Saturday, July 13, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, June 20, 1878


CASWELL - BLIVEN:  At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A.P. Merrill, Mr. E.M. Caswell of Brockport, N.Y. [Monroe Co.] to Miss Nettie A. Bliven of Preston [Chenango Co. NY].

WILBUR - WINCHEL:  In Cincinnatus [Cortland Co. NY], June 5th, by Rev. A.C. Smith, Mr. G.R. Wilbur of Triangle [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Philena Winchel of Greene [Chenango Co. NY].

CORBIN - KELLOGG:  At Elizabeth, N.J., June 12th, by Rev. W.C. Roberts, D.D., Mr. William H. Corbin to Miss Clementine Kellogg all of Elizabeth.


BARBER:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 15th, Ella A. [Barber] wife of George Barber, aged 29 years, 4 months, and 7 days, daughter of Henry Wheeler and granddaughter of Aaron B. Gates of this town [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

Death by diphtheria(?) occurred to the wife of George Barber at her residence near this place [Guilford] on Saturday morning of last week.  She leaves a husband and three children, the eldest hardly more than three years old, to mourn her loss.  The funeral will occur today (Monday).  Mr. Barber and little ones have the sympathy of the entire community in their great affliction.

BILLINGS:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], June 14th, Frederick P. [Billings] son of Burdette and Ella Billings, aged 5 years and 6 months.

Burdette Billings family met with a sad bereavement on Friday in the death of their oldest child, Freddie, the result of stepping on a tack about a week before. Freddie was an unusually attractive child and was beloved by all. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in this their hour of sad affliction.

WINSOR:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 4th, at the residence of her son-in-law, Glover Ives, Mrs. Lovisa Winsor, aged 92 years.  Deceased became a resident of Guilford when but seventeen years of age and at the time of her death was the oldest woman in the town.

CORBIN:  At Saratoga Springs, June 2d, Lydia H. [Corbin] wife of Henry J. Corbin, aged 69 years, formerly of New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY].

The funeral of Mrs. Corbin of Saratoga Springs occurred in this village [New Berlin] last week.  She was the only remaining sister of Mrs. Joseph Arnold who has been with her during the last months of her sickness.  She was a great sufferer, but bore it all with meekness and patience, until the dim shadows of this life were changed to eternal day.  She was laid away to rest in the quiet little cemetery just below our village, where the murmur of the silvery Unadilla never disturbs the ear of its silent sleepers.  Mrs. Arnold and her excellent family feel the sad affliction deeply.

ROSE:  Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mrs. Hannah Rose died on the 16th inst. of consumption.  The funeral took place from her late residence on Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock.

LEWIS:  Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Ellis Lewis of Fenton [Broome Co. NY] died on Sunday night at 12 M, aged about 70 years.  Cause of death was typhoid pneumonia. The funeral we understand, is appointed for Wednesday.


CONWAY:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], June 14th, after a lingering illness, Katie [Conway] only daughter of Corneilus Conway, aged 29 years.  Her funeral was largely attended at St. Patrick's Church on Sunday morning and many sympathizing friends followed her remains to Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] where they were interred in the family lot in the Catholic cemetery.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 19, 1878:  The above announcement is not an unexpected one, for after years of pain and sickness and seeming oscillation between life and death, the announcement has been looked for at any time.  Katie was an only daughter, but not as such alone was she the pet of the household.  Her gentle manners, kind disposition, and real goodness of heart endeared her to all, so that whether in the family circle, in the Sunday or day school, or with her youthful companions, she was universally beloved and esteemed, and when at last the final blow fell, it struck not only her immediate relatives and friends, but all who knew her, as well.  This was particularly apparent at her funeral at St. Patrick's Church on Sunday morning, which, notwithstanding the driving storm, was filled to its utmost capacity with sympathizing friends and acquaintances who came to mingle their grief with the stricken parents and brothers.  The beautiful and feeling remarks of the pastor, Rev. Father Harrigan found a ready response in the hearts of all present. and as each one filed past the casket and gazed upon the face of the dead, the oft noticed tear attested how well she was beloved.  The burial took place in the family yard at the Catholic ground in Oxford, where other children of Mr. C. have been buried before, and the remains were accompanied by a large number of friends. We would mingle our sympathies, with those of our entire community, with the afflicted family in their bereavement.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 19, 1878


LAMB - CASTLE:  At the Unadilla House in Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], May 29, 1878, by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Mr. Eliott Lamb and Miss Eliza M. castle, both of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].

