Saturday, October 12, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, 1817 & September 1878

Oxford Gazette, Oxford NY 

February 5, 1817:  Died, In this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] on Sunday last, Mrs. Eunice Hewitt, relict of Gurdon Hewitt, Esq. formerly of this village.

February 19, 1817:  Married, At Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] on Sunday evening last, by Elder Jonathan Ferris, Mr. James Hammond of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Ruby King of Norwich.

March 19, 1817:  Married, In North Brookfield, Connecticut, Mr. David Tayler, a youth of 40 to the amiable and accomplished Miss Nancy Bartlett, AE 19.  I'm weary of a single life, / I'm really glad I've got a wife.  Ct. Courant.

Died, At New Haven, Connecticut, after a short illness, Capt. Abraham Bradley, aged 76.  He was the oldest merchant in that city.  Ct. Courant

March 26, 1817:  Died, At Union (Broome County) [NY], Amos Paterson an aged and respectable inhabitant of that county.

Married, In the city of New York, on the evening of the 22d ult. Philip Jacobs, Esq., aged 80 to the amiable Miss Eliza Brown, aged 18.  

"Son of Venus, little Cupid / Do you think I fear you now? / O no, no, I'm not so stupid, / In vain at me you bend your bow."

At eighty years, thus Philip sung; / But when Eliza's face he saw, / And heard the magic of her tongue, / His cold resolves did quickly thaw.

But what the dickens! some folks ask, / Caused the fair maid to fancy him? / It were, indeed, a hopeless talk, / To answer for a girlish whim.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, September 11, 1878


ADAMS:  In Clayton, Iowa on the morning of the third of September 1878, of congestive fever, Lorenzo G. Adams, son of C.G. Adams of Beaver Meadow, N.Y. [Chenango Co.] aged 25 years, 8 months and 10 days.

In another column will be found a notice of the death of Lorenzo G. Adams, con of C.G. Adams, of Beaver Meadow, which occurred in Clayton, Iowa, Sept. 34d.  His remains were brought to his home for burial.  He was a young man who was held in high estimation by all who knew him and his family and friends have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

HOGAN:  Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY: James Hogan attended the funeral of his brother at Susquehanna, Sunday.  He was run over and killed by a switch engine in the yard at that place, Saturday morning.

News Item

On Friday morning two young men discovered the body of a man floating on the water by the side of a small railroad bridge, a short distance this side of Killawog depot [Broome Co. NY].  They immediately went for assistance and the body was taken to the riverbank, there to await the action of the proper authorities.  Coroner Richards was telegraphed for, and he immediately came on the excursion train to this place and was thence taken to Killawog by team.  A jury was impaneled with C.J. Wheaton as foreman. The body had evidently been in the water several days and from the appearance of the clothing it is surmised that it was the body of a tramp.  Whether he fell from a train or was thrown from the track by an engine or accidently fell into the stream it is of course impossible to say, as there are only the theories entertained by people who reside in that locality.  Whitney Point Register

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, September 14, 1878


KING - NEWTON:  At the residence of the bride's parents in East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] by Rev. H.G. Barned, Mr. W.O. King of Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss S.L. Newton of the former place.

SHORES - SOULE:  At the Baptist Parsonage, Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY], Aug. 28th, by Rev. B.T. Davis, Mr. Charles E. Shores of North Colesville [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Cassie A. [Soule] daughter of Ed Soule of Greene [Chenango Co. NY].

FARNSWORTH - DEVOE:  At the residence of the bride's father, Sept. 11th, by Rev. N.J. Hawley, Mr. L. Burr Farnsworth and Miss Minnie B. DeVoe.

LARAWAY - WARNER:  At the M.E. Church in Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], on the evening of Sept. 11th, 1878, by Rev. A.M. Colgrove, Mr. J.M. Laraway to Miss Josephine E. Warner, all of Guilford, N.Y.


UTTER:  In King Settlement [Chenango Co. NY], Sept. 11th, 1878, Samuel Utter, aged about 75 years.

JOHNSON:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Sept. 8th, Mary Esther [Johnson] daughter of Thomas and Mary Johnson, aged 30 days.

MOWRY:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Sept. 7 of heart disease, Ida [Mowry] daughter of Nelson E. and Mary Mowry, aged 10 years and 4 months.

TEACHOUT:  In Windsor [Broome Co. NY] Sept. 3d, 1878, Suel Teachout, aged 71 years.

Wilkins Settlement, Chenango Co. NY:  The remains of Suel Teachout of Windsor, formerly of this place, were deposited in the cemetery at North Afton [Chenango Co. NY], on Wednesday of last week. [Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, Sept. 12, 1878]

NICKERSON:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] Sept. 5th, 1878, Mrs. Samaria [Nickerson] wife of George Nickerson, aged 65 years.

VAN TASSELL:  At the County House, Aug. 26th, Mrs. Lucinda Van Tassell wife of Parley Van Tassell, formerly of Oxford, aged 55 years.

TARBELL:  At the residence of Loren Hotchkiss in Smithville Flats [Chenango Co. NY], Sept 9th, Mrs. John S. Tarbell of Montrose, Pa., aged 55 years.

FINOUT:  Mrs. Eunice Finout of Page Brook [Chenango Co. NY], died on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock.  The funeral is appointed for Friday.  She is a sister of Mrs. R.B. Bennett here [Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY].

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