Saturday, September 28, 2024

Vital records, Otsego County, NY 1810, 1848 & 1878

 Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, October 20, 1810


At Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY], Jabez D. Hammond Esquire, Counsellor at Law, to Miss Miranda Stoddard of Connecticut.

At Wethersfield (Conn.) Lewis Strong, Esq. Counsellor at Law, Northampton (Mass.) to Miss Maria Chester of the former place.

At Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY], Mr. James Stowell to Miss Susan Cook.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], Mr. Samuel Huntington to Miss Abigal Sabin.

At Boston (Mass.), Mr. Jonathan Wild Jun. to Miss Harriot Joy.

First courtship, Wild with joy ecstatic, / The brighten'd hours of life beguil'd; / Then marriage snatch'd the Joy emphatic, / And left the parties doub'y Wild.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, November 10, 1810


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 3rd inst.  Mrs. Rachel Mudge, consort of Mr. Elnathan Mudge, aged 45 years.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, December 1, 1810


In this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th ult after a short but severe illness, Mr. John Pier in the 21st year of his age.  He was the eldest son of Mr. Aoner Pier.  By the death of this amiable young men, who but a few days ago was in the full vigor of youth, the fond expectations of a father have been blighted and society deprived of a valuable member.  His death presents a striking example of the uncertainty of life and is an impressive call to his surviving companions to be also ready.

At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Mr. John Adams.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, December 8, 1810


At Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th inst. Mr. Jonathan Sprague to Miss Susan Dewey.


On Sunday evening last, a son of Mr. Benjamin Bissel aged 12 years was unfortunately drowned in the pond near Messrs. Phinney's and Todd's Paper mill.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, September 2, 1848


In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] on the 25th ult. by the Rev. Judson Davis, Mr. Soloman Hilsinger of Decatur [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Mary Chase of Maryland.

At Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY] on the 27th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Charles Peck to Miss Mary Bishop, both of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY].

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 30th ult. by the Rev. L. Sperry, Mr. Garvin Cook of Westford to Miss Clarissa Brown of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on Thursday morning, 31st ult. by Rev. A.E. Campbell, Mr. George D.  Hinman of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Emily D. Fowler of this village.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown NY, September 9, 1848


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 3d inst. by H.S. Babcock, Esq., William V. Scott to Elizabeth A. Cole both of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY


In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] on the 30th ult. Ruth Root wife of Truman Root, aged 50 years.  She was an affectionate wife, beloved and respected by a large circle of relatives and friends and had been for more than half her days a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and died in the faith of her Redeemer.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, September 16, 1848


In Emanuel Church, Little Falls [Herkimer Co. NY], on the morning of the 11th inst. by Rev. Alfred B. Beach, Mr. James H. Nellis of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Eliza M. Bucklin of the former place.

In Exeter [Otsego Co. NY] on Thursday the 7th inst. by the Rev. John Hughes, Mr. James G. Wells of Hartford to Miss Mary M. Jones daughter of Cornelius Jones of Exeter.

In Burlington Flatts [Otsego Co. NY] on the 12th inst. by the Rev. S.G. Jones, Mr. Fitch Hubbell to Miss Cordelia [Brown], eldest daughter of Mr. Rufus Brown.


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], after a brief and painful illness, Mrs. Phyann Ayres, aged 27 years. We trust the severe loss of the surviving husband and children is more than compensated by the fadeless bliss of the departed, who, in her last hours gave some cheering evidence that she reposed her hopes in him who has said, "I will never leave or forsake thee."

In Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], on the 4th inst. Mrs. Lydia Tully wife of Daniel Tully, aged 57.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, September 23, 1848


At Torre Haut, Indiana, on the 31st ult. by the Rev. M.A. Jewett, Mr. Cyrus W. Bishop of Terre Haut, to Miss Rachel M. Perkins of Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY].

At Toddsville [Otsego Co. NY], on the 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Laben Mathewson of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Jane Eliza Cunningham of the former place.


In Utica [Oneida Co. NY] on the 23d ult. Ella Emelia [Rounds] the only daughter of Stephen S. and Catherine Rounds, aged 3? years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, September 30, 1848


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] on the 10th inst. by the Rev. H. Clark, Mr. Orville Wilsey and Miss Mary Ann St. John, both of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].

By the same on the 13th inst. Mr. F. Birdsall of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] and Miss Emily O. Carr of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].

By the same on the 15th inst. Mr. Phinea Green Jr. of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] and Miss Polly Ann Chrispell of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY].

In Rome [Oneida Co. NY] on the 17th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Knox, Charles Carroll Esq. of New London, to Miss Sarah A. [Butts] daughter of Daniel Butts, Esq. of the former place.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 27th inst. by H.S. Babcock Esq., Mr. Andrew Eldred of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Naomi Platt of Milford [Otsego Co. NY].


In Ithaca [Tompkins Co. NY on the 189th inst. Mr. Gilbert Arver, formerly a resident of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], aged 29 years.

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, September 5, 1878


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] August 30th, Sarah E. [Pickens] wife of Lorenzo Pickens, aged 40 years. She departed int he confident expectation of a blessed immortality beyond the grave.

