Saturday, December 7, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY (1818 & 1836)

 Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, August 12, 1818


On the 31st ult. at Mount Vernon [Westchester Co. NY] in the vicinity of New York, Mrs. Maria Clinton, wife of his Excellency Governor Clinton.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, September 9, 1818


Very suddenly on the 27th ult at the house of Walter Cochran Esq in the village of Utica [Oneida Co. NY], Mrs. Elizabeth Smith the amiable consort of the Hon. Peter Smith, first judge of Madison County [NY].  Her life was distinguished for devotion to her husband, affection and tenderness to her family and usefulness to others.

At Fort Meigs, on the 15th ult. Col. John Lovett, late of Albany [Albany Co. NY].

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, September 30, 1818


Very suddenly at Meredith, Delaware County [NY] on the 26th inst. Mrs. Sally S. Mygatt aged 27 years, wife of Mr. Henry Mygatt, Merchant of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY].  Mrs. Mygatt had long been laboring under a severe disease which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation and was on a journey for the restoration of her health at the time of her disease.  She was an amiable and affectionate wife, a tender mother and has left a husband and a number of small children to lament her loss.

In this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY], on the 22d inst. Miss Urania Oviatt(?) aged 28 years.

In Milton (Saratoga County) [NY] in June last, Mr. Alexander Ross aged about one hundred and twenty.  Mr. Ross was a native of Scotland and served in the army of the Pretenders, in 1745.  After his defeat and the consequent ruin of the army, Mr. Ross came to America and served in the army of Gen. Wolf and was severely wounded on the plains of Abraham.  On the breaking out of the Revolutionary War, Mr. Ross, although very aged, took up arms in the defense of our country and distinguished himself by his bravery and soldier like conduct, in several severe actions.  He was a consistent patriot, a sincere and faithful friend.  Honesty and integrity marked his way, and contentment delighted in him.  At the age of 117, he was convinced that works, however fair, would not, unless united with religion, avail him.  He then joined himself to a respectable church and proved himself a useful and zealous member.  He retained his mental and bodily faculties to a surprising degree and died in the full assurance of entering into the joys of the faithful.  Ballston Watch-Tower

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, October 28, 1818


At New Milford, Connecticut, by the Rev. Mr. Elliot, Mr. Austin Hyde of this village [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Elizabeth A. Mygatt of the former place.

At Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], on the 15th inst. by S.A. Smith, Esq. Mr. Nathan Brown of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], to Miss Harriet Ives daughter of Lyman Ives, Esq. of the former place.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, March 2, 1836


In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY] on the 21st ult. by Elder Beach, Mr. Nelson Benedict to Miss Lucretia Aldrich all of that place.

At the same place, on the 25th ult. by Elder Bowdish, Mr. Alson Adams to Miss Betsey Evans all of that place.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, March 23, 1836


In this town [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], on Thursday evening last, by Elder J.S. Swan, Mr. Jonathan Green of Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Lucy P. Breed of the former place.


In North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY, on the 13th inst. Mrs. Theresa M. Smith wife of Mr. James H. Smith, aged 31 years.

Mrs. Smith had been a member of the Baptist church in this place during the last eight years of her life.  She was ever devoted to the cause of Christ manifesting at all times the deepest anxiety for lost men, and though her health for the last four years was much impaired yd illness, yet her wasting strength was employed in doing good.  Her afflictions until the last were borne with Christian patience and during her last illness, which was very severe, she manifested much resignation to the will of her Heavenly Father and in her expiring moments she bade her husband and friends Farewell with a smile - warning them all to prepare to follow her into the Eternal world.  In this afflictive providence, Mr. Smith is left with a little son about five years of age, in connection with other near friends, to mourn the absence of one near by the ties of nature, the church a devoted member and society a faithful and affectionate friend.  "Blessed are the dead who die in the lord."

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, March 30, 1836


At Mount Morris, Livingston County [NY] on Thursday, the 17th inst. by the Rev. C.H. Goodrich, Mr. Hugh Harding, Editor of the Mount Morris Spectator, to Miss Emily M. Percival formerly of Smyrna in this county [Chenango Co. NY] all of Mt. Morris.

In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY] on the 24th inst. by the Rev. Luther H. Peck, Mr. Roswell K. Bourne, Principal of the Sylvan Springs High School to Miss Rosina Maria [Carpenter] daughter of Nathan Carpenter Esq. all of the same place.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY (1872)

 Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, June 27, 1872


HOWARD - WARNER:  In Rochester [Monroe Co. NY], June 19, at the residence of the bride's father, No. 25 East Avenue by Rev. D. McFarland, of Fairport, Mr./ John L. Howard of New York City and Miss Nell A. Warner of Rochester, both formerly of Oneida [Madison Co. NY].