GATES - EVANS:  At Centerville [Allegany Co. NY] June 15th by Rev.  H.G. Harned, of Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY], Mr. Addison Gates of Madison Co. [NY] to Miss Ada Evans, of Centerville, N.Y.


Smithville, Chenango Co. NY:  There has been quite a number of cases of diphtheria in town, causing the death of two persons, one, a daughter of George Kinnier aged six years and a son of Wm. Gipson.  We are glad to state that it is abating.

Smithville, Chenango Co. NY:  George Taylor's wife was buried last Friday.  She was taken with typhoid fever some weeks ago and was recovering, when inflammation of the lungs set in, causing her death. She leaves one daughter, aged five years.  She was twenty-six years of age.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, July to September 1824

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, July 28, 1824


At Westford, Otsego Co. [NY] on the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Caldwell, Amasa Thayer Esq. Attorney at Law of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Waity Smith of Westford.


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 21st inst. Mr. John B. Phelps in the 66th year of his age.

In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on Tuesday the 7th inst. Mrs. Anne Barlow consort of Mr. Samuel Barlow in the 72nd year of her age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 18, 1824


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], last evening, by the Rev. John Bangs, Mr. David R. Slotte to Miss Polly Hawkins, both of Delhi.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 8, 1824


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last by Elder Mabie, Mr. John Blanchard to Miss Polly Dibble.

In Meredith [Otsego Co. NY] on the same day by Elder Tuttle, Mr. Levi Dutton to Miss Abby Benedict.


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 2d inst. Mr. George Mason, aged about 53 years.

In the town of Walton [Delaware Co. NY], on the 6th inst. Mr. Jonathan Smith.


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday evening last, in the thirtieth year of his age, Ozias S. Decker, Esquire, Counselor at Law.

The afflicting dispensation which so early exacted from him the debt of nature, has wrung the hearts of an attached circle of friends and deprived the profession to which he belonged of one whom native talents and correct habits eminently qualified for success.  Among his professional brethren none beheld fairer prospects of eminence and usefulness, for none attracted a more lively regard, or enjoyed more cordial and general esteem.

In testimony of their respect for his memory, the following resolutions were adapted by the Members of the Delaware Bar at a meeting held at the court House on the 4th inst. of which General Erastus Root was Chairman and Levinas Mosson, Esq. Secretary.

Resolved, That while assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to our deceased friend, Ozias S. Decker, Esq. our feelings prompt us to say, that in him the Bar is deprived of one of its most worthy members.  The fine talents with which nature had enriched him had been cultivated in a manner to ensure distinction to himself and usefulness to his fellow men. The high hopes of his friends, formed from those presages which he had evinced of future eminence as a lawyer, have been blasted by his untimely death.  But not his merits only as a member of that profession which he adorned claim our regard.  Society is called to mourn the loss of an upright and public spirited citizen.  His social virtues will long endear him to our fond recollections.  Amiable in his manners, frank and generous in disposition, sincere in his friendships, he won the love of his friends and the esteem of his acquaintance.

Resolved, As a faint testimonial of our respect for his virtues we will wear crape on the left arm until the expiration of the term of our County Court in October next.

The funeral solemnities took place on Saturday, and were rendered edifying and impressive by an appropriate discourse delivered at the Court House by the Rev. E.K. Mainsil, after which the remains of the deceased were interred with military honors by the Company of Infantry late under his commend joined by the Officers of Col. Foote's Regiment, the Members of the Bar, and a numerous concourse of citizens.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 15, 1824


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY], on Tuesday the 7th inst.. by the Rev. Isaac Headley, Mr. Caleb S. Benedict of Walton to Miss Eliza Annis Hoyt late of Wilton, Connecticut.


In Middletown [Orange Co. NY] in the 71st year of his age, John Grant, Esq.

