Friday, August 16, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego (1848), Madison (1808) Counties, NY

 Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, July 5, 1848


On the 11th ult. by Rev. S.W. Niles, Mr. John Tice of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Laura E. Waters of the same place.

In Milford [Otsego Co. NY], on the 25th ult. by the Rev. James W. Phillips, Mr. Charles G. Nicholson of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Mary A. Chadden of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY].


In Westford [Otsego Co. NY], on the 23d ult., Ann Smith relict of David Smith, in the 71st year of her age.

In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on the 24th inst., Mr. Israel Parshall aged 65 years.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, July 12, 1848


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 29th ult. by Bp. J.D. Lawyer, Mr. Wm. Van Alstine to Miss C.M. Countryman.


In Oaksville [Otsego Co. NY] on the 23d ult. Mrs. Mary [Beatty] wife of Mr. George Beatty, aged 34 years.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on the 2d inst., Julia [Gray] daughter of Mr. Chester Gray, aged 17 years.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, July 19, 1848


In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], on the 24th ult. very suddenly, Mr. James McCollom in his 79th year.


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th inst., Roena P. [Phelon] daughter of Mr. Joseph Phelon, aged 15 years.

The recent and melancholy demise of this interesting young lady, which, though marked by no other than the ordinary circumstances of progressive disease, conveyed a shock to every nerve of sensibility in this community, should not be suffered to pass unaccompanied by a tribute to her memory, which, however humble and inadequate, as a declination of her character and remarkable genius, may serve at least as a faint expression to the general grief of which her untimely exit has been the cause.

Death is indeed a ruthless and indiscriminate destroyer.  No entreaties of friendship, no wailings of love, no cries of helpless dependency, can penetrate the leaden ear of this inexorable Monster, or limit the sweep of his mighty arm.  The nurseries of childhood and the retreats of old age, the halls of learning and the haunts of ignorance, the mansions of wealth and the hovels of want, are alike invaded by the insatiate marauder, and contribute to people the dark empire over which he reigns, in all the unrelenting terror of a hideous and universal conqueror.  In his dismal cells lie the paragon of virtue and the debauchee of vice, the wielder of the scepter and the wielder of the spade, thrown athwart each other in reckless contempt of all human distinctions.  He tears the mother from her friendless infant and turns from its lips the tide of life.  He stalks into the sacred enclosure of filial and parental tenderness, and the fairest and loveliest flower withers and dies at his touch.  Of this melancholy truth we have a striking exemplification in the sad occurrence we are now bemoaning.  If virtue, loveliness, youth and beauty - if sighs, tears, adoring friendships and agonized prayers, either all combined, could have touched the relentings or blunted the shaft of the destroyer, she had not died.  But his fearful power was triumphant. She has gone, that beauty, so fresh, so redolent with life, which the mutilating hand of disease and withering power of death could scarcely mar.  That smile so ready, so sweet, so lavish of affection, which without utterance spoke volumes of love, and called back to its artless wearer volumes of love in return.  All, all have passed away to exist no more, save in the vivid recollections of those on whose wounded hearts her image is engraven in lines that can never, no, never be effaced. 

But faded and gone as are that dimpled and pearly smile and the eye that spoke so brightly and lovingly with it.  She has left upon the world the impress of a character, a soul, which by the order of nature can never be obliterated.  "The man dies, but his deeds, his influence live," and young as she was, just passing that interesting point that separates the child from the woman, singularly combining the artless simplicity of the one with the unerring proprieties and matured accomplishments of the other, she has bequeathed as a rich legacy to her companions, a model of her sex whose symmetrical and graceful proportions may be studied with profit by them, may be copied with safety by all.  To a mind vigorous and vivid in its conceptions, of rapid growth and precocious development, was united an imagination of enchanting playfulness, and a taste that was even alive to the beauties of thought, of nature and of art.  The fabled enchantress of olden time had scarcely a readier gift in the magical than she had in the useful and ornamental arts.  She had but to touch with her wand and the palace of Aladdin all that was beautiful in conception, and graceful in execution, stood forth to excite not so much her own, as the admiration of others.

We have not designed by this humble offering to kindle afresh, nor yet on the other hand, to attempt to mitigate, grateful thought the office would, the anguish of those whose hearts have been most deeply pained by this terrible dispensation.  No - sorrow like this is too keen, too peculiar, too painfully delicate to be arrayed before the cold eye of the world, though it should be by an unostentatious and sympathizing friendship.  But while we may not uncover, ever for the purpose of kind ministration, that secret, sacred, better grief, we may thus publicly award to our common humanity, the respect which one of her purest and loveliest ornaments is calculated to inspire.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, July 26, 1848


In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 23d inst. by the Rev. G.S. Boardman, Dr. John Kellogg to Miss Henrietta M. Flint daughter of Mr. Henry Flint, all of this village.


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Col. NY] on the 14th inst., Mr. Henry C. Platner in the 62d year of his age.

Mr. Platner was in the enjoyment of his unusual health until about one hour before his death, when he was taken sick and before medical aid could be procured, he breathed his last in inexpressible agony.  Mr. P. came from Columbia County [NY] about 40 years ago, and has ever since resided in this town, where he has reared a numerous and respectable family of sons and daughters.  An enterprising citizen, a good neighbor, a kind husband and father, his loss will be extensively felt and deeply deplored.  The respect with which he was regarded was evinced by the very numerous assemblage of relatives and sympathizing citizens who followed him to the grave.

Called upon suddenly by the stern messenger of death, while engaged in his usual avocations, in the vigor of manhood, before the autumn of his days had passed into winter, while his heart was yet buoyant with hope and expectation, furnishes a striking illustration of the uncertainty of life and impresses upon us the solemn truth that "In the midst of life we are in death."

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, August 10, 1808


At Onondaga on the 1st of July, Mr. Normand Rust one of the proposed Editors of this paper.  In the death of Mr. Rust, the public have sustained an irreparable loss, society a worthy intelligent member, and the writer of this article a real friend, whose talents he relied much upon in the arduous capacity of an editor.

Mr. John Barber the proprietor of this paper, is no more!  He expired on Sunday night last, after a the tedious and painful illness of eighteen months, aged 50 years, and on Tuesday his remains were interred in the cemetery of the Episcopal Church, attended by the Mechanic's Society, of which he was a member, and a numerous concourse of relatives, friends and fellow citizens. "When the just man dies, let the people mourn."  [Albany Register, July 15]

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, August 24, 1808


In this town, [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY] on Sunday the 14th inst. by Phinehas Southwell, Esq., Mr. Robert N. French to Miss Charity Tracy.


At Smithfield [Madison Co. NY], Mrs. Anna Stafford consort of Amos Stafford in the twenty-ninth year of her age.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, August 31, 1808


At Smithfield [Madison Co. NY], on Tuesday the 23d instant, very much regretted, Mrs. Gillet, consort of Daniel M. Gillet, Esq.

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