HOXIE - BENTLEY:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] June 18, by Rev. I.D. Clark, Mr. John A. Hoxie of Vesper, N.Y. [Onondaga Co.], and Miss Mary E. Bentley daughter of A.V. Bentley, Esq. of DeRuyter.


BROWN:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] June 23, Clark Brown an old and respected citizen of that village, aged 76 years.

KIDD:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] near Chittenango Falls, June 9, Samuel Kidd aged 41 years.

JONES:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] June 11, Mrs. Betsey Jones in the 74th year of her age.

KEELER:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] June 19, Mrs. Polly L. Keeler, aged 72 years.

DAVIS:  In Cazenovia (Madison Co. NY] June 18, Mrs. Lucy S. Davis wife of Ward A. Davis and daughter of Henry A. Johnson aged 35 years.

WORRELL:  In Georgetown [Madison Co. NY] June 23, Elmira [Worrell] wife of John Worrell, aged 55 years.

DURHAM:  Mr. Durham, a gentleman of 62 years of age died on Friday afternoon, the 14th inst. after some weeks of severe illness, at the residence of his son-in-law, D.A. Jackson of the Dispatch.  The funeral services were held at the residence on Monday morning and the body accompanied by relatives and friends, was taken to Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] for burial, where Mr. Durham had spent nearly 30 years of his life, and had been an active member of the Methodist Church, until he came to Oneida [Madison Co. NY] about two years since, during which time he has been a member of the M.E. Church in this village.

CRAVEN:  We are seldom called upon to record a more touching accident than that of the drowning of Theodore Craven, near Solsville [Madison Co. NY] on the afternoon of Tuesday last, through generously seeking the safety of another.  He in company with his brother-in-law took a small boat and started out on Greeley's pond and had got a short distance out when they discovered that the boat was incapable of carrying more than one person at a time.  [Craven got out of the boat] in order to give his brother-in-law the full benefit of the boat, but in so doing, overturned it, precipitating his companion in the water.  He turned back and with almost unexampled courage and fortitude succeeded in getting him to the boat, and again started for the shore, and had got within thirty or forty feet of the bank when he, through the encumbrance of his overcoat, was drowned.  A person who witnessed the scene swam out and rescued the man clinging to the boat and then helped rescue the body of the unfortunate Theodore Craven.

CRANDALL:  On Friday evening of last week, a boy by the name of Crandall, with two other companions, went bathing in the canal at State Bridge.  The boys were learning to swim, when young Crandall slipped from the slope wall into the deep water and went down.  One of his mates endeavored to save him, but came near being drowned with his unfortunate friend, who clung to him for a moment with deathly grasp.  The news that Arthur Crandall was drowned, soon spread, and the canal was dragged with a horse rake and the body, after some time recovered.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1828) & Madison (1872) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 11, 1828


On Monday the 9th inst. Mr. David Blakeley of Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] was chopping timber in the woods in company with another man.  They felled one tree and lodged it on another and in cutting the other down, the first mentioned tree rolled from its stump and falling, struck Mr. Blakely on the head and nearly severed it in two.  One leg and thigh were also shockingly mangled.  It is unnecessary to state that he survived not a moment.  He was about 46 years of age and has left a wife and large family to mourn his sudden and untimely exit.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, July 2, 1828


At Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] on the 8th ult. by Elder Griswold, Mr. John Jones of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Lucy Robins of the former place.

On the 15th ult. Mr. Rufus Thompson to Miss Emeline Wells.

On the 22d ult. Mr. John Gould to Miss Emeline Robins.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 6, 1828


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 1st inst. Hon. Charles A. Foote in the 43d year of his age.  Up to the time of his being attacked by the wasting malady which terminated fatally, he filled various employments with credit and usefulness.  Those who knew him either in public or private life will bear testimony to the disinterested and honorable feelings and the amiable and benevolent dispositions of his heart.  His departure is the cause of deep sorrow to his family and friends and of regret generally.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 27, 1828


In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 20th inst. by the Rev. Isaac Headley, the Rev. Robert Brown of Stockbridge, Mass. to Miss Eliza [Headley] daughter of the Rev. Isaac Headley of the former place.


