Saturday, August 31, 2024

Vital Records, Madison (1808) & Otsego (1848) Counties

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, November 2, 1808


In Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY] on the 2d ult by Elder Simeon Smith, Mr. Joseph Carpenter to Miss Caroline Bruce.

On the 23d ult. by the Rev. Hugh Willit, Mr. Solomon Loveman to Miss Clorinda Chitister, daughter of Dr. Chitister.


Whereas Hulda [Hitchcock] my wife, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I do hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Eliab Hitchcock, Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY], Oct. 19th, 1808.

Whereas my wife Sally [Webster] has eloped from my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, I do hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Abijah Webster, Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY, October 8, 1808]

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, November 9, 1808


At Newhartford [Oneida Co. NY], on the 27th of October, inst. Mr. Leonard Kellogg, editor of the Herald of the Times, at Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY], to Miss Sally French, of the above place.

At Nelson [Madison Co. NY], on the 27th of October, inst. by Isaac Bumpus, Esq. Mr. David Dunham to Miss Sally Crane, all of the above place.

On the 16th ult. by Elder Simeon Smith, Mr. Andrew Morehouse of Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY] to Miss Lucy Knap of Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY].


In London [England], Mr. Henry Ferguson, Aet, 94, a native of America.  He was found dead near the tower, and 15,000 pounds in bank notes was discovered sewed in between his ragged and filthy clothes; the produce doubtless of his many years active employment in the asking of alms trade.  But what is more astonishing and will be of more consequence to the literary world, is that a bundle of MSS [manuscripts], in his own hand writing, was found in his pocket containing a concise, learned and elegant history of the arts and sciences in Asia, Africa, Europe and America from the period of the Roman Augustus up to the year 1808.  In his wretched hovel near the city a very valuable library was found, and the antiquarians and booksellers have bid high to obtain it.  He was always very modest for a beggar and was known to have done numerous acts of charity to orphan poor.  It was remarked of him that when he was not out, begging, he was employed either in reading or writing and being master of the various European languages and always at home with any passerby, his pleasing address and quaint remarks obtained him many friends.  It is not known that he has left any relations in England or in the United Stated of America.

At Huntington (Conn.) on the 25th of October, inst. Eliza S. Hurd, aged four years, only daughter of Col. J.N.M. Hurd of this village [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY].

Melancholy accident:  Died, at Onondaga [Onondaga Co. NY] on the 21st of October inst. Sarah Catharine Hopper, only daughter of Jasper Hopper, Esq. aged three years, eight months and twelve days. Her death was occasioned by her clothes catching fire, while at play.  She lived but about twenty-four hours after the fatal catastrophe happened, which terminated her existence. Thus died a sprightly and amiable little child, and with her the high hopes which her fond parents had formed.  From death's arrest no age is free and virtue and innocence, however spotless, cannot for a moment prevent their possessor from descending down to the grave.

"Such is the state of man, / Today he puts forth the tender leaves of hope; / Tomorrow blossoms / The third day comes a frost, a killing frost; / And then he falls.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, November 30, 1808


At Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY] on the 20th inst. by John Stockham, Esq. Mr. Consider Hopkins to Miss Rachel M. Hastings of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY].

On the 24th instant, by Elder John Peck, Mr. Winthrop Corbin to Miss Roxa Warren all of this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY].


At Brookfield [Madison Co. NY], on the 21st Inst. Zebulon Bennett, of the typus fever, aged 30 years, son of Deacon Daniel Bennet of Preston, Con.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 18, 1848


At York Mills, Oneida Co. [NY], on the 2d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Rounds, David Luscomb of Troy to Eliza Hamilton, formerly of this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY].

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 5th inst. by Harvey Hunt, Esq., Gilbert Dayton to Mary Coon, both of Milford [Otsego Co. NY].

In Westford [Otsego Co. NY], on the 11th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Wadsworth, Robert R. Jackson to Gracia [Skinner] daughter of George Skinner, Esq. both of Westford.