In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Monday last, Morris F. [Fitch] son of Dr. Cornelius R. Fitch, aged two years and six months.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 22, 1824


In Catskill [Greene Co. NY] on Wednesday the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Prentiss, Edwin Croswell Esq., Editor of the Albany Argus to Miss Catharine Adams daughter of John Adams Esq.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 29, 1824


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on Sunday the 26th inst. by the Rev. Isaac Hadley, Mr. Smith St. John to Miss Melissa Coleman daughter of Daniel Coleman, Jun.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 22, 1824

News Item

Trial for Murder

At a Court of Over and Terminer, held at Montrose, Pa. last week by the Hon. Edward Herrick, Jason Treadwell was tried on an indictment for the murder of Oliver Harper, in May last.  The trial commenced on Wednesday morning, and was very ably conducted by Messrs. Eldred, Mallory and Read, on the part of the Commonwealth, and Messrs. Case and Williston for the prisoner.  After argument of counsel and a clear and lucid charge, the case was submitted to the jury on Saturday evening.  On Sunday morning the jury returned a verdict of Guilty.

The testimony, although principally circumstantial, was clear and pointed; irresistibly establishing the prisoner's guilt, and exhibiting in him a depravity of heart, seldom evinced in cases of equal magnitude. Treadwell, no doubt, had meditated the murder of Harper for several days previous to carrying his designs into execution.  He had ascertained, as near as possible, the time Mr. Harper would return from Philadelphia to which place Mr. Harper had been with lumber.  Having blacked and disguised himself, he lay in wait nearly two days in an unfrequently tract of woods adjoining the road Mr. Harper would necessarily travel, a few miles distant from his residence. It does not appear that Mr. Harper was in any way appraised of the approach of the murderer.  He was shot through the head and instantly expired.  Treadwell then rifled his pockets of about $400 and fled to the woods.  On the day the murder was committed, he was seen with his rifle by a Mr. Welton, blacked and secreted by the way, near the spot where Mr. Harper was found.  He was subsequently recognized by Mr. Welton.  This, with other circumstances led to his detection and finally to his conviction.  Early on Monday morning last, sentence of death was passed upon him.  He appeared quite unconcerned. During the whole trial and on the judge' pronouncing the awful sentence of the law, he remained unmoved, as if unconscious of his fearful situation or the deep depravity of the crime he had committed. The time of execution is, by the laws of that state, to be fixed by the governor.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1809, 1947, 1848 & 1853

 The Impartial Observer, Cooperstown, NY, January 7, 1809


On the 15th ult. in Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] Mrs. Abigail Mathewson in the 59th year of her age.

The Impartial Observer, Cooperstown, NY, January 14, 1809


On the 15th ult. Col. Jacob Hochstrasser of Trenton in the County of Oneida [NY].  He was an officer in the patriot army of our revolution, and for several years after the war, was a member of the Legislature for the respectable County of Albany.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 20, 1847


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 18th inst. by H.S. Babcock, Esq., Mr. Robison Carr to Miss Caroline Eldred both of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, March 8, 1848


In Louisville [St. Lawrence Co. NY], on the 16th ult by the Rev. Mr. Dodge, H.J. Ball of Oswego to Miss Ruth Ann Blend of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].


In Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Mrs. Martha Deming, relict of the late Col. Adin Deming in the 79th year of her age.

In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], on the 25th ult. Mr. Nathan Adams aged about 43 years.

In Decatur [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st ult., Mrs. Nancy [Thayer] wife of Mr. Jonathan Thayer, aged about 61 years.

In South Valley [Cattaraugus Co. NY] on the 22d ult. Mr. Noah Adsitt, aged about 80 years.

In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], on the 10th ult., Mr. Charles Wait, aged about 50 years.

In Westford [Otsego Co. NY] on the 16th ult, Miss Abigail Washburn, aged 23 years.

In Worcester [Otsego Co., NY] on the 19th Jan., Mrs. Nancy Campbell aged 30 years.

In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], on the 13th Jan., Mrs. Asenith Thompson aged 65 years.

At Buffalo [Erie Co. NY], on the 12th ult. Mr. Alanson Pierson, aged 43 years, formerly of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY].

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, February 16, 1853


In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], on the 7th inst. by Rev. J.N. Adams Mr. Ransom B Quimby to Miss Caroline Arnold both of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY].


In Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] on Saturday morning the 5th inst. John C. Doubleday son of Seth Doubleday Esq. in the 32d year of his age.

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Jan. 27th, Wm. C. Matterson, youngest son of Joshua D. Matterson, aged 21 years.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 16, 1853


At Milford Centre [Otsego Co. NY] on the 9th inst. by Rev. J. Soule, Mr. Theodore Marvin of Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Minerva Soule of Milford Centre.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 23, 1853


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], March 16, by Rev. E.C. Hodge, Mr. George Figger of Oneonta to Miss Rebecca Wilson of Davenport, Del. Co. [NY].


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], Dec. 31, 1852, of Consumption, Mrs. Jane E. [Scofield] wife of Mr. William H. Scofield aged 34 years.

She bore her sufferings with Christian fortitude and in the darkest, saddest hour, triumphed over man's last enemy, death, by exhibiting a faith in the soul's immortality clear, bright and glorious.  She has left husband, children and friends to whom she had endeared herself by many amiable dualities of heart and acts of kindness during her life.

At a special meeting of the Oneonta Tent, No. 562, I.O. of R. of which Mr. Scofield is a member, it was resolved that we drebly sympathize with our afflicted brother and that while he remembers with grief the irreparable loss he has sustained, we hope he will not forget that he has a band of brothers who will rally around him, willing each and all to share his grief and lighten his burthen, until called hence by the high Chief Ruler, to meet the glorified spirit of her he loved in the Tent of everlasting peace.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1878

 Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, June 26, 1878


June 25:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], William Fleming aged 52 years.

May 25:  In Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY], Ada [Davis] only daughter of Adelbert and Mary Davis, aged 11 months and 12 days.

Four little ones has Christ taken from these stricken parents, but safe are they within the enclosure of heaven.  May the parents thus sadly bereaved greet them in the sunny land.

"I take these little lambs says he / And fold them in my breast; / Protection they shall find in me, / In me be ever blest."

News Item

On Thursday last, Charles and Freddie Day, aged respectively thirteen and nine years, sons of James H. Day of Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], were out in a field with a rifle trying to shoot crows and squirrels.  The younger of the two was just recovering from a severe illness and was hardly able to be out.  While going through a field they were attacked by a ferocious bull and endeavored to run and thus escape the infuriated animal.  It would have been an easy matter for the older boy to escape, but Freddie was soon exhausted by his efforts which was noticed by his brother, and as he began to lag and could run no longer, Charles placed himself between the pursued and pursuer, just as the hot breath of the bull could almost be felt, and seeing that he could not turn the animal, drew his rifle and with wonderful nerve and coolness fired, killing the beast instantly and thus saving his brother. 

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, june 21, 1878


At Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], June 13, by Rev. L.M. Purlington, A.W. Banker of Great Bend, Pa. and Mrs. Mary E. Butler, of Unadilla.


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY], June 13, Clark [Launt] son of P.P. Launt, aged 18 years.

In Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY], June 10, Ester [Parsons] wife of Lucius Parsons, aged 25 years.

In North Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY], June 13 Oscar Ellsworthy aged 32 years.

In Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY], June 18th, Orra Peabody in the 79th year of his age.

News Item

Family Reunion

Tuesday, the 11th inst. was a most joyous and happy day to many of the descendants and their immediate friends of William Stevens, one of the pioneers of the town of Milford [Otsego Co. NY].  The occasion was the annual reunion of the numerous and honored living posterity of their worthy progenitor at the "old homestead" now occupied by Ezra Stevens, the younger son of the pioneer.

Prospectively the day was unpropitious, but before the sun had passed the meridian, brighter skies had dawned, and members and friends of the family had assembled to the number of one  hundred.  It was indeed a harmonious and happy reunion, one long to be remembered by all who participated.  The aged seemed to live in the golden past once more and the young listened with unwonted interest and delight to the thrilling reminiscences of their grandfather's days.

Here on the identical spot where William Stevens, the esteemed ancestor more than eight years before first set foot and braved the dangers and hardships of a wilderness home, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren join in happy greeting and in honoring the name of one that was as noble as he was brave, one in whose veins coursed "That blood of honest fame, / Which no tyranny could tame / By its charms."  Of the hardy New England stamp he was one of those to whom we owe so much for our glorious civilization.