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on the 14th inst. at his residence two miles from this village.  Hon. Gideon Frisbee in the 71st year of his age.  He came to this county about forty years ago and settled upon the same farm on which he resided till the time of his death.  It was then in the county of Montgomery, afterwards in the county of Otsego and in 1797 in the county of Delaware.  Judge Frisbee, in the early settlements of the country, was distinguished among his fellow citizens as Captain in the militia, Justice of the Peace and the highest offices in the gift of the town.  Not many years after the erection of Delaware County, he was appointed county Treasurer and about the same time a judge of the Common Pleas. Both of these offices he held with fidelity, honor and usefulness till within a few years of his death, he resigned them, alleging as a reason that he felt a decay of his physical and mental powers, and ought not to hold them longer.  He acquired a handsome property by honest industry and was one of the most useful members of society this country ever knew.  The vast concourse of people who attended his funeral; the fervent appeal to the throne of grace by the Rev. Mr. Mabie; the feeling address of the Rev. Mr. Maxwell, and the silent and solemn aspect of all who surrounded the hearse, conspired to evince the high estimation in which he was held by his fellow citizens.  Pall bearers: Mr. Crane, Judge Law, Gen. Root, Hon. S. Sherwood.

Suddenly, in Bovina on the 14th inst. Mrs. Jannet Thompson in the 43rd year of her age, wife of Mr. David Thompson and daughter of Mr. Robert Hurme(?), Sen'r.  A woman distinguished for Christian deportment and for domestic virtues.  As evidence of her estimation among her friends and neighbors, notwithstanding the busy season of the year, her remains were conveyed to their long home by one of the largest funeral assemblies we have witnessed in these parts.


Died, on the 5th inst. at his late residence in the Michigan Territory, William Kedzie Esq in the 48th year of his age, formerly an inhabitant of this county [Delaware Co. NY].

Mr. Kedzie had removed with his family a few years since from this county and settled in the Michigan under the most flattering of circumstances.  Possessed of a strong constitution, vigorous intellect, and great moral worth, he was calculated to improve the country and exert a benign and happy influence on the state of society whither he had gone.  God had prospered him in the labors of his hands, and the wilderness began to bloom around him.   His pious and benevolent exertions in behalf of the moral improvement of his fellow men, were crowned with success, for it was evident that the spirit of the Lord was there!  But in the midst of his days, his usefulness, and his prospects, the stern hand of Death arrested him, and he was removed to a better country, a land of perfect peace and pure enjoyment.  His beloved family has experienced an irreparable loss, a loving and faithful husband, a tender and affectionate parent; the Church of Christ has lost an active and efficient member and civil society has been bereft of one of its best and brightest ornaments. The intelligence of his sudden and unexpected death has cast a gloom over many a family in this county.  It has pierced many a tender and feeling heart.  The friends and relatives of the deceased are numerous and while they feel their own loss, they cheerfully extend their prayers and their sympathies to the afflicted and mourning widow and children, who are dwelling in the land of strangers, toward the going down of the sun.  And while by this providence they are again reminded of the shortness and uncertainty of human life, they would not forget the voice which addresses them far from the west, and from the book of God:  "Be still and know that I am God,"  "Blessed are the dead that died in the Lord, yea, saith the spirit, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them."

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, June 20, 1872


DOWNER - CUMING:  In Chittenango [Madison Co. NY], June 9th, by Rev. J.B. Longstreet, Mr. Abner P. Downer and Miss Kate Cuming, both of Oneida [Madison Co. NY].

CAVANA - ROBINSON:  In Holland Patent [Oneida County, NY], June 5, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. A.M. Bennett, Martin Cavana, M.D. of Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], and Miss Sarah J. Robinson of Holland Patent.

FISH - CASE:  In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] June 12, by Rev. W.H. Fish, of South Scituate, Mass. Rev. W.H. Fish, Jr., of Northampton, Mass., and Miss Helen A. Case daughter of Everett Case of Vernon.

CONKLIN - HEARSEY:  June 12, by Rev. E.M. Van Deusen, D.D. Lucius H. Conklin of Brooklyn and Kate E. Hearsey of Waterville [Oneida Co. NY].

NIXON - ANGUISH: In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] June 10, by Rev. S.S. Bidwell, Mr. Wm. F. Nixon and Miss Olivia E. Anguish, both of Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY].

WALDEN - DANA:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] June 18, by Rev. Richard Sanford, Mr. John E. Walden of Syracuse [Onondaga Co. NY] and Miss Mary E. [Dana] daughter of L.D. Dana of Morrisville.

EATON - LEWRIGHT:  In Liberty, Mo., June 6, by Rev. J. Hithman, Prof. J.R. Eaton of William Jewell College, 2d son of Geo. W. Eaton, D.D. of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Mattie E Lewright of liberty.

PENNOCK - HOLMES: In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] May 30, by Rev Judson Davis, Mr. C.H. Pennock of South Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Isabella Holmes of West Eaton.

NILES - CAMPBELL:  In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] June 13, by Rev. Judson Davis, Mr. Marshall Niles of Union City, Pa., and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Campbell of West Eaton.


