 years. She was one of the early pioneers to this county from Connecticut and has resided here fifty-eight years, 51 in Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], 7 in Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY]\. In both which places she has left those who loved her for qualities which ever distinguish the kind and large hearted. She has seen the county changed from the wilderness it was when she came here to the comfortable home of fifty thousand people.  She has been a consistent member of the methodist church for about fifty years and died as she had lived in the "hope, more and steadfast" that upon dissolution here, she would enter into eternal rest.  Her remains were taken to Butternuts for interment.  Journal

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, April 27, 1870


West Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY:  Thearon Babbit a young man aged 16 years of age, died on the 17th inst. He was only sick three days.

Springfield, Otsego Co. NY:  Mr. Sephrenas Bassinger, Esq. for many years a Justice of the Peace, died on Tuesday morning, April 12, aged 78.  He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and the greater share of his life was spent in this town in the practice of law.  For the last few years, he has been quite feeble, yet he continued in his business and managed by economy to maintain himself. The funeral services were held on the 13th at the Baptist Church.

The Cooperstown papers contain the obituary of Mrs. Mary Clinton who died at Clintonville [Otsego Co. NY], April 11, aged 79 years.  She was born in Woodstock, Conn., and removed with her family to this county at the age of fifteen, when this portion of the State was almost a wilderness. After several years she removed to Broome County but returned to Otsego at her marriage in 1812.  She was a woman of strong and vigorous mind, indomitable energy and perseverance and in the midst of many trials always evinced a calm trust in God.  She ever took a deep interest in the welfare of her country and distinctly remembered Gen. Washington as she saw him in Connecticut during his last northern tour.  She often described this region of country as she first saw it, and the changes wrought by a high civilization and said she little expected to live till the iron horse stopped at her own door to leave her children as they come to visit her. She leaves eight children, among whom are Mrs. James S. Robinson of Corning, Mrs. William Lake of Toddsville and William M. Clinton, Esq.

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