A bountiful repast came in its order, after which the chairman, Alvin Lyon announced that the hour set apart for the intellectual feast had arrived.  Ezra Stevens than presented briefly an interesting genealogy which he had prepared of the family, dating several generations prior to the time of his father's family.  The history showed that the family had ever been marked for giving to the world men and women of sterling worth.

Of the immediate descendants of William Stevens, about one hundred and thirty are now living and are every way worthy to perpetuate the name and virtues of him whom they love to remember with veneration.

Rev. A.S. Clark spoke briefly of the lessons to be drawn from the occasion, while we admire the noble spirit of our fathers, we should pay our obligations to posterity in full.

Alvin Lyon, a son-in-law of the elder Stevens, for more than eighty years a resident of the town, spoke of his intimate acquaintance with the family for the greater part of his life.  He also related some of the stirring experiences of the early settlers.  A most interesting old man he is, apparently good for another decade or two.

The history of the Stevens family possesses a new interest just now, as we are on the eve of the one hundredth anniversary of the massacre of Wyoming. William Stevens, our hero, and the father of a numerous family, eight of whom are still living, was one of the survivors of this ill-fated hour.  Though only six years of age, he remembered to the day of his death, twenty years ago, the bloody scene there enacted.  In company with other survivors, he went to New England from whence he subsequently came to give the vigor of his manhood and the glory of his age, and better still, a noble posterity to bless the age in which we live.  

A.S. Clark, Laurens, June 17, 1878

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, June 1878

 Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, June 20, 1878


In this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], June 13th, Orra Peabody in the 79th year of his age.  He was born in Pierstown at Leatherstocking Falls [Otsego Co. NY] and has always resided in Otsego [Otsego Co. NY], He has ever borne the character of an industrious, honest and upright citizen and was an exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church.

In Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY] June 10th, Anna Conkin [Hinds] wife of Charles J. Hinds and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Conklin in the 20th year of her age.

At Phoenix Mills [Otsego Co. NY], June 17th, '78, Martin [Coss] son of Eben and Sarah Coss, aged 4 years, 11 months and 12 days.

At East Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], June 8th, Nancy M. Felter [Rockerfellow], wife of John Rockerfellow, aged 69 years, 7 months and 2 days.

In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], May 10th, Samuel Derby aged 73 years.

In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] May 20th, Mrs. Betsey Silver aged 77 years. 

In Elk Creek [Otsego Co. NY], May 31st, Charles Brownell aged 51 years and 4 months.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], June 7th, John H. Bartlett of Natick, Mass., aged 54 years.

At Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], june 11th, Benjamin Millias, aged 61 years, 2 months and 2 days.


Whereas it has pleased our Grand Master to remove from among us our esteemed Brother Henry Fitch and 

Whereas, We desire to put upon record our regard for him as a man and a Mason; therefore

Resolved, that in the death of brother Fitch, Farmers' Lodge has lost a valued and useful member. and each individual brother a friend.  We sincerely mourn his loss, yet believe that the Masons' God is a God of justice and that his tender mercies are over all his works.  Mourning not as those without hope, we fondly trust that our loss is our brother's eternal gain. We rejoice that our Supreme Grand master has given Him Divine promise that He will be a father to the fatherless and the widow's God and to Him we commend the stricken widow for that consolation which is beyond our power to impart.

Resolved, That our Lodge Room be draped in mourning for thirty days.  That these resolutions be entered in the minutes and published in the Freeman's Journal and Otsego Republican and a copy thereof be presented to the family of the deceased with the assurance of our warmest sympathy.

Committee: William Joslyn, S.B. Ackerman, William Talbot; West Burlington [Otsego Co. NY], June 12, 1878.


At a regular communication of Evergreen lodge, No. 363, held at their rooms at Springfield Center [Otsego Co. NY], May 2, 1878, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:

Whereas It has pleased the Ruler of the Universe in His wise providence to remove by death out worthy brother, Hiram R. Wood, therefore

Resolved, That in his death this Lodge has lost an exemplary, worthy member, the community an upright citizen, his family an indulgent father and loving brother.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the relatives in this severe affliction and although their loss is irreparable, his memory will long survive, enshrined in the hearts of those who knew and loved him well.