BAKER:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] at his residence on Main St., on Saturday evening, June 15, at 7 o'clock, William H. Baker, editor and proprietor of The Democratic Union aged 41 years, 5 months and 21 days.

FROST:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] June 9, Martha A. [Frost] wife of L.L. Frost, aged 35 years.

HILL:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] June 14, Sophia [Hill] aged 78 years.

WOODWORTH:  In Fenner [Madison Co. NY], June 3, Francis Woodworth aged 61 years.

BUTLER:  In Munnsville [Madison Co. NY], June 3, at the residence of Dr. J. Treat, Elbert E. Butler aged 26 years and 5 months.

BICKNELL:  In Memphis, Tenn. June 2, Anna R. [Bicknell] daughter of Byron J. and Amelia Bicknell, aged 16 months.

FORTE:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] May 27 of congestion of the brain, Clara May [Forte] daughter of Irving C Forte, aged 10 years.

LORD:  In Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY] May 7, Mrs. Kesiah E. Lord wife of Sherburn Lord and daughter of David Gillespie, aged 34 years and 11 months.

WILLIAMS:  Aristarchus Williams an old resident of Poolville [Madison Co. NY], went to Utica short time since, to visit a daughter he has there.  On Tuesday evening of last week, he complained of feeling unwell and retired somewhat earlier than usual.  A few minutes before ten o'clock the daughter heard a moaning sound in his room and went in to learn the cause, when she found her father dying.   He was unconscious when she entered the room and expired a few minutes after.  His body was brought to Poolville for interment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1828) and Madison (1872) Counties, NY

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 7, 1828


Whereas my wife Polly [Maxson] has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation.  This is to forbid all person harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Thomas Maxson.  Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY], April 12, 1828 

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 14, 1828


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last by P. Beardsley, Esq. Mr. John Baker, Jun. to Miss Laura Jaques.


In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on Friday morning last, Mrs. Susan Edgerton wife of Mr. Henry Edgerton, aged about 24 years.


In Washington City, at a quarter before 6 o'clock, last evening, the Hon. Thomas Tudor Tucker, Treasurer of the United States, in the 84th year of his age.  He had been confined to his bed by the malady which terminated his life for thirteen weeks and in the entire possession of his mental faculties and in the most resigned and pious frame of mind.

Of this venerable and most estimable man, it is not our purpose now to portray the character, further than to say that he was a patriot of the purest character, tested in the ordeal of the revolution, and approved in the political trials which followed it.  He was a representative from the state of South Carolina, in the first Congress of the United States and for some time afterwards deservedly enjoying the respect of those with whom he was associated in the important duty of putting this government into operation.  He had for many years previous to his decease filled with fidelity the duties of the office which he held at the time of his death and in his public as well as private life, was the model of a gentleman and an example to all around him.  Nat. Intel.

News Item

One Cent Reward:  Ran away from the subscriber, an indented apprentice name Jesse Archer aged about 17 years.  All persons are forbid trusting or harboring him on my account, as I shall pay no debts except the above reward for his apprehension.  Robert Balluntyne Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] April 22, 1828.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 28, 1828


Another Revolutionary Character gone:  A letter dated at Greensburg, near Tarrytown, 24th inst. states:  that Isaac Van Wart one of the captors of Major Andre, in the Revolutionary War, died on Friday last.  A short time before his decease in a conversation with his physician, he said, having reference to the Paulding Monument, that he wished no monument to be erected to him after his death.  Thus, every day diminishes the Revolutionary characters.  Mr. Van Wart was a worthy man and much respected in his neighborhood.  N.Y. Enq.

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, June 13, 1872


CHUBBUCK - LAWRENCE:  In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] June 6, by Rev. B.W. Hamilton, Mr. Dwight W. Chubbuck and Miss Mary J. Lawrence daughter of S.W. Lawrence, Esq. all of West Eaton.

BULKLEY - CRANDALL:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] June 3, by Rev. A.P. Smith, Brownell Bulkley and Amelia Crandall, all of Cazenovia.

RANSON - REED:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 5, by Rev. I.D. Peassler, Mr. Henry C. Ranson and Miss Sarah M. Reed all of Hamilton.

Hamilton, Madison Co. NY:  Our young friend H.C. Ransom, who got married one day last week, returned home Thursday evening and about 11 o'clock, quite a party of his friends with some members of Clark's string band, got together and gave him a serenade.  Hank, of course, couldn't stand that and had to come out and take the party to the Ingalls' House, where he "set up the stuff" to the entire satisfaction of all present.  A long and happy life to you and your lady, Hank.


ELLIS:  In Oneida Castle [Oneida Co. NY], June 12th, Mrs. Mercy F. Ellis aged 74 years.  The funeral will be attended from the Church in Oneida Castle tomorrow (Friday) at 2 o'clock P.M.