In Portlandville (Milford) [Otsego Co. NY] on the 8th inst., by Rev. Mr. Elliott, Mr. Martin Wellman to Miss Helen Wakefield, both of that town.


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], after a severe illness, Mrs. Clarisa [Best] wife of Peter G. Best, aged 65 years.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] on the 7th inst. Joseph Bowne aged 70 years.

In Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 8th inst. Henry Orville Parker, aged 19 years.

At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], on the 6th inst. Mrs. Elinor Marvin, aged 70 years.

At the same place on the 25th ult., Dr. E.B. Ingal's aged 37 years.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1848

 Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, April 1, 1848


In Warren [Herkimer Co. NY] on the 15th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Jarvis, John L. Mallory of Sandy Creek, Oswego County [NY] to Louisa Ely of the former place.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], on the 23d ult. by S. Derby, Esq., Jacob Tarpening to Eliza Wyatt both of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 25th ult. James Butts aged about 35 years.

In Norwich on the 27th inst. Floretta [Hopkins] wife of Mr. George K. Hopkins, formerly of Laurens, Otsego Co. [NY] aged 28 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, April 8, 1848


In Westville [Otsego Co. NY], March 28, by the Rev. G.W. Gates, Mr. Nathan G. Hall of Milford [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Esther J. Hand of the former place.

In Oaksville [Otsego Co. NY] on the 23d ult by Wilber S. Johnson, Esq., Mr. Jeremiah Briggs of Penn Yan, to Miss Ruth Herrington of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY].

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, April 22, 1848


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 8th instant, by Rev. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. John W. Ball to Miss Susan Willis, both of Exeter [Otsego Co. NY].

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 2d inst. by John W. Brandow, Esq., Mr. Sylvester Clemmons to Miss Amelia Stewart.


In Pierstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 17th instant, Joel S. [Patten] son of George Patten, aged 3 years, 3 months and 2 days.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, April 29, 1848


In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] on the 6th inst. Ann Gerone [Shaw] daughter of Thomas and Mary J. Shaw, aged 4 years and 6 months.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 4, 1848

Connubial Bonds

In Rhinebeck on the 17th ult. by Rev. C. A. Smith, Mr. Lewis H. Lawyer of Canajoharie [Montgomery Co. NY] to Miss Emeline Russell of Rhinebeck [Dutchess Co. NY].

The Sepulchral Hrn.

In Utica [Oneida Co. NY], on the 23d of August, Ella Emelia [Rounds] the only daughter of Stephen S. and Catherine Rounds, aged 3 years.

In Middlefield Centre [Otsego Co. NY] on the 18th ult. Mr. Daniel Van Patten.


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on the 24th ult. Mr. Cornelius Marks aged 77 years.

Died on the 24th ult. Mr. Cornelius Marks, of this town, aged 77 years.  He was one of the oldest settlers in the town and one of its most respected inhabitants.  His industry, integrity, intelligence and high moral character, commanded universal esteem among his acquaintance and gave him great influence.  He has left behind him numerous and highly respectable descendants.  The large concourse of sorrowing neighbors at his funeral, testified to his worth.  His death was sudden.  He fell from the carriage in which he was riding and bruised his neck and head.  he was taken up insensible but recovered sufficiently to tell his name and residence after which he sunk into a stupor from which he never fully awaked.  As his bruises seemed inadequate to produce insensibility and death, it is supposed that his fall and death were caused by apoplexy of which there were symptoms and of which he previously had a slight attack.  [Cherry Valley Gazette, April 11, 1848]

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 11, 1848

Connubial Bonds

In Richfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 14th ult. by Rev. S.G. Appleton, Mr. J.C. Munson to Miss Angeline Howes of Madison, Indiana.

The Sepulchral Hrn.

In Utica [Oneida Co. NY], on the 1st inst. James Whittaker [Weeks], only son of Edward B. and Prudence R. Jones, aged 6 weeks.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 28th ult., Mrs. Eunice Keyes relict of Lester F. Keyes, deceased, aged 62 years.