Resolved, That the above be published in the Cooperstown papers, a copy be presented to the family of the deceased and entered upon the minutes of this Lodge.

Committee:  J.A. Greegs, A. Tillon, D.C. Curtis.


On Monday evening last, as the train on the Cooperstown Road was nearing Phoenix Mills [Otsego Co. NY], engineer Sith saw a man ahead, walking on the track.  He gave the usual warning, sharp and repeatedly, and then seeing that he did not step off the track as expected, Mr. S. Whisted "down breaks" and reversed his engine, but the distance was too short in which to stop the train, and the man was taken up by the cow catcher, thrown back upon the bumper, breaking his right leg and arm and inflicting a severe bruise upon the back of his head.  Fatal injuries were inflicted, and he has remained in a comatose condition from the time he was struck until 10 Tuesday A.M.  His death is hourly expected.

The name of the unfortunate man is Daniel Cahoone, 66 years of age and deaf and dumb.  He is a resident of Herkimer County [NY] and was on a visit to his brother-in-law Mr. Reynolds at the Phoenix.  A few years ago, he sustained severe injuries in the same manner, while walking upon the railroad track near Richfield [Otsego Co. NY].  He was taken to Mr. R.'s house and the R.R. Co. sent Doct. Hills immediately to see him on the arrival of the train, but nothing could be done for him.  He was so badly injured that he seemed entirely unconscious.

No blame attaches to the engineer in this case.  It is his almost daily experience to see people walking on the track ahead of the approaching train and many of them will refuse to leave it until the engine is almost upon them.  This man's condition was of course unknown and unsuspected, and he was expected to step aside in time as others do, until it was too late to prevent the collision.

P.S. Mr. C. died about 11 o'clock A.M.

News Item

Four generations of the family of Mrs. Sally W. [Steere] relict of James Steere of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] celebrated her eightieth birthday on Friday last, at the old homestead in that town.  Between fifty and sixty persons were present and an enjoyable time was passed with the usual picnic, songs and speeches.  "Aunt Sally Steere" has lived a long, busy and useful life.  She began her married career at the head of about thirty persons, many of them being in her own immediate family, and though she always had the care and supervision of a large household, yet her energy and management have enabled her to  find time and means to help the poor, to assist her neighbors in sickness, to entertain her large circle of friends, to cultivate her rare and beautiful house plants and flower garden, and still keep her home as a model of neatness, economy and convenience, and the finished specimens of her industry and handiwork, in the shape of extra fine homemade linens are the admiration of all her loving guests - yet, proudest thought of all, she is the mother of eleven children, of whom five sons and two daughters remain to bless her in living the Christian lives she has ever impressed upon them by both precept and example.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878 & 1880

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, June 12, 1878


On Monday evening last week, it being the fifteenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. M.V.B. Winsor, a number of their friends surprised them with their presence, presents, congratulations and refreshments.  The bride and groom of fifteen years seemed loth to submit at first, but later they escorted their guests up to the Hall where the ever ready Mead, with fiddle in hand, made music that brought the fantastic toe to the mark.  Mr. and Mrs. Winsor, if older than fifteen years ago, were young enough, and Miss Callie, their only child, whose bright pleasing manner and intelligent conversation are so well known, surely ought to compensate them for any evidences of age that those years have brought.  The presents were many, varied, useful and beautiful, the refreshments were such as the Guilford ladies always furnish. None can say more, I speak advisedly, and the evening was pleasantly passed by all.  May this most worthy couple never have less friends than now and may their ways be ways of pleasantness always.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, June 15, 1878


DEYO - DURKEE:  At the M.E. Parsonage in Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], May 25th, by the Rev. W.G. Queal, Mr. David Deyo of South Plymouth, NY to Mrs. Allince A. Durkeek of Salem, Mass.

TAYLOR - EDMONDS:  In Grace Church, San Francisco, May 30, 1878, by Rev. F.O. Barstow, Mr. William O. Taylor and Miss Clementine [Edmonds] daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Edmunds all of that city.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, June 13, 1878


WALDORF - TREADWELL:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], May 22d by Rev. J. Jones, Mr. Berliu H. Waldorf and Miss Nellie A. Treadwell, both of East Worcester [Otsego Co. NY].