WATSON:  In West Eaton [Madison Co. NY] May 30, Mary Waring Watson widow of Robert Watson Jr. aged 62 years and 18 days.

ALBEE:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 2, Ruie A. Albee aged 17 years and 3 months.

CRUMB:  In Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] May 24, Ann Eliza Crumb aged 32 years 1 months and 20 days.

LAY:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], June 1, Caroline Lay aged 77 years.

HARTSHORN:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] June 3, Herbert Hartshorn aged 18 years.

WOODHOUSE:  Near Oneida Valley [Madison Co. NY] May 19 after a short but severe illness, Julia M. [Woodhouse] only daughter of Henry and lucy Woodhouse, aged 16 years and 6 months.  Suddenly she has been cut down like a "lilly in the time of its blooming" and fond parents are left without a daughter and brothers without a sister."

Oh! woeful hour when death draws near, / With stealthy step and shadow drear, / And lays his crushing hand on those / Whose sweet young life is as the rose; / But with those souls so pure and true, / 'Tis better in their home anew.

PECKHAM:  In Garwood Station, May 21, Claude S. [Peckham] son of Sidney and Eliza Peckham, aged 13 months and 8 days.

Sleep, darling baby sleep, / Upon the earth's cold breast; / This little grave we see / Is where our birdling rests.

But in that better land, / With Jesus gone to dwell / With the spirit of our angel boy, / We joy to know tis well.

PARMALEE:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY] April 15, Mr. Philo Parmalee in the 85th year of his age.

Thou art gone, dear father, passed away, / Thy angel voice with many a pleasant word, / That used so oft to cheer us day by day, / Is now no longer by thy children heard.

"Weep not dear children, but trust in Him / Who gave the strength all trails to bear. / Your father now is called from pain and sin, / A crown of endless joy to ever wear."

We can but sorrow for thy presence still, / Though hope of life we know hath flown; / Nor would we murmur at the holy will / Of God, though sad and desolate our home.

But fleeting time this breath to mortals given, / May scatter friends, no more on earth to meet; / Faith whispers, we shall meet once more in Heaven / The joyful thought our friends once more to greet.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego (1857) & Madison (1872) Counties, NY

 Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 18, 1857


In West Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], Jan. 9th, by Rev. W.A. Alger, Mr. Henry W. Tyler? of Susquehanna Co. Penn. to Miss Martha L. Newell of West Laurens.

In Laurens village [Otsego Co. NY], March 2d, by Rev. W.A. Alger, Mr. Edward W. Newell to Miss Mary M. Mead both of Laurens.

At Unadilla Centre [Otsego Co. NY] March 5th, by Re.v Wm. Bixby of Oxford, Mr. Gilbert Mann of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Phebe Jane [White] daughter of Mr. John White? of Unadilla Centre.


In Croton on the morning of the 5th of March, of smallpox, Eugene [Foote] youngest son of S.S. Foote, in the 13th year of his age.

At Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Feb. 28th, of consumption, Mrs. Arabel Bradley [Strong] wife of Charles L. Strong, formerly of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] aged 44 years.

At North Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] March 1st Harmonious Dumond aged 78 years.

At West Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY] March 4th, Mrs. Margaret Hotchkiss Davis aged 35 years, wife of Richard E. Davis, and only child of Mr. Roswell Hotchkiss, Jr.

Charles C. Webster a blacksmith, aged 30 years, was found dead in his bed in Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] last Friday evening, the 6th inst.  Coroner Edwards held an inquest on Saturday and the jury rendered a verdict of death by apoplexy.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 25, 1857


At West Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] on the 23d ult. Jabez Hitchcock, Esq. aged 76 years.  Esq. H. was one of the pioneer settlers of the village of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY].  In early life he came to that place and contemporaneously with Gen. Root, Dr. Paine and others made an active and intelligent citizen, ever ready to use his utmost exertions to promote the growth and prosperity of the village.  His correct and able discharge of the onerous duties of principal Magistrate, will long be remembered by businessmen with whom officially he came in contact.  During the last 20 years he resided at the place of his decease.  He was spared beyond the allotted term of life and endured much suffering from diseases peculiar to old age.  Ripe in years and with a full share of the trials and troubles incident to earth's pilgrimage, he has gone down to the grave with a confident assurance that his "Redeemer liveth."

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, June 6, 1872


CAMPTON - ROOT:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] May 26, by Elder H.J. Newitt, Mr. Dewitt C. Campton and Miss Lydia P. Root of DeRuyter.

WILCOX - SPAULDING:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] May 26th, by Elder T. Fisher, Andrew J. Wilcox of Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY], and Delina B. Spaulding of DeRuyter.

