Monday, April 22, 2013

Hawkins Reunion

The Hawkins Reunion
A very pleasant event which occurred Sept. 10, was the second Hawkins Family Reunion at the home of J.L. Saunders to celebrate the 89th birthday of Mary A. Hawkins.  While the relatives and friends were offering congratulations to the honored mother and greetings to each other, the hostess was superintending a collation to which all did ample justice when invited to be seated.  After the dinner man had been satisfied, the President called the meeting to order and each one did something toward making the afternoon pass pleasantly as follows:
Prayer was offered by C.C. Hawkins. Welcome address by Miss Edna Hawkins. Song, by Mrs. Wellington Hawkins, Mrs. Eat Hawkins, Mrs. B.L. Smith and Miss Edna Hawkins. Recitation by Orpha Hakes; C.C. Hawkins talked on Christian Love and Duty.  Recitation by Ray Hakes.  Remarks were made by E.E. Hawkins, of Sherman, Pa., Wellington Hawkins of Harpursville, Charles Hawkins, of Frankfort, N.Y., also Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Saunders.  Song, by Mmes. Eaton and Wellington Hawkins.  Mrs. R. Utter, Mrs. Chas. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hakes, Mrs. B.L. Smith, Malcom Adkins and Edna Hawkins each spoke a few words, to which the aged mother responded, thanking them for the pleasure they were giving her.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, and approved by the company.
During the last year there have been two marriages, Mr. Well Sampson, of Sherman, Pa., to Mrs. Olive Howells, of Harpursville, and Mr. B.L. Smith to Miss Jennie Hawkins, both of Binghamton; also two births, to Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Hawkins; a daughter, Dessa, and to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Raymond a son, Bruce Eaton.  Death has not broken the family circle during the past year for which all felt thankful.  Officers were elected for the next year as follows:  Wellington Hawkins, president; William Hawkins, vice-pres.; Mrs. Eugene Raymond, secretary; Mrs. B.L. Smith, lecturer; Mrs. J.L. Sanders, Mrs. R. Hakes, Mrs. H. Hawkins, committee on refreshments; Miss Edna Hawkins, and Mrs. D. Hakes, committee on music.  The program closed with prayer by J.L. Saunders and the song, "We shall sleep but not forever," by Mmes. Rose and Edna Hawkins, B.L. Smith and Miss Edna Hawkins.  The third reunion will be held at the same place, providence permitting, Sept. 10, 1903.  Mrs. Eugene Raymond, Sec.  [MHD notation:  reunion held 1902]

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