At Hartwick Seminary [Otsego Co. NY] Sept. 2d, 1878, Frederick T. [Hampson] son of Thomas and Louisa Hampson, aged 5 years and 3 months.

Clark Bassett of West Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY] was drowned on the evening August 25th at that place.  He and Mr. Miller were fishing on the mill pond near the village and by some means the boat which they occupied was capsized.  both sank and Mr. Miller succeeded in reaching the shore but Mr. Bassett was unable to escape.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1826) & Broome (1838) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 11, 1826


In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] on the morning of the 7th inst. Mrs. Nancy McClaughry, wife of Joseph McClaughry Esq in the 49th year of her age.  Mrs. McClaughry, after bearing with Christian fortitude and resignation a long and painful sickness, left this life with the bright hope of a blessed immortality, leaving a husband and ten children to mourn their irreparable loss.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 18, 1826


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday the 12th inst. Ann Eliza Stoddart, daughter of Mr. William Stoddart in the eighth year of her age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 8, 1826


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Monday the 6th inst. by Elder Crane, Mr. Nathaniel Stewart of Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] to Mrs. Abigail Flint of the former place.


At Woodbury (Conn.) Mr. Samuel Moody, under extraordinary circumstances.  It is stated that he fell into the river in that place and was taken from the water a short time after, apparently dead, and efforts were made to resuscitate him, but these proving ineffectual, everyone concluded the vital spark had fled and arrangements were made for his internment.  The grave was dug and his remains were clothed with the usual habiliments of death, when he suddenly came to be and rising up, exclaimed with an oath that he was not dead yet, and should live the period of two years.  But the anticipations of the unhappy man were not realized in this particular, for after the funeral arrangements had been countermanded, and his grave filled, he swooned and in fact died.  Let this case be a warning to the attendant of such as suffer from this cause, not to relax in their efforts to resuscitate, lest friends should be committed to the grave as dead while actually alive.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, November 15, 1826


On Sunday last in the 46th year of her age, Mrs. Abigail Whitmarsh wife of Dr. Thomas B. Whitmarsh of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY].  In the morning, she prepared breakfast for her husband, who had been called upon to visit a patient at several miles distance.  A boy, 14 or 15 years of age, was left with her.  He was out when she fell.  When he came in and found her as he supposed in a fit, he gave the alarm to the neighbors, who came in and found her dead.  As her husband was absent and no one but the boy very near and he out of doors, it was thought advisable to hold a Coroner's inquest.  It was accordingly held; verdict, "She came to her death in a natural way, by the visitation of God."  She was kind and benevolent and beloved by her numerous relations and friends and the church to which she belonged.  On Tuesday, her funeral was attended by the Rev. Mr. Laing and the Rev. Mr. Maxwell, and a large number of relatives and friends.  An appropriate and well delivered sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Maxwell, from this text "Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh."  Mat, 25, 13.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, December 20, 1826


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday last by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. Aypron S. Smith of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Annis Howland of Delhi.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, June 14, 1838


In the town of Lisle [Broome Co. NY] on Wednesday the 6th inst. by James Stoddard, 2d, Esq. Mr. George Setmour of Triangle [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Mary Freeman of the former place.

In the town of Greene, Chenango County [NY], on the 12th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Van Ingen, Joseph G. Masten, Esq. of Buffalo [Erie Co. NY] to Miss Christina Cameron of the former place.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, July 5, 1838


William Butler a soldier of the Revolution, died at Philadelphia a few days since, aged 108 years.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, July 10, 1838


At Owego [Tioga Co. NY] on the 10th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Ford, Stephen Strong Esq. to Mrs. Abigail Camp.

In the town of Vestal [Broome Co. NY] on the 3d instant by the Rev. Mr. Rowland, Mr. Wm. Mersereau of Union [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Harriet E. [Dunbar] daughter of John Dunbar, Esq of the former place.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, July 26, 1838


On the 17th inst. by the Rev. Solon Stocking, Mr. Alvin Burt of Macomb County, Michigan, to Miss Harriet Amsbry of this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY].


Mr. Daniel Wood of Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY], while on his way home on Saturday last in a wagon, in company with his wife, suddenly fell out and expired, it is supposed, in an apoplectic fit.  He was about 50 years of age.  A curious circumstance is mentioned in connection with the death of Mr. W. which bears upon the marvelous.  It is that about 20 years since, Mr. W's father while riding home on horseback suddenly fell from his horse, dead, not more than three rods from the same spot.  Syracuse Whig.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, 1814 & 1878

 Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, October 1, 1814


In this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY], on Thursday evening last by the Rev. Mr. Thorp, Mr. Philo Judson to Miss Charity Bradley.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, October 15, 1814

News Item

130 Dollars Reward

Deserted on the 29th ultimo, Isaac Miner, a private soldier in the 29th Regt. of Infantry.  Said Miner says he is 22 years old; is 5 feet 6 inches high, fair complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair; by profession a farmer, but by practice a villain; Says he was born in Litchfield, Conn.; Last place of residence, Lisle, in Broome County [NY].  He is in the habit of changing his name, sometimes calls himself --- Peck.  He is very vain, pays no attention to truth and from the sample which I have had of his conduct, I believe there are but few crimes, however atrocious, that he would not commit.