DUNN - CRANDALL:  In Leonardsville [Madison Co. NY], May 28, by the Rev Stephen Burdwick, Mr. Ellis J. Dunn of Dunellan, N.J. and Miss Mary D Crandall of Leonardsville, N.Y.

MASON - BEECHER:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY], May 23, by Rev. L.D. Bigger, assisted by Prof. W.J. Beecher, of Auburn Theological Seminary, Albert C. Mason of Galenburg, Ill. and L. Valina Beecher of Verona.


ATHERLY:  In Oneida [Madison Co. NY] June 1, A. Judson Atherly formerly of Corry, Pa. aged 41 years.  The remains were taken to Ashville, N.Y. [Chautauqua Co.] for interment.

The sudden death of Mr. Atherly has cast gloom over many of his old friends, whose acquaintance he has so lately renewed.  He was taken ill on Monday, the 27th of May, died on the following Saturday, and the funeral services were held at his late residence in Oneida last Sabbath.  His remains were taken on Monday to Ashville, NY. for interment.  he leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss.

ROGERS:  In Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY], May 17, Joseph Rogers, in his 73d year.

SANDERS:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] May 28, Myra [Sanders] only daughter of Edwin and Mary E Sanders, aged 2 years and 8 months.

RICE:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] Aril 12, Mrs. Samuel Rice formerly of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] aged 80 years 5 months and 13 days.

SWEET:  In Elpasa, Kansas, March 28, of hemorrhage of the stomach, John P Sweet son of Rufus Sweet, formerly of Lebanon [Madison Co. NY], aged 36 years.

PARMALEE:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY], April 15, Mr. Philo Parmalee in the 85th year of his age.

MAXON:  In Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] May 30, Lorenzo P. Maxson, aged 63 years.

FOSTER:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY[ May 19, Mr. James H. Foster aged 38 years and 5 months.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Vital Records, Madison (1811) & Otsego (1856 & 1857) Counties, NY

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, May 29, 1811


At Aurora, the 9th inst. Mrs. Polly Tousley, Consort of Roswell Tousley, Esq. in the thirty-seventh year of her ago.  In the death of Mrs. Tousley, society has lost an exemplary member and her surviving relatives an invaluable friend. She died with unshaken fortitude, trusting in the Lord.  "Life's a short summer - man a flower, / He dies - Alas! how soon he dies!"

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, June 26, 1811


On Sunday the 2d inst. by elder Peck, Mr. James Sulivan to Miss Patty Holmes, all of this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY].

"Let guardian angels watch with care, / From harm protect the wedded pair; / That each the other, strive to love, / And each the others griefs remove; / May not a day be spent in vain, / May everlasting friendship reign."

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, July 10, 1811

News Item

Ran Away from the subscriber on the night of the 29th of June last, Julius A. Bingham, an indented apprentice to the printing business, between seventeen and eighteen years of age, of common stature, light complexion, appears honest and innocent, while deceit and wickedness lurks within his heart.  Perhaps no runaway scoundrel ever possessed more inherent baseness.  Previous to his decampment, he embezzled cash and goods to the amount of sixty or seventy dollars.  All persons are forbid harboring, trusting or employing said runaway, under the penalty of the law.  Whoever will apprehend and secure said boy, and give the subscriber notice, shall be reasonably rewarded.  Gran E. Baker Cazenovia July 1, 1811.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, July 31, 1811


At Smithfield [Madison Co. NY] on Saturday last, after a short illness, Captain Ebenezer Wales.

News Item

Whereas Abigail [Adams] my wife, has eloped from my bed and board without any just reason or provocation, and refuses to live with me, this is therefore to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date.  Roderick C. Adams, Marcellus [Onondaga C. NY], July 4th, 1811.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, November 19, 1856


A little daughter, 3 years old, of Mr. James Frazier, living just below this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], was terribly and fatally scalded on Thursday last, and died on Monday morning, having lingered in great agony until that time.  Its mother had left the room where the child was for a few minutes in which was a pail of scalding water.  It is supposed that the child fell from a chair into the pail, or it may have fallen backward.  It was found sitting in the pail.  Delhi Express

It is stated that D.M. Holdredge of Bainbridge i Chenango County [NY] was taken very singularly ill at the Girard House, New York, where he was stopping, recently.  He fell asleep on Wednesday night and never afterwards awoke, though electricity and other stimulants were applied.  He died on the following Sunday, the 19th ult.  His remains were brought to Bainbridge for burial.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, January 28, 1857


In this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th inst. Mr. David Weeks aged 49 years and 6 months.

