Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, April 12, 1820
At Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] Mr. George A. Cary of this town [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Sarah Wattles of the former place.
At Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] on the 29th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Wheeler, John C. Clark, Esq. Attorney at Law of Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Susan Maria Benjamin of the former place.
Died in this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] on Saturday evening the 8th instant, Mrs. Lucinda Backus aged 30 years, wife of Capt. John Backus, formerly of Norwich, Connecticut.
In Mrs. Backus were concentrated all those amiable virtues and accomplishments which adorn and dignify the female character. She was mild and placid, intelligent and interesting, and ever preserved, amidst many trials and afflictions, the most happy equanimity of temper and disposition. The deceased had suffered under a pulmonary complaint for nearly two years, which she bore with a fortitude and resignation, truly characteristic of the real Christian. She was a pious and exemplary member of the Episcopal Church in this village and died relying upon that hope which afford the fullest assurance of exchanging the cares and sorrows incident to this life, for that of a happy eternity in heaven, where the "wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest." On Monday last her mortal remains were consigned to the tomb amid the tears and regrets of a large number of afflicted friends and acquaintances.
"Hark! she bids her friends adieu; / Some angel calls her to the spheres; / Our eyes the radiant saint pursue / Through liquid telescopes of tears.
Farewell! bright soul, a short farewell, / Tell we shall meet again above, / In the sweet groves where pleasures dwell / And trees of life bear fruits of love."
Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, April 26, 1820
Died in this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY], on Sunday last, after a short but distressing illness, Stephen O. Runyan, Esq. Counsellor at Law, aged 4 8 years.
The deceased was peculiarly distinguished for charity and benevolence, and his whole life has been characterized by a devotion to acts of public munificence. He never sought for self-aggrandizement. The public good was a paramount duty with him at all times. He died a penitent believer in the holy Religion of Jesus Christ, with a perfect resignation to the will of God.
Died at Preston [Chenango Co. NY] on Monday the 3d inst. of the Consumption, Mr. James Mason, Jun. aged 36 years. After a long and painful confinement which he endured with Christian fortitude and resignation, in the full belief of a glorious immortality beyond the tomb. A few moments before his departure he exclaimed to his weeping friends around his bed, "do not mourn for me for I shall be happy." He then put out his hand and bid his friends an affectionate farewell, exhorting them to take warning. He has left a wife and two children with numerous connections to lament his loss, who are notwithstanding consolated with a hope that it is his gain. He was formerly from Lebanon, Connecticut.
"Farewell vain world, thy joys deceive, / True pleasure lies beyond the grave."
Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, February 9, 1848
At Rocky Hill, Connecticut on the 3d December last, Mrs. Jerusha Chapin wife of the Rev. Edwin Chapin, D.D., aged 71 years.
Also, at Andover, Massachusetts on the 22d ult. Mrs. Phebe Farrar, formerly the wife of the Rev. Asakel Hooker, Pastor of the Congregational Church at Goshen, Connecticut, aged 78 years.
Both the above ladies were granddaughters of the first President Edwards.
Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, February 16, 1848
In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY], Feb. 1st by Ev. Wm. DeLong, Mr. Nathan Hull and Miss Sarah Andrews both of Union [Broome Co. NY].
In Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], Feb. 9th, by Ev. Wm. De Long, Mr. Ambros Sweet and Miss Rhoda Ann Stotts all of this town.
At the residence of his son at Chenango Forks [Broome Co. NY] on the 28th ult, after an illness of 16 days, William Root, a soldier of the Revolution, in the 89th year of his age.
Mr. R. was born at Great Barrington, Mass., on the 15th March 1759. At the age of 16 he enlisted in the service of his country and bore arms through nearly the whole of the war, and was honorably discharged. For the last 29 years, he received a pension from Government. During the whole term of his life he enjoyed, with few exceptions, the most perfect and uninterrupted health and retained the exercise of his faculties up to the time of his last illness, in a remarkable degree.
On the flyleaf of a copy of Eastman's History of New York, he had written with his own hand, some three or four years before his death, the following memoranda:
"I, William Root, was in the battle at White Plains, under General Washington, Oct. 28, 1776. I was in the battle under General Gates on the 7th of October 1777, and soon after, saw Burgoyne's whole army lay down their arms and march out, prisoners of war. I was in the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778. I was in the battle at the storming of Stony Point, under General Wayne, July 16, 1779, where I was shot through my frock on both sides, and through my hat, and my gun barrel cut off by grape shot. Nine men out of 16 were killed in my platoon."
Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, February 23, 1848
In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] last evening, 18th inst. Mrs. Polly Wells relict of the late Chester Wells, Esq. aged 50 years.
In this dispensation a bereaved family are called to mourn the loss of a fond mother and an energetic friend, and society will miss one whose modest virtues will long be remembered.