At Buffalo [Erie Co. NY] on the 25th ult. Miss Nancy Catharine [Fero] daughter of Robert Fero, formerly of Canajoharie [Montgomery Co. NY], aged 10 years.

In Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] on the 5th ult. Mr. Sylvester Rexford aged 59 years.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 20th ult. Mr. James Genter, aged 23 years.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1810 & 1878

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, January 6, 1810

 News Item

Whereas Sally [Ransom], my wife, has left my bed and board, and refuses to conduct herself as a good wife ought to, this is therefore to forbid all persons trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Thomas Ransom, Jun., Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], January 6, 1810

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, January 13, 1810


At New York on the 5th ult. Gouverneur Morris, Esq. of Morrissenia [Bronx, NY], to Miss Ann C. Randolph daughter of the late Thomas Randolph, Esq. of Virginia.

At Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the evening of the 27th ult by the Rev. Benjamin Sawin, Mr. Jared Hubbard of Westford [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Abigail Dean of the former place.

At the same place on the evening of the 11th inst. Mr. Eli Benjamin of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Polly Hughes of the former place.

At Exeter [Otsego Co. NY] on the evening of the 30th ult. Mr. Amasa May to Miss Betsey Clarke both of that place.

How blest are those whom true affections bind, / Whose love with love and mind unites with mind. / Their beings are by sympathy made one, / And their pure joys in purest currents run.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, February 3, 1810


At Exeter [Otsego Co. NY] on the 25th ult. Dr. Newell Smith of Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Diodamie H. Cushman of the former place.

Pure bliss now sounds to them her soft alarms, / And love surrounds them with her sweetest charms. / Such choice blessings as now around them play, / Ne'er hailed them till the happy nuptial day.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, February 10, 1810


On Wednesday the 31st, of January 1810, the amiable Mrs. Sabin, consort of Elder Timothy Savin of a lingering and distressing disease.  She manifested great patience, meekness and Christian resignation to the end of life and resigned her spirit to him that gave it.

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, August 8, 1878


At Westford [Otsego Co. NY], Aug. 4, 1878, Bessie M. [Hall] daughter of Robert and Mary Hall, aged 21 years.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], July 22, Mary E. [Brooks] wife of Samuel Brooks, aged 78 years.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY], July 21st, 1878, Francis Walker, aged about 75 years.  Mr. Walker has been failing for some time past, and his death although sudden was not altogether unexpected.

News Item

Mysterious Disappearance

Four or five weeks ago, a son of Joel Norton, who lives in the town of Maryland [Otsego Co. NY], disappeared very suddenly from his home, and has not been heard from since.  He was an unmarried man, 35 or 40 years of age, and lived alone in a little house some distance from any neighbor.  He was a soldier in the late war, served faithfully until its close and received an honorable discharge, after which he drifted out west, and spent some time with the Indians.  Here he learned some of their handiwork and manner of doctoring.  He has been in the habit of making short trips through the country, selling his wares and doctoring when he could get a chance.  On the day preceding his disappearance, he packed up his things in his usual manner, left everything about the premises as was his custom and told the neighbors he should start in the morning.  Someone dropped in the next day, found the door open, his gun loaded in the corner, his things in readiness for his journey.  Search was made, but no traces could be found of him, nor up to this date has his whereabouts been discovered.  Worcester Times.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, August 9, 1878


One of those pleasant affairs that we delight to chronicle occurred Tuesday morning at 11:30 o'clock, at the residence of M. Lewin, No. 63 Division St., Albany [Albany Co. NY].  At that time, the Rev. Dr. Slessinger, Rabbi of the Jewish Temple in Pearl St. officiating, Morris Loewenstein of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] and Miss Lottie Price of this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY] were united in wedlock.  After the ceremony, the wedding party and invited guests partook of a sumptuous wedding feast at the Delavan House.  Mr. L. is well and favorably known in Delhi as a merchant, being until recently the senior partner of the firm of Loewenstein & Lawrence.  Miss Lottie Price, his new life partner is well known to most Oneonta people as the sister of Joseph and Morris Price, merchants on Main St.  The patrons of Prices will miss the cheerful countenance and pleasant manners of Miss Lottie.  We are sure that all wish Mr. and Mrs. Loewenstein prosperity and happiness.  We indulge the hope that they may often find it convenient and pleasant to visit their Oneonta friends.  Mr. and Mrs. L. will spend some time at Saratoga and among the Catskills, previous to their return.