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st inst. Juliaet Horton aged 17 years and 11 months.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, February 11, 1857


In this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY] Feb. 4th, by Rev. W.G. Queal, Rev. Wm. H. Olin of Ithaca N.Y. [Tompkins Co. NY] formerly of this place, to Miss Melissa [Watkins] daughter of Munson R. Watkins, Esq. of Oneonta.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] January 29th by Rev E.C. Hodge, Mr. George A. Horton of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Ann Eliza Dean of Oneonta.

At the residence of G.W. Deitz, Esq. the bride's father in Franklinville, Ill. on the 7th ult. by Rev. R. K. Todd, Mr Lyman W. Shelden to Miss Mary Dietz both of Seneca [Ontario Co. NY].


At Otsdawa [Otsego Co. NY], January 30th, Miss S.M. Davis, aged 33 years.  By this dispensation of Divine Providence, her aged parents are bereft of a dutiful and affectionate daughter. the Church has lost an influential member, and the community has lost one of its brightest ornaments.  But she has left an evidence that our loss is her eternal gain.

In Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] Nov. 18th, 1856, of inflammation in the head, Joseph Bela [Brooks] aged 1-1/2 years; Jan. 16th of scarlet fever, Edward Emmet [Brooks] aged 9 years; Jan. 28th of scarlet fever, Elizabeth Annis [Brooks] aged 7 years; children of Mr. Isaac M. Brooks.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1847 & 1869)

 Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 6, 1847


On the 28th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Richard Spicer to Miss E. Hathaway, both of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].


In Stark [Herkimer Co. NY], on the 13th ult. Catharine [Walrath] wife of Albert Walrath in the 55th year of her age.

In Cleveland, Ohio, on the 16th inst. Mr. Thomas P. May formerly of this village, aged 54 years.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 13, 1847


In Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] by the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Daniel Rainer to Miss Adelia Straight, both of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].

Also, Mr. Peter Skinner of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Eliza Miller of Canajoharie [Montgomery Co. NY].


In Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 1st inst. Charles William [Bartling] son of Mr. William Bartling, aged 4 mo. and 17 days.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 20, 1847


On the morning of the 13th inst. in Christ Church, Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] by the Rev. Amos B. Beach, the Rev Alfred B. Beach to Catharine Russell [Nelson] eldest daughter of Judge Nelson.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 14th inst. by the Rev. C.H. Harvey, Mr. Thomas Stickle to Miss Sally Ann Hall all of Cherry Valley.

In Lodi [Seneca Co. NY], Sept. 16th by the same, Mr. Robert Francis to Miss Elizabeth Smith all of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY].

In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 18th ult by the same Mr. Jonathan Tree of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss H.A. Innocent of Middlefield.

In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 3d inst. by the same, Mr. Wm. Stansel to Miss Margaret N. Siver all of Springfield [Otsego Co. NY].

In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] by the same on the 8th inst. Mr. Alden Pope to Miss Mary Ann Siver all of Middlefield.


At Milwaukie, Wisconsin Territory on the 17th of August last, Mrs. Elizabeth Oakley formerly of this county [Otsego Co. NY], aged 53 years.


It is again our painful duty to record the death of an aged and highly respectable citizen of this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY]

Died on Friday morning, the 15th inst, at his residence, near this village, George Clyde Esquire, aged seventy-five years and eleven days.  He was born in this town and at his death was its oldest native citizen.  He was the second son of Col. Samuel Clyde, one of the first and most respectable settlers of Cherry Valley and an Officer of the Revolutionary Army.  George, the subject of this notice, was born on the beautiful farm in sight of our village, where he lived and died and where he is buried.   His remains now rest by the side of his beloved wife, within a few rods of his late mansion house.

Mr. Clyde was appointed one of the Magistrates of this town by Gov. George Clinton, which office he held for twenty-three years, and the duties of which he discharged with fidelity and impartiality, and in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to the public.  Temperate in his habits, industrious and economical, he maintained and educated his family well, while at the same time he laid up a considerable estate and when he died was one of our most independent Farmers.  His eldest son was an highly respected and useful member of the late Constitutional Convention, elected form the County of Columbia.  Mr. Clyde, though he read and reflected much, seldom was abroad.  He loved his home, and was an affectionate husband, indulgent parent, a devoted friend, a kind neighbor and patriotic citizen.  He was a believer in the Christian Religion and died in an assured hope of enjoying eternal life through the merits of the Redeemer.  Though far advanced in life, his mental powers continued in full vigor till his death.

We cannot close these obituary remarks already extended more than was intended, without referring to a thrilling scene experienced by the deceased in his childhood and which was related by him to the writer of this article.

