Saturday, August 24, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, 1808 & 1872

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, September 7, 1808


In this village [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY], on Thursday last, by the Rev. Joshua Leonard, Mr. George Dannals of Smithfield [Madison Co. NY] to Miss Freelove Remington of the former place.


In this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY] on Tuesday the 80th ult. Mrs. Welthan Goodell consort of Mr. John Goodell, Jun. in the 66th year of her age.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, September 21, 1808


At Nelson [Madison Co. NY], on Wednesday last, by Elder Truman Beeman, Mr. Shelden Peirson to Miss Lois Dunham both of that place.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, October 5, 1808


On the 8th ult. by Patrick Sinnot, Esq., Mr. Caleb Chace to Miss Tryphena Morris, all of Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY].

In this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY] on Sunday evening last by Elisha Williams, Esq., Mr. Charles Hudson to Mrs. Dolly Cadwell.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, October 12, 1808


On Thursday the 6th inst. by Elder Peck, Daniel Wood, Esq. of Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY], to Miss Sophia Sims of this village [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY].

Hail! wedded pair, may you enjoy, / That bliss which time can ne'er destroy / With sympathy and mutual love, / May each the other's griefs remove / May all your days with peace be crown'd, / Nr discontent with you be found.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, October 19, 1808


In this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co., NY], Woodstock settlement, on Sunday the 16th inst. by Elder John Peck, Mr. Daniel Kemp to Miss Brintha Hamilton, both of Deruyter [Madison Co. NY].

Democratic Union, Union, NY, March 7, 1872


SCOTT - OSGOOD:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] Feb. 26, by Rev. WR. Brooks, Mr. George Dorance Scott and Miss -?- Osgood.

MORSE - ABBOTT:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], Feb. 15? by Rev. S. Moore, Mr. Frank D. morse and Miss Ester Abbott, all of Smyrna.

ESTES - KINNEY:  In Shed's Corner's [Madison Co. NY] Feb. 21 by A.B. White, Mr. Dwight D. Estes and Miss Sarah E. Kinney of Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY].

LOOMIS - DYE: [unreadable] Mr. Cyrus C. Loomis and Mrs. Sarah A. Dye, all of Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY].

CANDEE - CROWELL:  In Bennett's Corners [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 10, by Rev. G.W. Smith, Mr. Oliver Z. Candee of Oneida [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Emma S. Crowell, formerly of Cicero [Onondaga Co. NY].


BANTON:  In Darien, Genesee, Co. N.Y., Feb. 28, John Banton formerly of Madison [Madison Co. NY], aged 63 years and 9 months.  His remains were interred in Hubbardsville [Madison Co. NY].

COMSTOCK:  In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY], Feb. 15, Mrs. Calvin S. Comstock of North Western, N.Y. [Oneida Co.] aged 46 years.

West Eaton, Madison Co. NY:  The funeral services of Miss Emma Demmon, formerly residing here, but more recently at Perryville [Madison Co. NY], were held at the Baptist Church on Sabbath last.  The attendance was large and the services solemn and impressive.  Miss Demmon was greatly beloved by her companions and associates and her loss will be felt in a large circle of friends and relatives.

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, March 14, 1872


STODDARD - COOK:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], Feb 12 by Rev. H.H. Brown, Mr. Mitchell Stoddard and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Cook both of Stockbridge.

HECOX - MULLEN:  In Knoxboro [Oneida Co. NY], March 9, by Rev. Moses Wells, Mr. Carl Hecox and Miss Mary Mullen, both of Munnsville [Madison Co. NY].

PRIEST - STANTON:  In the M.E. Church, Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], March 10, by Rev. C.S. Crane, Mr. Harvey Priest and Miss Mary Stanton, both of Georgetown.

COLLIER - LAMPHERE: In Chittenango [Madison Co. NY], March 6, by Rev. J.B. Longstreet, Mr. Edwin F. Collier and Miss Ella A. Lamphere both of Chittenango.

ROGERS - CRANSON:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 29? by Elder H.J. Newpot? Mr. Orson D. Rogers of Shed's Corners [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Nancy A. Cranson of Georgetown [Madison Co. NY].


SNOW:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY], March 13, at the residence of his brother, Hon. John Snow, aged 49 years.

WETMORE:  In Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], March 15, of heart disease, Dr. Hulburt G. Wetmore, aged 63 years.

The death of Dr. Hulbert G. Wetmore, which occurred at his late residence on Sunday last, notice in another column, will be much regretted by the large circle of his old friends and acquaintances.  Having lived at Oneida Castle for many years, he has by the practice of his profession and untiring energy in administering to the wants of the sick and afflicted, won many personal friends and the general esteem of the surrounding community.

STILES:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 21, Sarah A. [StIles] wife of Whitford StIles, aged 56 years.

BRIGGS:  In Cuyler, N.Y. [Cortland Co.] Elenor [Briggs] a resident of Georgetown [Madison Co. NY], aged 60 years.

SHERMAN:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY], March 8, of bronchitis, Henry L. Sherman aged 31 years, 10 months, 17 days.

DURKEE:  In Hamilton, Canada, March 9, Melissa Green [Durkee] wife of S. Morris Durkee, a former resident of Augusta, Oneida Co. [NY].  The remains were taken to the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Green at Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY].

TILLEY:  In Knoxboro [Oneida Co. NY], March 9, Mrs. Mary A. Tilley in the 73d? year of her age.

HALL:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 9, Clarence Hall aged 2 years and 3 months.

PALMER:  In South Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 28, Rev. Bela Palmer aged 60 years.

THOMPSON:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 15, Henry Thompson 

JEWELL:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 29, Mrs. Mary Jewell, aged 69 years.

TUTTLE:  In South Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], March 3, Samuel Tuttle, aged 50 years.

STORKE:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 9, Mrs. Anna P. [Storke] wife of W.L. Storke, aged 61 years.

THOMPSON:  In Durhamville [Oneida Co. NY], at the house of her brother, John Bennett, Mrs. Sally Thompson wife of the late Samuel Thompson of Swansey, N.H., in the 89th? year of her age.


BENNETT:  At her home in Durhamville [Oneida Co. NY], Mrs. John Bennett, in the 84th year of her age. 

This estimable lady departed this life at her residence in Durhamville, March 1, 1872, being in the 84th year of her age.  Mrs. Bennett had lived in this vicinity many years and was beloved by all who knew her.  She possessed in an eminent degree a large share of the Christian graces, modest and unassuming in her manners, uniform and gentle in her disposition, she always preferred to look charitably rather than expose the -?- of her fellow beings.  Early in life she embraced the Christian religion and united with the Baptist church and although for the past few years her infirmities had rendered her unable to go to the house of worship, she ever felt a deep interest in the welfare of the church.  she leaves an aged husband, to whom she was devoted and with whom she lived for nearly sixty-five years, and a large family of children, most of whom are settled in Durhamville and Oneida, to mourn her loss. They often sought her advice while she was seated in the old armchair, and never went away without feeling happier and wiser for the counsel they received. But those tender ties of affection have been severed, and she has passed away from earthly sorrows and has entered into her heavenly mansion of rest.


Hamilton, Madison Co. NY:  Chauncey Isham died at Hamilton Centre last week, at the advanced age of 96 years.  Mr. Isham was undoubtedly the oldest inhabitant of this town and has been a resident of the Centre for more than 70 years.

Erieville, Madison Co., NY: On the 1st inst. Mrs. Ovet aged about 60 years died suddenly near this place.  She had long been in feeble health.

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