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], August 3d, Lena J. [Davy] aged 1 year and three months.

In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], August 4th, Mrs. Adin Angell of Morris [Otsego Co. NY].

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], August 5th, Mrs. Elizabeth Wing aged 83 years.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], August 4th, Stephen Olds of Morris [Otsego Co. NY] aged about 79 years.

In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] Augsjt 4th, Egbert Hopkins aged 57 years.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1826) & Broome (1837) counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 1, 1826


In Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday the 23d ult. by Elder Cummings, Mr. Erastus Frisbie of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Eliza Lee of the former place.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 8, 1826


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Friday the 3d inst. Mr. Jacob More, in the 26th year of his age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 15, 1826


In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on Saturday the 11th inst. of pulmonary consumption, Mr. Orrin Beach aged about 40 years.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 9, 1837


In Windsor [Broome Co. NY] on the 29th ult. Mrs. Sally Hotchkiss widow of the late Cyrus Hotchkiss of that place, aged 60 years.

Mrs. H. was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Windsor.  She was a woman of an energetic and noble mind and consistent Christian character.  Some years since she suffered from a paralytic stroke, which left her in mind and body but the wreck of what she was before; till at length, in God's good time, after intense and protracted sufferings, she has been called, as we trust, to a brighter and a better world.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 16, 1837


At Mobile, Alabama, on the 25th ult. Mr. James Monell in the 23d year of his age, son of the Hon. Robert Monell, of Greene, Chenango County [NY].

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 23, 1837


In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY], on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Andrews, Mr. Chauncy Davis to Miss Charity Sparks, both of Conklin [Broome Co. NY].

In Harpersville [Broome Co. NY] on the 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Keeler, Mr. William Wentz of this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] to Miss Beulah Williams of Colesville [Broome Co. NY].


In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY], on the 16th inst. at the residence of his son, A.G. Ransom, Esq., Mr. Jacob Ransom, aged 67 years.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, November 30, 1837


At Marathon [Cortland Co. NY] on the 31st of October, Mrs. Nancy Comstock wife of the Hon. Cephas Comstock, aged 49 years.  This truly worthy woman died beloved and regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances to whom she had endeared herself by her kind and benevolent disposition.  Throughout a long and protracted illness, she exhibited a fortitude and strength of mind rarely to be met with.  Her disease was pulmonary consumption.  Cortland Republican.

At Bath, Steuben County [NY] on the 18th inst. George C. Edwards, Esq. First Judge of Steuben County, aged about 50 years.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, 1878

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, July 31, 1878


BIRDSALL - TABER:  At Lake Mahopac, N.Y. [Putnam Co. NY] July 17th, Mr. Herbert F. Birdsall of Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY] to Miss Hattie D. Taber of the former place.

BREED - FOSTER:  In East Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY], July 21, by Rev. H.B. Jones, Mr. Joba Breed to Miss Jada Faster all of Pharsalia.


REDINGTON:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], July 21st, Corinthia E. [Redington] wife of John W. Redington, aged 67 years.

OLNEY:  In Columbus [Chenango Co. NY], July 22d, Mr. Green Olney, aged 86 years.

PALMER:  In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], July 17th, Mr. Stephen Palmer, aged 83 years.

Norwich, Chenango Co. NY:  Mr. Arnold father of Mrs. Dr. J.H. Wescott, was gored to death by a bull, at Lindley, N.Y. [Steuben Co.] on the 15th inst.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, August 1, 1878


In Fenton [Broome Co. NY], June 24th, Mrs. Mary E. [Braynard] wife of Selden L. Braynard and daughter of Chas. H. Chapman, aged 39 years.

In Fenton [Broome Co. NY] June 27th, Charles H. Chapman, aged 63 years.