WARNER - LORD:  In Sanford [Broome Co. NY], May 22d by Rev. A. Lord, Mr. Howard Warner of Windsor [Broome Co. NY] and Miss Vinnie Lord of Sanford.


Sidney Plains, Delaware Co. NY:  Mrs. L. Parsons died Monday morning.  She leaves many sorrowing hearts.  Her Christian example and her kindness to all won the respect and love of all who know her.  She expressed herself as ready and willing to go to a better home.  We trust she is now where sorrow and death never come.  Funeral services at the house Wednesday morning by her special request.  Rev. Mr. Johnson officiated and preached from words of her own selection.

Weekly Press, Afton, NY, May 20,1880


David Beers of Montana, N.J. and Welthy L. Lyon of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] were united in holy matrimony by Rev. E.T. Jacobs, at his residence on the morning of May 19. (Marriage of two mutes).


Died in Afton [Chenango Co. NY], May 20th, at the residence of her son-in-law, N.B. Stowell, Mrs. Clarissa Patrick aged 85 years and 3 months.  Her remains were taken to Cuyler, Cortland County, N.Y. and buried by the side of her husband, the late Henry Patrick, one of the oldest inhabitants of that town.

Henry Cook of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] while attempting to cross the track in front of an advancing train, was struck and killed by the locomotive.  He was working on the highway and not hearing the whistle had passed nearly across with a load, when the engine struck the hind end of the wagon and threw him violently against the front of the engine which carried him some distance before they were able to stop.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 12, 1878


TIFFANY - TURNHAM:  In Round Rock, Williamson County, Texas, April 4th, by Rev. J.F. Battaile, Mr. Frank A. Tiffany, of Mexico, formerly of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] to Mrs. Zoe Turnham daughter of Gen. Hazard P. Hale.

Under its appropriate headings in today's Telegraph will be found the notice of the marriage of Frank R. Tiffany, well-known as a former Norwich boy, and son of John M. Tiffany of this village [Norwich].  Frank now resides in Texas and though far away, his many friends here wills be glad to hear of his good fortune and tender congratulations accordingly.  Ye typhos of the Telegraph office unite in good wishes to their old companion.


Just now the family of Oscar Gager of this village [Mt. Upton, Chenango Co. NY] is a sadly bereaved one.  On May 26 a daughter aged 19, wife of Egbert Lamphere, died on Tuesday; following another daughter died on her 14th birthday; also, the infant of Mrs. Lamphere on the same day; and on the 2nd day of June their daughter Carrie, wife of Wilber Smith, was borne by sorrowing friends to her last resting place; all victims of that terrible disease diphtheria.  Only one more death has occurred here from the same cause, a son of Levi Lamphere aged 3 years, all the other cases are rapidly improving.  There is something remarkable in the fatality of this disease.  It has been confined almost entirely to families closely related.  It will be remember that Norman Nichols of Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] lost several children a short time ago, and Mrs. Nichols is a sister of Mrs. Gager and Mr. Lamphere.  Can learned doctors explain.

Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY:  Justin Gager a much respected farmer residing two miles east of this village, died very suddenly at his residence last week.  The cause is attributed to heart disease.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Horace Cornelius lost a child aged nine months with inflammation on t he lungs last Saturday.  Funeral on Monday at 10 o'clock A.M.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mrs. Irene Stowell daughter of Harmon B. Terwilliger, died on Saturday last.  Obsequies took place at her late residence at Smithville [Chenango Co. NY] on Sunday.