Deserted from the Rendezvous at this place on the 30th August, Daniel Collins, a private soldier in the 29th Regiment of Infantry.  Said Collins is about 35 years old, 5 feet 5 inches high, fair complexion, brown eyes, dark hair, and by Profession a carpenter; is an Irishman, speaks quite broken, stout built, tells much of deserting from a British Man of War.  It is supposed that Collins has gone eastward, to the North River. 

Whoever will apprehend said deserters and secure them in any jail, giving me notice thereof, or surrender them to any military post in the United States shall be entitled to a reward of fifty dollars for each of them and an additional reward of thirty dollars for the apprehension of said Miner, and all reasonable charges.  S.D. Kellogg, Lieut. 29th U.S. Infty.  Oxford, August 31, 1814.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, November 12, 1814


In Coventry (Con.), Mr. Alexander Kenney, aged 106, the number of his descendants are about nine thousand.

On the 25th of July near London, the famous Dibden, the author of twelve hundred songs, many plays, &c. all tending to excite the best affections of the heart.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, August 28, 1878


WINSOR:  In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] Aug. 20th, of consumption, George L. Winsor, Esq. aged 27 years.


MAIN:  In Westerly, RI. [or North Stonington, CT] Aug. 17th, at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Sanford Stillman, whom she was visiting, Mrs. Fanny York Main, widow of the late Randall Main, aged 82 years.  

Mrs. Main was a sister of the late Dr. E. York and of Jeremiah York, deceased, and for many years a beloved member of the Baptist Church in Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].  In that Church, her eldest daughter was married and went forth on her missionary work, and among those who now remain, there is no name more fondly recalled than the one above mentioned.  Thirty years ago, she went with her family to reside in the city of New York, from thence the husband and son Dwight, were brought to Oxford for interment, and her aged sister and her surviving son, Randall W. Main, on Tuesday brought her also to sleep beside them.  Mrs. Main has resided for the last six years at the old homestead in Stonington, Conn. with her sister, Miss Ruth York, now the last of a large family.  Whoever knew Mrs. Main loved her and most of all will those sorrow to whom she was the mother, and grandmother, reverently honored and cherished.

"We leave her, with a trust serene, / Which Time, nor Change, nor Death can move, / While with her childlike faith we lean / On Him whose dearest name is love."

News Item

Wednesday Allen Page a young man about 21 years of age, living in the town of Sanford [Broome Co. NY], shot himself while out gunning.  In passing through a field, he came upon an old plough shoe, and while examining it let it fall from his hands, striking the lock and firing the gun, the ball passing into his body immediately between the sixth and seventh ribs on the right side, and lodging under the opposite shoulder blade.  The unfortunate man walked about eighty rods after the accident, to a house, and was there attended by Dr. Hayes and Cook, of Afton who did all that could be done to relieve his sufferings.  Although alive at this writing, his recovery is pronounced as hopeless.  Binghamton Republican

Chenango American, Greene, NY, August 29, 1878


In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Aug. 6th, Gracie R. Lawton, daughter of Fred and Susie Lawton, aged 2 years and 2 months.

In Coventry [Chenango Co. NY], Aug. 23d, at the residence of Frank Williams, Mr. Marcus B. Sanford of New York City, in the 59th year of his age.

In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Aug. 17th, Elizabeth [Brown] wife of Joseph Brown, aged 57 years.

A little son of Albert Stedman, of Homer [Cortland Co. NY], was drowned in a cistern which had been uncovered, on Friday last.  He was missed when his father came home from dinner, and search being made, his body was found in the cistern. The child was about 2 years old.  Cortland Democrat

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, August 29, 1878

Romantic Story for Owego

Owego had a very romantic but entirely true story which is the general topic of conversation in that vicinity.  In 1863, a man name Arthur O'Connor kept a hotel known as the Gate Hill House, three miles north of Owego [Tioga Co. NY].  He was arrested in that year, tried and convicted for passing counterfeit money, and was sentenced to two years in the Auburn State Prison.  He was married and had two children.   He never returned home, and his wife, believing him dead, was married in 1869 to a shoemaker named Hermann Berry.  A day or two ago, O'Connor made his appearance in Owego.  Berry, his wife's second husband, was absent from home.  O'Connor obtained an interview with the wife.  She accompanied him to Hornellsville [Steuben Co. NY] where one of his children, a daughter, who had grown up and married during his absence, lives.  Berry, coming home and finding out the situation, went to Hornellsville. He found his wife and asked her whether she would go back with him or intended to go with O'Connor.  She decided to return to Owego with Berry.  O'Connor left on the next train, taking with him his son, a young man aged 17 years.  He is going to South America.  He says that after being released from Auburn Prison he went to St. louis.  There he joined a gang of bank robbers.  They robbed an Illinois bank of $240,000.  O'Connor's share of the spoils was $25,000.  With this he fled to Cuba.  He was followed, arrested, brought back and sentenced to ten years in Joliet Prison.  His treasure he secreted in Cuba.  On his release in 1876 he went directly back to Cuba and recovered his spoils.  With it he went to Brazil, where, he says, he has acquired wealth and position.  He came to this county after his family.  He had in his possession $26,000 in cash, $10,000 of which, it is said, he gave to his wife.  N.Y. Times.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, August 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, August 29, 1878


VAN DEUSEN - HOLDREDGE:  In King Settlement [Chenango Co. NY], August 25th, by Rev. C.C. Williams, Mr. George Van Deusen to Miss Hattie E. Holdredge both of King Settlement.