In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY], July 7th, Mr. Rufus Cole aged 64 years.

In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], July 25th, Mrs. Lydia Ferris, aged 84 years and 9 months.

In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], July 20th, Mr. Henry Fitch aged 69 years.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, August 3, 1878


Last Saturday night at about 11 o'clock, one of our physicians was called from home, and from 12:30 that night until 9 o'clock including his round-trip home, Sunday morning, made three families happy as follows:  Mrs. and Mr. John Huggins, a boy, weighing 10-3/4 lbs; Mrs. and Mr. Luther Page, a boy, weighing 7 pounds; Mrs. and Mr. Lyman Hubbard, a boy, weighing 9-3/4 pounds. We should judge from this that the town of Sanford [Broome Co. NY] is in a prosperous condition.  Afton Sentinel

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, August 1, 1878


Died at his residence near Effingham [IL], on Friday morning, July 5, 1878, Hon. William H. Blakeley, aged seventy years.

Mr. Blakeley was born in Columbia County, N.Y. October 16, 1808.  His parents were from New England, and when he was four years of age, they removed to Otsego County, in the same state [NY], where they spent the remainder of their days, and where Mr. B. grew to manhood.

In 1884 he came west crossing the Alleghanies and journeying the entire distance on horseback.  Effingham county had just been organized.  There were but few settlements along the line of the National Government.  Young Blakeley was persuaded to stop and try his fortunes.  He entered into business at Ewington [IL], just established as the county seat and for forty-four years was an active, upright, and honored citizen of the county.  For many years he was a merchant, but in later years he was most generally known as a large, thrifty, and successful farmer.

In 1839, Mr. Blakeley was appointed clerk of the circuit court by the late Judge Sidney Breese.  He held that office until 1847 and those who have had occasion to examine the records of the court, will attest the care and faithfulness with which he discharged the duties of the office.  The records kept by him are models of neatness, plainness, and accuracy.

In 1847, he was a member of the Constitutional Convention from the district composed of the counties of Effingham and Clay.

In 1852, he represented the district composed of the counties of Cumberland, Effingham and Clay in the General Assembly.

There was much important legislation by that body.  the adaptation of the laws to the excellent constitution of 1848, which he had assisted in framing, an amendment of the Charter of the Illinois Central Railroad required a large amount of careful labor and good judgement.  The result of that session had a great influence on the future prosperity of the State, and no one took a deeper interest or brought to bear more earnest labor in that legislation that did William H. Blakeley.

In 1872, after twenty years of private life, Mr. Blakely was again elected to the legislature by the counties of Shelby, Cumberland and Effingham.  Although one of the oldest members, he was one of the most industrious.  His seat was never vacant, and whether in the committee or on the floor, his constituents always had a watchful, earnest representative.

Mr. Blakeley was a kind neighbor a high-toned and courteous gentleman.  The esteem in which he was held was manifested in the constant attendance of his neighbors during his long sickness and the long procession of friends who followed his remains to their last resting place.  Good judgement, thrift, economy and genuine good sense were distinguishing traits of his character.

"The elements / So mixed in him that nature might stand p / And say to all the world, "This was a man."

The subject of the above sketch was a son of Hon. John Blakeley and a brother of the Hon. Ebenezer Blakeley of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] and will be remembered in this valley.  It was taken from the Effingham Republican.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, August 1, 1878


BOSS:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] July 30th, Mr. Benjamin Boss, aged 85 years.

DOOLAN:  In Preston [Chenango Co. NY], July 22d, Mary [Doolan] wife of Patrick Doolan, aged 54 years.

RANDALL:  In Kirkwood, Ill., after a lingering illness, Mr. Roswell Randall, formerly of Otsego County [NY] and brother of Mr. J.J. Day, of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], aged 79 years and 7 months.

GIBSON:  In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], July 14th, Mrs. Betsey Gibson, aged 93 years.


