Saturday, December 21, 2024

Vital Records, Broome (1847) & Otsego (1878) Counties, NY

 Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY., September 1, 1847


In Windsor, N.Y. [Broome Co.] on the 25th inst. by the Rev. H.W. Gilbert, Mr. George Edwards of East Troy, Walworth Co. Wisconsin Territory and Miss Electa S. Edwards daughter of Mr. William Edwards, of Windsor.


In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on Monday morning, 30th ult. Mr. Robert C. Whitmore, aged 28 years.

Mr. Whitmore was a man of strict integrity and enjoyed the honorable estimation of his fellow citizens.  In his business, as publisher of the Binghamton Democrat, he was active and industrious, and its typographical appearance attests his taste and skill as a printer.   He sustained an irreproachable moral character and in all the relations of life, towards his God, his young family and his fellow citizens, he acquitted himself, as we believe, acceptably, affectionately and honorably.

He has gone to an early grave, and his loss will be deplored not only by those with whom he was connected by the closest ties of kindred, but by a large circle of friends.  Democrat

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, September 15, 1847


On the 5th August in the town of Union [Broome Co. NY] by Rev. D.D. Gregory, Mr. Lewis Jennison and Miss Hannah L. Allen daughter of Lawrence Allen, Esq.

By the same, in Conklin [Broome Co. NY] on the 29th ult. Mr. Charles Ensign Jr. and Miss Sarah M. Evans.

Also, by the same, on the 9th inst. in Union [Broome Co. NY] Mr. Elisha W. Evans and Miss Caroline S. Allen.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, September 22, 1847


At Big Flat, Chemung Co. [NY] on Wednesday evening, 15th Sept. inst. by the Rev. P. Fowler, Mr. Jehiel E. Williams of Corning [Steuben Co. NY] to Miss Sarah W. Park daughter of Judson, M. Park, Esq. of the former place.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, November 15, 1878


In the Cathedral of our merciful Saviour, Faribault, Minn. Oct. 23, by Rev. Steinfort Kidney, D.D. Rev. Charles A. Poole M.A. Rector of St. Andrew's Church, New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] and Marie Edna [Kidney] second daughter of the officiating clergyman.

At the Baptist parsonage in Chaseville [Otsego Co. NY], Nov. 5th, by Rev. H. Denton, Loren B. Smith and Miss Sarah J. Krooit(?) all of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY].

In Ilion [Herkimer Co. NY], oct. 31st, by the Rev. Edward M. Pecke, Barton L. Woodbury and Carrie E. Brown, all of Richfield [Otsego Co. NY].

In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] Nov. 6, by Rev. A. Parker, Merrit S. Parker of Greene [Chenango Co. NY] and Mrs. R. Close of Norwich.

In the Baptist Church, Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] by Rev. Luman Yale, Abner Leonard and Miss Mary Bennett.

In Fergusonville [Delaware Co. NY], Oct. 26th, by Rev. Keogan, Samuel A. McMorris of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] and Minnie Snyder of the same place.

At the parsonage, Delhi [Delaware Co. NY] Nov. 7th by Rev. J.H. Robinson, John A. Roda and Miss Almena F. Robinson all of Hamden [Delaware Co. NY].

In New York, Oct. 30, by Rev. H.C. Tiffany D.D., Edward Campbell Fox of New York and Mary Adelia [Eddy] youngest daughter of Hon. John Eddy of Milford [Otsego Co. NY].

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 3, by Rev. H. Brotherton, Seymour L. Bourne of Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] and Elida V. Blanchard of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

In 1874, Donald Watson, an employee in the railroad shops here, left for Scotland, and located at Renfrew.  Last summer, before the Misses Parish left for Europe, H.C. Stratford gave them a letter of introduction to his friend Watson.  While visiting Scotland, they called upon Mr. Watson, who showed the young ladies many courtesies during their stay in the neighborhood of Renfrew.  About one month ago Lillie Parish returned to this country, leaving her sister abroad.  It is now announced that Mr. Watson and Miss Mary Parish will be married at Renfrew, Scotland, on the 25th inst. and invitations to that effect have been received by parties here.


In Richfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 2d inst. Harry J. [Stoner] son of John and Sarah L. Stoner, aged 2 years.

At Hartwick Seminary [Otsego Co. NY], Nov. 1st, infant daughter of Wm. D. and Fannie L. Burditt, aged 2 months.

In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] Nov. 2nd, Charles B. Reynolds aged 23 years.

In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 8th, Mrs. Rebecca Nisbeth, aged 83 years.

In Milford [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 31, Frank G. [Parshall] son of James E. and Phebe A. Parshall, aged 15 years.

In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 5, Mrs. Abram L....d(?)

In Walton [Delaware Co. NY] Nov. 8(?), George M. Hanford aged 61 years.

In Walton [Delaware Co. NY, Nov. 9(?) Sarah [Travis] wife of John Travis, aged 22 years.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 7, Mary A. Griggs aged 39 years.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 7th of diptheria, Lena May [Palmer] aged 7 years; and the same day, Winnefred Catharine [Palmer] aged 4 years, children of Benjamin and Nancy Pamer.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 10, Mrs. Anna Curtis aged 70 years.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 12, Carrie M. Harris aged 15 years.

In Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], Nov. 10, Thomas Faulkner.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 5(?) Elmira Parkhurst aged 15 years.

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 9, Lillie Whitney daughter of Walter Whitney, aged 2 years.