STEBBINS - SAMSON:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] august 21st, by Rev. W.C. Phillips, Mr. Lee Stebbins of Rockdale [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Julia E. Samson of DeRuyter.

ROBBINS - BROWN: In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], August 22d, by W.D. Powell, Esq. Mr. Frank Robbins to Miss Alice M. Brown, both of Plymouth.


BELDEN:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], August 20th, Mr. Lorenzo M. Belden, aged 67 years.

TANSEY:  In Preston [Chenango Co. NY], August 26th, Mr. Thomas Tansey aged 63 years.

DEAN:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] August 17th, Nancy [Dean], wife of Reuben Dean, aged 71 years.

MAIN:  In Westerly, R.I. August 17th, Mrs. Fanny York Main widow of the late Randall Main, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], aged 82 years.


In Memory of Benjamin P. Sisson

On Tuesday, the 29th, Benjamin Sisson passed calmly and peacefully from the shores of time into the vast, boundless eternity.  To him the thought of dying brought no fears, for his feet were firmly planted on the "Rock of Ages" and his hopes reached forth to "that which is within the veil."  His father's family consisted of ten boys and three girls only five of whom remain, and when the most of them were quire young, he was borne to the silent tomb.  But the mother, with almost superhuman energy, struggled on, kept her family together, and lived to see them occupy places of honor and respectability in society.

Benjamin Sisson was very much attached to his home.  Here he was born, and here for more than three score years and ten he had lived in the enjoyment of the respect and esteem of the community at large and loved and revered by those who were more intimately acquainted with him. For in the practice of those amenities and kindnesses which repeated day after day strengthen the cords of friendship and bind neighbors and friends together in the bonds of peace and good will.

Mr. Sisson was a pattern to all.  For thirty-four years he and his bereaved companion had lived together in the enjoyment of the most perfect domestic happiness.  Indeed, their home with its cares and duties was to them a little world, beyond which they seldom wandered except to the bedside of a suffering neighbor.  Then, their neighbor's troubles became their own, and they hastened to render every assistance in their power.  He sought not the honors and emoluments of this world, but the more certain riches of the world to come.

His remains were borne to the cemetery on Wednesday.  Notwithstanding the short notice, a large concourse of people assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed.  Rev. Mr. Fox, of Norwich, preached from words presented by Mrs. Sisson and found in the book of Job, 19th chapter, 21st verse, and the Dickerson family, assisted by Mr. Cary, the undertaker sang some of the most appropriate and sweetest selections to be found in all the category of religious song.

News Item

New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY:  On Wednesday forenoon last might have been seen a group upon Beers' portico whose united ages cannot be reached by any similar number upon this corporation - at least, we think such to be the case.  They run as follows:

Amon Alcott, aged 87; John Hyde, aged 87; Welcome Arnold, aged 83; J.F. Field, aged 72; Peleg Brown, aged 72; Stephen Card, aged 79; Daniel Harrington, aged 68; Lewis Brown, aged 64.

Some of this number have resided in this section a lifetime and can look back to the time when, where stands this village, there was nothing but a wilderness.  It is very seldom that so many representatives of the "days that tried men's souls" are permitted to congregate together.  Gazette

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 28, 1878


JACOX:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], at the home of -?- Wilbur where she has made a pleasant stay for a number of years, Mrs. -?- Jacox aged 88 years.

McDonough, Chenango Co. NY" Again the messenger of death has come and takes one of our beloved ones from our throng.  Rev. L.D. Howe, a former pastor of the F.B. Church, died on Thursday last, after a long and severe illness.  The funeral services were held at the F.B. Church on Sunday last and were attended by a large number of friends and relatives.  His remains were taken to East Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY] for interment.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 31, 1878


Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  A quiet marriage took place in this village last Wednesday evening.  The contracting parties were Oliver Quick and Della Eddleman both of this place.  Rev. Tood performed the ceremony quietly and quickly.


Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mrs. Ida F. [Edwards] of this place, died at Albany [Albany Co. NY], Wednesday of dropsy where she had been to receive medical aid. She will be taken to bighamton [Broome co. NY] Friday for burial, her parents residing there.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, April 1872

 Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, April 18, 1872


FRANCIS - MILES:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], April 4, by Rev. A. Scofield, Deacon James Francis and Miss Carrie Miles, both of Georgetown.