Holmesville, Chenango Co. NY:  The funeral of Mrs. E.D. Tuttle was held at the home of her parents, near New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY], on Friday last.  Our entire community sympathize with her husband and family in their great bereavement, while we realize how utterly words can fail to comfort.  Mrs. Tuttle died of consumption and leaves five children motherless.

He sees when their footsteps falter, when their hearts grow weak and faint; / He marks when the strength is failing and listens to each complaint; / He bids them rest for a season, for the pathway has grown too steep. / And folded in fair green pastures, He giveth His loved ones sleep.

He giveth it; friends the dearest can never this boon bestow. / But He touches the drooping eyelids and placid the features grow. / He called her home from her labors, ere life's shadows fell dark and deep; / Now, guarding her safe from danger, He giveth that loved one sleep.

Weep not that her toil is over; weep not that her race is run; / God grant we may rest as calmly, when our work, like hers, is done! / Till then let us shield in gladness, our treasures to Him to keep. / And rejoice in the sweet assurance; He giveth His loves ones sleep."

S. July 29, 1878


News Items

Guilford, Chenango Co. NY:  Since our last writing Time has worn well into the summer and carried with it many changes both in nature and man.  From the green blossoming fields of early June, we are now in the midst of an abundant harvest.  The late broad acres of ripening grass have nearly all been gathered into the barns and the golden fields of grain that Map our hillsides on every hand are ready to yield their bounties to the husbandman.  And those later crops of Autumn now promise as bountiful a return for the labors of these honored sons of toil.  

Meantime, the never ceasing hand of Death has made changes among our fellow men and carried suffering and sorrow into many households.  It has taken from our community several of its most respected citizens.  Among there of whom the Union made brief mention at the time were Mr. George Knapp and Mrs. Lovicy Winsor of Ives' Settlement, just southeast of our village.  They were both early settlers in that part of our town, enduring the hardships and privations incident to the times and both lived to witness the great changes and innovations of the country.  Mrs. Winsor was something over ninety at her death, and retained her faculties to the end.  Mr. Knapp, we remember in our younger days as one of the most reliable and respected among our townsmen. This reputation he bore with him through life.  He reared a large and respected family, of whom our late District Attorney, David H. Knapp, was one.  We never tire of recounting the virtues of these old settlers; theirs was a hard lot, yet they discharged its arduous responsibilities with praise worthy credit.

Mrs. Uri Bradley, who has been suffering patiently from the effects of cancer of a long time, died on the 22d instant.  Mrs. B. had resided in our community for a number of years, during which time she had earned many warm friends from her uniform kindness and disposition to treat everyone with due respect and consideration. She will be missed by near relatives and friends, and particularly by her husband, whom she has left alone.  Mr. B. was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

BRADLEY:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] July 22d, Adelia [Bradley] wife of Uri Bradley, aged 48 years.  [Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, Aug. 3, 1878]


An Ancient Turtle - "1868"

White Store, Chenango Co. NY:  One day last week, your correspondent, in company with J.T. Curtiss, Andrew Case, and C. Forsyth, while haying upon what is known as the "Curtiss Island." discovered a turtle bearing the initials of Willie H. Curtiss, who, it will be remembered was for several years before his death, which occurred some two or three years ago, an employee in the Chenango Telegraph office at Norwich [Chenango Co. NY].  The date inscribed with the initials was 1868, thus making the turtle ten years of age, at least.  In 1874, six years after the first inscription, the turtle was found by Charles Curtis, Esq. and his initials with the date inscribed upon him, which he now bears.  The turtle is a living memory of Willie H. Curtiss, bearing the marks of the hand now cold in death, which as long as the turtle may live will not be erased.  All those long, weary years, the turtle has wandered over the playground of the loved Willie, where in childhood he passed many an happy hour.  No more will his merry voice and ringing laughter resound over the teeming meadow or he join in the spots of the mates of childhood's happy hours, who are living today.  Willie has gone to a better land.