On the 11th day of the dreary month of November 1778, the Indians destroyed Cherry Valley and murdered many of its inhabitants.  On the morning of that day, Col. C. had gone to the Fort, then situated where the graveyard now is.  During his absence, Mrs. Clyde, a lady distinguished for fortitude and strength of mind, as many now living can testify, was alarmed by the sudden appearance of hostile savages.  She instantly fled with her children, among whom was the deceased, then between six and seven years old, about two miles to the summit of a hill which overlooks the village, and which was covered with a wild wood.  There she remained concealed by the density of the forest during the remainder of the day and through the following night.  A heavy rain set in which froze as it fell on this helpless family, who had no shelter but the dark and angry skies.  During that long and horrible night, the deep silence around them was frequently broken by the yells of the savages, some of whom often passed with a few rods of this defenseless mother and her children.  The gloom of the night was rendered more horrid by the glitter of the flames of the dwelling houses in the valley. The next morning Mrs. Clyde, at the eminent peril of being intercepted by the Indians, succeeded in conducting her little party to the Fort, but when she came in view of the house from which she had fled, she found the house and barn burnt to ashes.  How sad and heart sickening was that sight!  Do we appreciate the sufferings of our Fathers, one of the last of whom has now gone down to the grave?

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, October 27, 1847


In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 17th inst. by H.S. Babcock, Esq., Levi Masters to Mrs. Amelia Wilson, both of Middlefield.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, September 29, 1869


At Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], August 30th, by Rev. G.M. Peck, Mr. David Jilson of Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Julia M. Ford of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].

At the M.E. Parsonage, Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], Sept. 22d, by Rev. G.M. Peck, Mr. Alonzo Shaffer of Cobleskill [Schoharie Co. NY] and Miss Melissa C. Fisher of Unadilla.

At Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] Sept. 6th, by Rev. N.S. Rulison, Mr. Wm. H. Cole of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Emma G. Cook of Laurens.

At Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Sept. 8th, by Rev. N.S. Rulison, Mr. G.M. Wellman of Springfield, Mass., to Miss Jennie S. Cole of Otego.


In Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] Sept. 19th, Watson Bassel aged about 22 years.

Near Otego village [Otsego Co. NY] on the 20th inst. Mrs. Hannah Baker, aged 103 years.

At DeKalb, Ill. Sept. 1st Mrs. Frances Miller wife of Vinson D. miller, Esq. of DeKalb and only daughter of Silas Bissell of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] aged 28 years and 3 months.

In South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] Sept. 7th, of cholera infantum Little Howard [Smith] only child of Benjamin and Emma Smith, aged 10 months and 13 days.

In Morris [Otsego Co. NY] August 29th, Phineas C. Ball aged 69 years.

In Cannonsville, Delaware County, [NY] on 15th inst. Mrs. Augustus Flowers, the wife of a farmer, sent out her two children, aged respectively three and five years to call their father to dinner.  Soon after, the mother was horrified beyond expression to see her husband enter the house bearing the two little ones in his arms, one a lifeless mass of ragged flesh and blood, while the other was senseless from a terrible blow on the head, from the effects of which it died next day.  It appears that the children in going for their father, had to pass through a pasture containing a vicious horse, which attacked them with terrible fury and madness, biting, kicking, and stamping the poor unfortunate to death. The father hearing cries of distress, hastened to the tragical scene, but too late to save either of the fated ones.

We learn from the North Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] Plain Dealer that on the 24th ult. at Jefferson City, Mo. Byron J. Winton, son of J.B. Winton, formerly of this town [Morris, Otsego Co. NY] died, aged 32 years.  The same paper says: Mr. Winton was widely and favorably known in the cities of the West where by his skill and industry he had gained much celebrity as an artist.

News Item

The suit of Cope vs. Hondryx et al., Administrators, etc., has been decided by the referee, E.C. Belknap Esq., adverse to the claims of the plaintiff.  This was a suit brought by Mrs. Cope against the Administrators of the estate of W. K. Bingham, deceased, to recover for alleged services rendered during the lifetime of the decedent.  Mrs. W. K. Bingham was the daughter of Mrs. Cope.  The mother and daughter lived together before the latter was married and since that time the mother was treated as a member of the family up to the death of Mr. B. which followed that of his wife in a little more than a year.  The marriage was consummated in 1843 and Mr. B. died in the Fall of 1867, making about 24 years that Mrs. C. claimed recompense for services rendered.  The amount of the claim was something over $2,000.  Mrs. Bingham made provision for her mother by will in the use of $5,000 during her lifetime. The Referee held the law to be that when a person voluntarily takes up a residence with a family, no action can be sustained against the estate after death for recovery for services rendered, unless an express contract be proved.  H. Sturges and E. Countryman, Attorneys for plaintiff; S.S. Edick for defendants.