HYDE - LING:  In Bridgeport [Madison Co. NY], March 28, by Rev. D.D. Lowell, Mr. Dwight Hyde and Miss Maggie M. Ling, both of Bridgeport.

KEPPEL - CURTIS:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] April 8, by Rev. H.F. Dudley, Rev. David Keppel, Pastor of the M.E. Church and Miss Mary Curtis of South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY].

SEAMAN - SEAMAN:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY], April 6, by Eld. Thomas Fisher, Mr. Horace Seaman and Miss Hattie Seaman, all of DeRuyter.

BRIDGE - BECKER:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], April 12, by Rev. B.H. Brown, Mr. William Bridge, Sr.,  and Mrs. Mary Jane Becker, both of Stockbridge.

TUCKER - WHITE:  In Albany [Albany Co. NY] April 9, by Rev. S.N. Kane, Mr. Charles D. Tucker of that city, and Miss Sarah E. White, daughter of Mr. Benjamin White, of Morrisville.


WATROUS:  In Oriskany Falls [Oneida Co. NY], March 31, Charles Watrous, aged 62 years.

ABBOTT:  In Oriskany Falls [Oneida Co. NY], April 6, Mrs. Jayson Abbott aged 77 years.

JACOBS:  In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY], March 17, Mrs. Louisa Jacobs, wife of Philander P. Jacobs, aged 50 years, 5 months and 18 days.  She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.

ELMER:  In Erieville [Madison Co. NY], March 23, Mrs. Sarah J. Elmer, wife of James Elmer aged 25 years.

GRIFFITHS:  In Erieville [Madison Co. NY], April 7, Miss Betsey Griffiths, aged 19 years.

PARMALEE:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY], April 9, after an illness of a few hours, Mrs. Mary Parmalee, wife of Philo Parmalee, in the 58th year of her age.

DOTY:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY], April 10, David W. [Doty] infant son of David and Maria Doty, aged 18 months.

SHERRILL:  In Belvidere, Ill., March 21, Mr. S.R. Sherrill, formerly of Eaton village [Madison Co. NY], aged 78 years.

LEACH:  In Galesburg, Ill. March 26, Laura [Leach] wife of Clement Leach and daughter of Daniel Hatch of Eaton [Madison Co. NY], aged 65 years.

HAMBLIN:  In Perryville [Madison Co. nY], April 9, Edwin Hubbard only child of Eugene L. and Hannah B. Hamblin, aged 1 year, 1 month and 9 days.

ALLEN:  In Wampsville [Madison Co. NY], April 12, Charles Allen, in the 80th year of his age.

PEARL:  In Clinton [Oneida Co. NY], April 8, Mrs. Caroline S. Pearl, formerly a resident of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], aged about 62 years.

WHITE:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY], April 10, Isaac White, aged 66 years.

FOSTER:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], April 3d, Rachel Manress Foster aged 73 years.

RICHARDS:  In Cincinnatus [Cortland Co. NY], April 7, James Richards father of J.G. Richards, of Morrisville, aged 65 years and 7 months.


SARTWELL:  In Durhamville [Oneida Co. NY], April 2, of consumption, Eliddy Sartwell daughter of E.M. and William Sartwell, aged 19 years and 5 months.

Close by the side of our loved ones, / We lay her gently to rest; / Hoping again to meet her, / Above, in the realms of the blest.

We know that it's only the casket / That lies hidden beneath the earth / The spirit has passed to its' Maker, / And surely her gain is our dearth.

Shall we weep for the spirit that's flown, / Since we know we may meet her again, / For she has gone but few days before us, / To the land that is free from all pain.

It is not the worst sorrow to die, / Nor the purest of joy to live; / Tis a pleasure to quit this vain earth, / The blessings of Heaven to receive.

Dear Savior, when life's journey shall end, / May we meet our loved daughter in Heaven, / We will patiently wait for that hour / Till this joy to our souls shall be given.  M.M.H.


On Wednesday morning of last week Wm. O. Wormuth, residing about one mile north of Chittenango Falls in the town of Fenner [Madison Co. NY], was found dead in his door yard.  About seven o'clock, his son, Nelson, went to the residence of Levi Brown, a short distance from Mr. Wormuth's and said to him, that he "guessed his father was shot."  Mr. Brown went immediately to Mr. Wormuth's house and found his body lying in the yard about three rods north of the dwelling.  Dr. M. Billington, Coroner, of this village, was notified and proceeded to summon a jury and hold an inquest.  H.L. Keeler, Lucian D. Hamblin, Lucian T. Nourse, David Hollenbeck, Simeon Mead and William Hamblin, composed the jury.  Levi Brown, Dr. Theodore Mead, Elizabeth Wormuth and Nelson Wormuth, wife and son of the deceased, were sworn and examined as witnesses.  The following facts were elicited:  Mr. Wormuth had been in feeble health for several weeks and was taking medicine.  He arose about six o'clock in the morning, dressed, took his chamber, and went out of the house to empty the same.  His wife was in the pantry looking out the window and saw him bend over. In a moment after she saw him lying on the ground.  She called her son who lodged in the chamber.  On going out, they discovered that Mr. Wormuth was dead.  The vessel and a Colt's revolver were lying four or five feet from the body.  The pistol was a six-shooter, one barrel of which had been discharged.  Dr's Mead and Billington made a postmortem examination of the body and found that his death was caused by a pistol shot, the ball entering the left side, passing through the heart and left lung and lodging near the spinal column.  The bullet found in the body exactly fitted the empty chamber of the revolver.  A leather pouch was attached to the body, in which the deceased had for a long time carried this pistol.  The supposition is that when Mr. Wormuth bent over to empty his vessel, the pistol dropped from the leather pouch in which he carried it, striking upon the vessel which cause it to discharge. The jury rendered a verdict that his death was caused by the accidental discharge of a pistol, which the deceased carried upon his person. His age was about 75 years.  He had resided in the town of Fenner many years and although a very eccentric man, and supposed by many to be partially insane, he had accumulated a handsome property.  Times