[CURTISS:  At the residence of his father, Henry Curtiss, in North Greece, Monroe Co., Dec. 17th, Mr. William H. Curtiss, aged 22 years. Chenango Union, December 23, 1975]

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, July 31, 1878


On Tuesday afternoon of last week, William Hollingworth of McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] came to a sudden and fearful death.  He was at work haying for George Curtiss, and was riding upon a load of hay upon which was also a horse hay rake.  The horse suddenly starting threw the rake and Mr. H. from the load to the ground.  Mr. H. striking upon a rake tooth, which passed nearly through his body.  He lived in great pain until Thursday morning, when death came to his relief.  His funeral took place from the residence of his father, Edwin Hollingworth on Friday.  He was a young man of eighteen years, of good character and excellent habits and his sad death has cast a gloom over the entire community.  Especially will his loss be felt among his young associates by whom he was highly prized.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 3 , 1878


BOWERS - MALLOY:  At St. Patrick's church Norwich [Chenango C. NY], June 27, by Rev. Father Harrigan, Frank C. Bowers to Miss Mary A. Malloy, both of North Norwich.


MILLER:  In East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], July 29th, Mrs. Laura Miller, wife of Matthew Miller, aged 82 years and 5 months.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of New York, while visiting at Winsor [Broome Co. NY] lost a child, aged 2 years, with cholera infantum.  The remains were brought to the residence of her sister, Mrs. Lowell Johnson, at our place, and the funeral was attended on Friday.

We are pained to announce the sudden death of Mrs. Hook at Mt. Upton [Chenango Co. NY] on the morning of July 31.  The circumstances attending her disease were peculiarly sorrowful.  For months past, August Hook, tailor in the employ of Place & Gregory, Mt. Upton has been fitting up a house for his mother and brother, from whom he has parted in the fatherland several years before. As the time for their arrival drew near, all his thoughts and hopes clustered around the cozy suit of rooms, where his mother was to make him a home.  Mother and son arrived safely in New York and August hastened on to Albany to meet the long-expected travelers, who could not speak our language.  They reached Mt. Upton Tuesday night, stopping at Eccleston's, the son's boarding place.  Mrs. Hook seemed tired and ill, and growing worse during the night, Dr. Smith was called. He found her suffering from congestion of the lungs.  She died Wednesday morning.   Mr. Hook and his brother have the sincere sympathy of the whole community in their sore bereavement.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, March 1872

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, March 21, 1872


MORRISON - WILLCOX:  In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY], March 13, by Rev. W.S. Titus, Mr. Orren Morrison and Miss Mary L. Wilcox, both of Vernon.

JOHNSON - LAWRENCE:  In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] March 14, by Rev. B.W. Hamilton, Mr. Frank Johnson of Ovid, N.Y. [Seneca Co.] and Miss Sarah A. Lawrence daughter of S.W. Lawrence, Esq.

STODDARD - PERKINS:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY] March 5, by Rev. C.S. Crane, D. Ver Stoddard and A. Ada Perkins, both of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY].

PRIEST - STANTON:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], March 10, by Rev. C.S. Crain, Harvey Priest and Mary Stanton, both of Georgetown.

BRISTOL - HARMON:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] March 14 by Rev. C. Barstow, Mr. B.C. Bristol Esq. of Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] and Mrs. Mary P. Harmon of Hamilton.

BEACH - REED:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY], March 14, by Rev. E.D. Reed, assisted by Rev. W.R. Brooks, Mr. Calvin G. Beach of Blue Rapids, Kansas and Miss Charlotte M. Reed daughter of the officiating clergyman.

LARKIN - YOUNG:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], March 13, Mr. J.C. Larkin of Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Mary E.  Young.

CAHOON - NELSON:  In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY], Feb. 27, by Rev. Mr. Babcock, Eugene Cahoon of Rockford, Ill. and Miss Maria E. Nelson of Vernon.

BLAIR - THOMAS:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY], at the residence of the bride's father, March 14, by Rev. F.J. Whitney, Mr. Jeremiah Blair, Jr. and Miss Anna S. Thomas, all of Nelson.

A nestling in the little crib, / a soft hand laid upon my head, / A gentle whisper in my ear, / "Mamma I'm turnin into bed!"