North Norwich, Chenango Co. NY:  Friday afternoon, when the sad and painful message reached this village, of the sudden and untimely death of Mrs. Amos Waters, the wife of one of our citizens. It spread like wildfire and was soon known to all.  Sometime during Wednesday, Mr. Bissell, the father of the deceased, came to this village, and took her to his own home, thinking perhaps that the change might possibly be beneficial to her feeble health and better care could be given her although at that time she was not considered dangerously ill, but rather on the gain.  She was about the house, until almost up to the hour of her death.  The funeral was held at the house of Mr. Fitch Bissell at Wood's Corners, Sunday afternoon. Rev. Samuel Scoville of Norwich officiated. The remains of the deceased were brought to this village for interment.  Opportunity was given at the grave for those assembled to look for the last time upon the remains of one who had been a true wife and devoted mother.  The deceased leaves a husband and four small children who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad affliction and bereavement.  The age of the deceased was 29 years, 10 months, and 13 days.  G.S.T.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 15, 1878


MOON - THORNTON:  In Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY], June 1st, by Rev. B.T. Davies, Mr. Edwin Moon of Newark Valley [Tioga Co. NY] to Miss Rosa Thornton of Whitney's Point.

BURDICK - MORSE:  In New Woodstock, Madison Co. [NY]\ May 15th, by Rev. E.P. Brigham, Mott R. Burdick to Allie I. Morse all of New Woodstock.

TREADWELL - MARTIN:  At the M.E. Parsonage, Port Crane [Broome Co. NY] June 2nd by Rev. E.L. Bennett, Mr. Wellington L. Treadwell and Miss Lizzie Martin both of Chenango, N.Y. [Broome Co.].


Silver Wedding

June 7th, 1853, Rev. B.B. Carruth, formerly of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], was united in matrimony with Miss H. Elizabeth Leonard. The Rev. gentleman is now stationed at Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY] and the good people of that locality generously remembered their pastor on the occasion of the twenty-fifth return of the wedding anniversary.  The Otsego Journal gives the following particulars:

Preparations had been made at the parsonage for a few invited guests from the different localities in which they had lived, especially their earlier friends remembered, and at an early hour they began to assemble.  There were representatives from Mt. Upton, North Norwich, Willett, Cincinnatus, East Pharsalia and Butternuts and a silver proxy from the State of Minnesota.  About fifty sat down to the sumptuous repast provided.  Three only of the number were present at the nuptial ceremonies of twenty-five years ago.  These were Mrs. M.W. Edminister, of Guilford, a sister of Mrs. Carruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Berthier Herrick, of East Pharsalia, Mrs. H. a sister of Mrs. Carruth.  One brother, Mr. W.S. Carruth, of Cincinnatus, was present.

After the dinner was served, all repaired to the parlor, where in behalf of the friends assembled Rev. T.P. Halstead, of Mt. Upton, in a neat and appropriate speech presented the gifts of the friends, and all joined in singing: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."  A fervent, feeling, prayer offered by Bro. H. and again they sang, "How sweet it will be in that beautiful land."

Just as the company was about to disperse, the friends from the immediate locality, having got wind of the affair began, uninvited, to throng the house so that soon after eight o'clock it was well filled, and kindly greetings and congratulations were again the order. Then the newcomers adjourned to the church where a brilliant scene greeted the company.  Flowers in profusion and glittering silverware, and rich cakes graced the table in the altar.  Exercises at the church consisted of a song by the choir, prayer by Rev. J.V.C. Nellis of the Presbyterian Church.  Music by the Butternuts Cornet Band.  Then Fred N. Winans, M.D., introduced Rev. T.P. Halstead to represent the kind people of Gilbertsville, which he did in his most felicitous manner, presenting the gifts of self-invited guests consisting of a silver table set of four pieces, cake basket, castor, butter dish, spoon holder, etc.  The pastor's only response was simply thanks, for the heart was too full for utterance, but he called out the Rev. Mr. Nellis to respond for him who made acknowledgement in a most happy and felicitous manner.  Ice cream and cake was passed by willing hands and "all went merry as a marriage bell."

The aggregate of gifts from invited and self-invited guests of the day and evening reached the sum of seventy-five dollars.  At a late hour the company separated, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. C. long life and happy days in the future, in which we know their many friends in this county will heartily join.


CADY:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] June 10th, Mrs. Lois N. [Cady] wife of Ira Cady, aged 48 years.

SWART:  At East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], of diphtheria, May 16th, 1878 Jessie May [Swart] aged 10 years, 2 months 5 days.  Also May 22d, A.J. [Swart] aged 11 years, 6 months and 19 days, children of Samuel and Julia Swart.