TIFFT:  Near Bennett's Corners [Madison Co. NY], April 11, Milo H. [Tifft] son of T.J. Tifft, in the 26th year of his age.

On Thursday afternoon, April 11th, an accident occurred on the N.Y.&O. Midland Railroad in the vicinity of Bennett's Corners, which result in the instant death of the fireman, Milo Tifft.  It seems, as Randall's working train was returning to Oneida from the south, that the engine tender and three flat cars, were thrown from the track, from some unknown cause, the tender falling on the west side of the track, while the engine plunged on the opposite side burying young Tifft beneath its huge weight.  Purdy, the engineer was also carried with the engine, but fortunately escaped injury and succeeded in crawling out of the cab window.  With great difficulty, after nearly an hour's labor, the hands succeeded in getting at the unfortunate man who was buried to the depth of two or three feet in the mud and strange to say that his body bore no marks or signs of injury.  Tifft was a young man of about 24 years of age, resided in Oneida [Madison Co. NY], where he leaves a wife to not only mourn her faithful husband's death, but also the death of their only child, which died about three weeks since.  How strange, how sad, that this unfortunate woman should be a happy bride, bereaved mother, and a disconsolate widow all within the short space of fifteen months.  The brother and relatives of the deceased man wish to render their truly heartfelt thanks through The Union to the officers of the Midland Railroad, who have unhesitatingly done all that lay within their power to alleviate the sorrows of the afflicted, by not only paying a tribute of respect to the departed by running a special train from Oswego to Oneida and back, free of charge, to all who wished to attend the funeral, which was held at the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath at 2 o'clock P.M.  The company also bore the entire expenses of the burial. The many railroad hands who willingly rendered assistance in various ways, also have the sincere thanks of the relatives of the deceased. The funeral was largely attended, the church being too small to accommodate all with seats who were present.  He was formerly of Oswego [Oswego Co. NY] but had resided in Oneida for the past year.


MORGAN:  In Oriskany Falls [Oneida Co. NY], April 9, Earl Morgan, aged 6 years.

A sad accident occurred here last Tuesday by which Earle Morgan, a bright intelligent boy six years old, lost his life.  The circumstances, as near as we can ascertain them, are as follows:  On Tuesday noon Earle came home from school and after dinner his mother told him to go to his grandmothers, Mrs. A.D. Bentley, on an errand.  In going there, he crossed the creek bridge near the machine shop and went up Madison St. to the foot bridge. This foot bridge is not more than eighteen inches wide and the brave little fellow, drawing a hand sled, attempted to cross backwards, watching his sled so it would remain on the bridge. The stream was swollen to an immense height, and it is supposed that the roaring and surging of the water bewildered his brain, and he lost his balance.  Many old and full-grown men would not dare to cross the bridge at such a time, but little Earle Morgan knew no fear.  He made desperate efforts to swim, but he was carried over the falls, a depth of twenty-five feet, the base of which is full of projecting rocks.  He was rescued near Hick's dam and taken to the house of his grandfather, A.D. Bentley, where all that medical skill and kind friends could do was done to restore life, but in vain. Dr. Babcock things the injuries on his head were sufficient to produce death.  His funeral was attended Thursday at the Stone Church, Rev. M. Marshall of Madison officiating and the large number who attended his remains to the cemetery asserted that he was a general favorite among old and young and his kind parents have the sincere sympathy of the whole community in their sad affliction and bereavement.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, 1809

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, June 21, 1809


On Friday the 9th inst. Mrs. Sally Millard, wife of Mr. Benjamin Millard of this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY], in hte 37th year of her age.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, July 19, 1809


Whereas my wife Margaret [Smith] having eloped and left my bed and bord without any just cause or provocation.  This is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date.  Abel Smith, Jun., Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY], July 14, 1809.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, August 9, 1809


In the New Meeting house in Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY] on the 30th ult. by Elder Nathan Baker, Mr. Jacob Cleavland to the widow Esther Bartholomew, all of Pompey.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, August 16, 1809


I hereby forbid all persons from harboring or trusting my wife Polly [Graves] as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date, July 7, 1809. Gideon A. Graves.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, August 30, 1809


In Lebanon, Conn. on the 7th instant, his excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq. governor of Connecticut.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, September 27, 1809


On the 5th inst. in Scipio, Cayuga County [NY] by the Rev. Mr. Comstock, Abijah Yelverton Esq. of Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY] to Miss Sally L. Fleming of the former place.