Again a nestling in the crib / As down to rest my birdie lay, / I listened, for I thought she spoke / "Huddy up light, I'd heard her say.

Then all was still. We slept again / Till dawn lit up the eastern sky. / Then sang my birdie sweet and clear, / "Now light had tum, and so has I!"


JACKSON:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], March 16, Geo. Jackson, aged 56 years.

BACON:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY], March 4, Sylvester Bacon, aged 73 years.

BEACH:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY], March 9, William Beach aged 90 years.

WETMORE:  At Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], March 15, at the residence of her late brother, Mr. H.G Wetmore, Miss Almeda Wetmore of Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] aged 77 years.

FRINK:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY], March 7, Mrs. Fanny Frink aged 83 years and 3 months.

LEWIS:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 23, Daniel Lewis aged 75 years.

COOK:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 11, Lenora Ann Cook aged 7 years.

BENEDICT: In Hamilton village [Madison Co. NY], March 11, J. Foster Benedict aged 6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days.

WELLINGTON -  SEYMOUR:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] March 5, Achsah Wellington [Seymour] relict of Eleazer Seymour in the 58th year of her age.

COLSON: In Hubbardsville [Madison Co. NY], March 10, William Colson aged 65 years.

COE:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], March 10, Sarah Coe, aged 79 years.

FITCH:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], March 8, Benjamin H. Fitch aged 71 years.

LEACH:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], March 7, T.Z. Leach aged 73 years.

CARD:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] Feb. 26, Fred L. Card aged 9 months and 24 days.

KNOX:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY], March 14, Charles H. Knox, aged 55 years.  The sudden death of Mr. Knox has cast a gloom over the neighborhood in which he had long lived.  He leaves a wife and four children who have the sympathy of all who know them in this their hour of trial.

PETTIBONE:  In Vernon Centre [Oneida Co. NY] March 16, Jared C. Pettibone aged 74 years.

STILES:  The community [Georgetown, Madison Co. NY] was saddened by the death of Mrs. Whitford Stiles which occurred on the 20th ult.  she was in usual health until Saturday night when she was attacked with severe pains in the back and head.  She became unconscious and lived but eight hours. the doctors pronounced the disease "congestion of the brain and spinal marrow."  The symptoms were not unlike those of "spotted fever."

CARLISLE:  A very large procession followed the remains of Miss Mary Carlisle to Canastota [Madison Co. NY] on their way to Albany [Albany Co. NY] for interment on Thursday forenoon of last week.  She had been sick a long time with dropsy, but died unexpectedly to many.  The Good Templars of which she was an exemplary member, took charge of the body until it was deposited on the cars.  

Earlville, Madison Co. NY:  There have been three deaths in this village during the past week.  Wm. Cooke aged 43; Sylvester Bacon, aged 72; and Wm. Beach aged 90.  Republican


Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY]:  Our village is again cast in gloom by the death of one of our oldest and most respected citizens.  Dr. Hulburt G. Wetmore died on Sunday, the 10th inst., and the event seems to require more than a passing notice.  He was a descendant of New England parents who settled in Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] about the year 1800 and was the second youngest of a family of ten children and born Nov. 8, 1808.  Having made choice of the medical profession, he was graduated at Fairfield Medical College, January 1833, and immediately thereafter settled in Florence, N.Y [Oneida Co. NY] where he married and remained until May 1839, when he removed to our village [Oneida Castle].  In November, 1866, he was severely bereaved by the death of his wife, and he now leaves two sons and a daughter.  He held various offices of trust with public acceptance in each place of his residence.  He was blessed with a genial, cheerful temperament, unusually fond of social enjoyments and entered into all innocent activities with a zest unusual in a man of his business responsibility.  He, also, largely endeared himself to his neighbors and patrons by uniform acts of kindness and sympathy in affliction which greatly adorned his professional life.  The write of this (who has known him nearly forty years) has repeatedly known him to render his continued professional services where there was no prospect of pecuniary reward.  This confirms the truthful remark made by his neighbors, since his decease "In Dr. Wetmore's death the poor have lost a friend".