Sunday, August 25, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, March 1872

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, March 21, 1872


MORRISON - WILLCOX:  In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY], March 13, by Rev. W.S. Titus, Mr. Orren Morrison and Miss Mary L. Wilcox, both of Vernon.

JOHNSON - LAWRENCE:  In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] March 14, by Rev. B.W. Hamilton, Mr. Frank Johnson of Ovid, N.Y. [Seneca Co.] and Miss Sarah A. Lawrence daughter of S.W. Lawrence, Esq.

STODDARD - PERKINS:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY] March 5, by Rev. C.S. Crane, D. Ver Stoddard and A. Ada Perkins, both of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY].

PRIEST - STANTON:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], March 10, by Rev. C.S. Crain, Harvey Priest and Mary Stanton, both of Georgetown.

BRISTOL - HARMON:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] March 14 by Rev. C. Barstow, Mr. B.C. Bristol Esq. of Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] and Mrs. Mary P. Harmon of Hamilton.

BEACH - REED:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY], March 14, by Rev. E.D. Reed, assisted by Rev. W.R. Brooks, Mr. Calvin G. Beach of Blue Rapids, Kansas and Miss Charlotte M. Reed daughter of the officiating clergyman.

LARKIN - YOUNG:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], March 13, Mr. J.C. Larkin of Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Mary E.  Young.

CAHOON - NELSON:  In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY], Feb. 27, by Rev. Mr. Babcock, Eugene Cahoon of Rockford, Ill. and Miss Maria E. Nelson of Vernon.

BLAIR - THOMAS:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY], at the residence of the bride's father, March 14, by Rev. F.J. Whitney, Mr. Jeremiah Blair, Jr. and Miss Anna S. Thomas, all of Nelson.

A nestling in the little crib, / a soft hand laid upon my head, / A gentle whisper in my ear, / "Mamma I'm turnin into bed!"

Again a nestling in the crib / As down to rest my birdie lay, / I listened, for I thought she spoke / "Huddy up light, I'd heard her say.

Then all was still. We slept again / Till dawn lit up the eastern sky. / Then sang my birdie sweet and clear, / "Now light had tum, and so has I!"


JACKSON:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], March 16, Geo. Jackson, aged 56 years.

BACON:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY], March 4, Sylvester Bacon, aged 73 years.

BEACH:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY], March 9, William Beach aged 90 years.

WETMORE:  At Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], March 15, at the residence of her late brother, Mr. H.G Wetmore, Miss Almeda Wetmore of Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] aged 77 years.

FRINK:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY], March 7, Mrs. Fanny Frink aged 83 years and 3 months.

LEWIS:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 23, Daniel Lewis aged 75 years.

COOK:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 11, Lenora Ann Cook aged 7 years.

BENEDICT: In Hamilton village [Madison Co. NY], March 11, J. Foster Benedict aged 6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days.

WELLINGTON -  SEYMOUR:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] March 5, Achsah Wellington [Seymour] relict of Eleazer Seymour in the 58th year of her age.

COLSON: In Hubbardsville [Madison Co. NY], March 10, William Colson aged 65 years.

COE:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], March 10, Sarah Coe, aged 79 years.

FITCH:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], March 8, Benjamin H. Fitch aged 71 years.

LEACH:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], March 7, T.Z. Leach aged 73 years.

CARD:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] Feb. 26, Fred L. Card aged 9 months and 24 days.

KNOX:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY], March 14, Charles H. Knox, aged 55 years.  The sudden death of Mr. Knox has cast a gloom over the neighborhood in which he had long lived.  He leaves a wife and four children who have the sympathy of all who know them in this their hour of trial.

PETTIBONE:  In Vernon Centre [Oneida Co. NY] March 16, Jared C. Pettibone aged 74 years.

STILES:  The community [Georgetown, Madison Co. NY] was saddened by the death of Mrs. Whitford Stiles which occurred on the 20th ult.  she was in usual health until Saturday night when she was attacked with severe pains in the back and head.  She became unconscious and lived but eight hours. the doctors pronounced the disease "congestion of the brain and spinal marrow."  The symptoms were not unlike those of "spotted fever."

CARLISLE:  A very large procession followed the remains of Miss Mary Carlisle to Canastota [Madison Co. NY] on their way to Albany [Albany Co. NY] for interment on Thursday forenoon of last week.  She had been sick a long time with dropsy, but died unexpectedly to many.  The Good Templars of which she was an exemplary member, took charge of the body until it was deposited on the cars.  

Earlville, Madison Co. NY:  There have been three deaths in this village during the past week.  Wm. Cooke aged 43; Sylvester Bacon, aged 72; and Wm. Beach aged 90.  Republican


Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY]:  Our village is again cast in gloom by the death of one of our oldest and most respected citizens.  Dr. Hulburt G. Wetmore died on Sunday, the 10th inst., and the event seems to require more than a passing notice.  He was a descendant of New England parents who settled in Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] about the year 1800 and was the second youngest of a family of ten children and born Nov. 8, 1808.  Having made choice of the medical profession, he was graduated at Fairfield Medical College, January 1833, and immediately thereafter settled in Florence, N.Y [Oneida Co. NY] where he married and remained until May 1839, when he removed to our village [Oneida Castle].  In November, 1866, he was severely bereaved by the death of his wife, and he now leaves two sons and a daughter.  He held various offices of trust with public acceptance in each place of his residence.  He was blessed with a genial, cheerful temperament, unusually fond of social enjoyments and entered into all innocent activities with a zest unusual in a man of his business responsibility.  He, also, largely endeared himself to his neighbors and patrons by uniform acts of kindness and sympathy in affliction which greatly adorned his professional life.  The write of this (who has known him nearly forty years) has repeatedly known him to render his continued professional services where there was no prospect of pecuniary reward.  This confirms the truthful remark made by his neighbors, since his decease "In Dr. Wetmore's death the poor have lost a friend".

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