In Nelson [Madison Co. NY], on Sunday evening last, by Isaac Bumpus, Esq. Mr. Lemuel Sayles to Miss Laura Adams.


In England suddenly on the 28th of June, Mr. Daniel Lambert the human mammoth.  He weighed 759 pounds and measured 3 yards 4 inches round the belly and one yard round the leg.  His coffin was 6 feet 4 inches long, 4 feet 4 inches wide and 3 feet 4 inches deep.  His cloths cost him 20 sterling a suit.  Mr. Lambert's corpulence had constantly increased until the clogged machinery of life stood still.  He was in his 40th year.  He had apartments on the ground floor, for he had long been incapable of ascending stairs.  His coffin was placed on two axle trees and four wheels and a window and a part of the wall of the room was taken down to allow of his passage.  The earth was cut away sloping towards his grave for a considerable distance, and the coffin was moved on wheels to the very place of its final deposit.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, October 4, 1809


At DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY], on the 21st ult. by Eli Gage, Esq. Mr. Charles Green to Miss Sally Miller.


At New York, on Saturday the 16th ult. George Clinton, Jun. Esq. late a Member of Congress from that city.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, October 11, 1809


At Ipswich (Mass.) Mark Ross aged 19 to the blooming Miss Betsey Freelock aged 70!

"There swims no goose so grey but soon or late, / Will find some honest gander for her mate."

In New York, after a courtship of six hours, Mr. Christopher Neunhoeffer of Ludwigsburg, Suabia, in Germany, a youth of sixty, to the blooming Miss Betsey Marks, aged seventy!

May Heav'n protect the tender pair, / And crown with bliss their hoary hair; / For never since the world began, / Was love so keen twixt wife and man.

While youngster (to their shame 'tis said) / Require some years to gain a maid. / This grey hair'd youth, with magic pow'rs, / Gain'd his fair bride in six short hours.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, October 25, 1809


At Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY] on the 1st inst. by Samuel S. Baldwin, Esq. Mr. John Willard to Miss Ruth Walker.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1847, 1854 & 1878

 Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, January 6, 1847


At Richfield Springs [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st ult., William Prentiss, aged 23 years.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, January 13, 1847


In Sharon [Schoharie Co. NY] on the 5th inst. by Rev. N. Bogardus, Mr. Garrett Hone to Miss Maria [Doxtader] daughter of M.G. Doxtader.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 7th inst. by Rev. Mr. Tracy of Springfield, Mr. Abram Deck of Stark [Herkimer Co. NY], to Miss Hellen [More] daughter of Mr. John I. More.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 1st inst. by Rev. Geo. Parsons, Mr. Jerome B. Philips to Miss Mary E. Lewis.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, January 20, 1847


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on the 13th inst. by Rev. C.H. Harvey, Mr. Elisha Thompson Jr. to Miss Eliza Nelson.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, January 27, 1847


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 7th inst. by Elder Jones, Mr. Charles Wilson to Miss Abby Jane Shermon.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 14th inst. by the Rev. J.H. Richards, Mr. John Wesley Smith to Miss Emma Marks.

In New York City on the 14th inst. by the Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, Mr. Thomas H. Tantum to Miss Jane Campbell, both of that city.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 14th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Harvey, Mr. Leonard Winne to Miss Mary Seeley.

At the same place and time, by Bp. J.D. Lawyer, Mr. Geo. Seeley to Miss Margaret E. Marks.


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on the 8th inst. Mr. James Wilson, aged 70 years.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 23d inst. Mrs. Elenor Dutcher, aged 78 years.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, May 3, 1854


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], May 1st by Rev. E.C. Hodge, Mr. Isaac Terry of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Angeline Gifford of Oneonta.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, May 24, 1954


By Rev. E.C. Hodge on the 21st inst. Mr. Dexter Bugbee of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Sarah Ceperley of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].


In this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY], on the 15th inst. Elmer Eugene [Doolittle] son of John L. and Maria A. Doolittle, aged 4 months and 19 days.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, August 30, 1878


In Sidney [Delaware Co. NY], Aug. 15, by Rev. D. Van Fradenburgh, Willis Sherman of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] and Mrs. Hortense M. Niles of Sidney.

At the Baptist Church, Westville [Franklin Co. NY], Aug. 18 by Rev. T. Simpkins, Rev. D.H. Cooper and Miss Lucia Saxton.

At the Otego House, Otego [Otsego Co. NY], August 22, by Rev. P.J. Burnham, Harry Barnes and Ella Lorett of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

At the M.E. parsonage, Milford [Otsego Co. NY], Aug. 24, by Rev. A.S. Richardson, John T. Fox of Milford and Alice L. Hoagland of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].

And now I wish to notice the marriage of one of Laurens' [Otsego Co. NY] fairest and best daughters, Miss Lucy Hurlbert was this morning married to Edward Loper of Humboldt Nb., Rev. W.H. Humphrey of South Valley performing the ceremony.  They leave town this morning for New York and the seashore to be gone a few weeks.  Will return to Laurens before leaving for their western home at Humboldt.  The presents were numerous and tasty.  Mrs. Loper has the best wishes of her Laurens friends.  We are very sorry to have one leave us who has done such good service here.  That she may enjoy a long and happy life is the wish of the outlooker.


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY], Aug. 16, John Bristol, aged 92.  The Walton Chronicle says he was probably the oldest Mason in the country, having joined the brotherhood in that village in 1809.

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY], Aug. 20, Mrs. Harvey Brown, aged 30 years.

In Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY] Aug 23, Philip VanAlstine aged 72 years.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], Aug. 23, Estella M. [Clark] wife of E.E. Clark and youngest daughter of Parmenas and Olive Trask, aged 20 years.

In North Franklin [Delaware Co. NY], Aug. 25, Richard R. Miller aged 61 years.

Franklin, Delaware Co. NY:  Two funerals occurred on Tuesday last, that of Rutson Miller at North Franklin, and that of Ashael Foote of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] in this village at the Baptist Church.

Near Burlington Flats [Otsego Co. NY], Aug. 22, Mrs. Julia Ann [Brainard] wife of Jonathan Brainard, aged 67 years.

In Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY], Aug. 21, Mary [Stevens] wife of Joshua Stevens, aged 43 years.

In Davenport Centre [Delaware Co. NY], Aug. 26, Eli H. Roberts aged 57 years.

In Croton [Westchester Co. NY], Aug. 21, William Patterson, aged 78 years.

In Walton [Delaware Co. NY], Aug. 24, Antionette Goodrich [McCall], wife of B McCall, aged 63 years.

Franklin, Delaware Co. NY:  News was received here on Monday of the death of Mrs. Wm. Kingsley at Dallas, Texas on August 20th.  Mrs. K. was a daughter of Charles Hawley, of this village, and had only moved to Texas about a year ago.

Hon. Daniel D. Dodge of Middleburgh [Otsego Co. NY] member of Assembly from Schoharie Co. in 1850 and for eight years president of the Schoharie and Middleburgh Railroad died on the 14th.

Allen Page, living near Afton [Chenango Co. NY], accidentally shot himself while hunting and died.

Wells Bridge, Otsego Co. NY:  Estella [Trask] daughter of P. Trask, died on Friday last. The funeral services conducted by Rev C.G. Wood, were held at Sand Hill [Otsego Co. NY] yesterday.

Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY]:  Two infant boys, twins, about eight months old, children of Spencer Eells, died on Thursday of last week and were buried in the same coffin the following day.


On the 20th inst. Lacello Weatherly, aged 21 years.

This was the sad news which cast a gloom over our community on Tuesday of last week and the loss of any in our midst could not have caused a deeper sorrow to settle on the minds of all.  All felt it to be the death of a friend and while it had for some days been feared, yet Hope held out the fond delusion it "might not be" that in the freshness of his years he would be spared to us "yet a little longer" so when the dread news came it was none the less felt.  His life all might emulate - it leaves an influence with us who go on with the future which must tell for good through coming years of time.  Faithful to every duty, he lived in a world of friends.  He died without an enemy.  The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the relatives of the deceased, but all feel as if the question were asked to these stricken parents, "Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy house? Is it well with thy child?"  they must answer, "It is well."


Obsequies of Cutler Owen who was drowned at Sodus Point [Wayne Co. NY], August 22d, while in the heroic act of trying to save a young lady from drowning.  The funeral of Cutler Owen, formerly of this place [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY] and late of Rochester [Monroe Co. NY] took place at the Free Baptist Church in this village on Sunday, 25th inst.  Although the morning was inclement, the church at an early hour was filled to its utmost capacity.  Rev. T.A. Stevens, of this place, assisted by Rev. E.C. Hodge, of Oneonta conducted the services in an eloquent and impressive manner.  The remarks to the family and friends were beautifully adapted to the occasion and had a telling effect on all.  The services at the cemetery in Mt. Vision [Otsego Co. NY] were solemn and affecting.  Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Webster of Mt. Vision, followed by remarks by T.A. Stevens.  Among the gathered throng were many friends who expressed a desire to view the remains.  The wish was granted and as one after another looked for the last time upon that form so calm and cold in death and thought what a noble, heroic struggle it had made for the life of a fellow being, they could but repeat:

"When hearts that are truly proven, like thine are laid in earth, / Then should a wreath be woven, to tell the world their worth."

The last look was taken, the casket was placed in its narrow tomb, and the mortal remains were left alone in the silent grave.  Thus Death will claim its own.  "Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return," was spoken to man.  None can escape the mandate of God.  The young and the old must surely yield when the reaper Death shall come.

"Leaves have their time to fall, / And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, / and stars to set-but all, / Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh Death"