A child of George Corey of Union [Broome Co. NY] between two and three years of age, knocked a lamp from the table to the floor.  It broke and the oil became ignited.  The mother placed the child upon the floor while she attempted to smother the flames. the child's clothes took fire from the oil, and before relieved, it was burned to death.

Miss Annis Ingraham was seriously injured while enroute to Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] by being thrown from a buggy and died.

Mt. Vision, Otsego Co. NY:  We have recently heard that Miss Jane Sweet, who removed to California a short time ago, is dead.  Her remains are to be brought here for interment.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY (1849 & 1872)

 Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, July 7, 1849


In Milford [Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th instant, by Rev. G.W. Howe, Mr. Solomon Squire to Miss Sarah Ann Humphrey, both of Milford.


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] of scarlet fever on the 1st inst. George [Thrall] younger son of Dr. F.G. Thrall, aged 1 year 9 months and 7 days.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, July 14, 1849


In this village on the 10th instant, by Rev. Mr. Loomis, Mr. Marshal W. Barker of Clinton, Oneida Co. [NY] to Louisa [McLean] daughter of the late William McLean of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY].


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 2d instant, Mr. Whitmore E. Chapman aged 38 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, July 21, 1849


In Milford [Otsego Co. NY] on the 16th inst., Captain William Russell, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 93 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, July 28, 1849


In Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 22d inst. after an illness of four days, Mr. Luther Eddy in the 78th year of his age.  He was one of the first settlers of this county.

In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on the 16th inst. of consumption, Mr. Daniel A. Head son of Truman Head in the 27th year of his age.

In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on the 18th inst. Helen Amelia [Head] only child of Daniel A. and Waitey M. Head, aged five months.

A young man named Philip Flausburgh was killed at Davenport, Delaware Co. [NY] on the 6th inst. by the falling of a tree.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, November 8, 1878


In Hobart [Delaware Co. NY], Oct. 29th, by Rev. C.B. Landon assisted by Rev. C.C. Miller, Burtis A. Knapp and Georgia A. Matthews all of Hobart.

In Hunter, Greene County [NY], October 29th, by Rev. Father Cancane, James Meehan to Miss Teresa B. White both of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY].

At the M.E. church in Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 24th by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Charles H. Hallock and Miss R. Endora Fagan both of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY].

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 27th, by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Charles W. Patterson of Unadilla and Miss Sa... Bassett of Andes [Delaware Co. NY].

At the residence of the bride's parents in Richfield [Otsego Co. NY] by Rev. S.R. Ward, H.L. Davis and Miss Anna R. Ford all of Richfield.

At the residence of the bride's father in German Flats [Chenango Co. NY] by Rev. P.F. Sanborne, Miss M. Addie Benedict to James A. Burlingame of Springfield [Otsego Co. NY].

At Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] by Rev. Orrin Perkins, Filmore M. French of Warren [Herkimer Co. nY] to Mary E. [Ingalls] daughter of Allen Ingalls.

At the Baptist parsonage Oct. 29th by Rev. G.E. Flint, John C. Dunlap and Miss Eunice Perkins all of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY].

At the home of the bride's parents, Oct. 27th, by Rev. A.S. Hobart, Melvin D. Lewis and Lovina S. Benjamin both of Morris [Otsego Co. NY].

Laurens, Otsego Co. NY:  After all there are a great many pleasant things in the life of a minister.  The 26th was one of those happy moments which come but frequently and are appreciated more because of their scarcity.  The many good people of West Laurens gave their pastor and his wife, Rev. Mr. Beebe of Laurens, a pleasant surprise party, that day being the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage.  To show the wisdom of these good people the older of the flock came in the afternoon, reserving the evening for the young people.  Among the presents was a fine buffalo robe and a set of dishes.

Wednesday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage by giving a tin wedding.  About one hundred persons were present and the tinware was a rare sight to behold.  Besides scores of useful articles there was a tin cat hole, a tin "stove pipe" hat, tin collars and cuffs, all perfectly formed, a portrait of Mr. Lincoln cut upon tin, so that the shadow was a perfect resemblance of the original.  The parlors were adorned with tin souvenirs in all conceivable shapes.  A generous supper was served.  Mr. and Mrs. Morris's hearty hospitality always makes guests comfortable and at home.  We are sure all present spent a delightful evening and join with us in wishing for them another decade of happiness and prosperity.


In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 28th, Mrs. Mary Nichols in her 76th(?) year.

In Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 27th, Elizabeth Duckle Allen aged 78(?) years.

In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] October 29th, William E. Preston aged 70 years.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] Nov. 23, Miss Betsey Barton aged 73 years.

In Schuyler's Lake [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 28th, Mr. John Darfy aged 73 years.

In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 24th of consumption, Miss F.A.  Hastings aged 28 years.

In Morris [Otsego Co. NYH] Oct. 20th, Amos Atwell.

Mrs. Alfred Norton of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY] retired in usual health Friday night and Saturday morning was found dead in bed.  Her husband died only three weeks ago.  Mrs. N. was a sister of judge Sturges.

Alex. DeFoy a Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] lad, playfully presented the breech end of a pistol toward Mary Griffin, a young lady stopping in the house and said "I will shoot you."  By some means it was discharged, the ball entered DeFoy's neck.  He lived but a few minutes.

Casualties:  Zadock Fitch was injured by his wagon upsetting, and Mrs. Winslow had her collar bone broken at Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY]; Timothy McDonald of the same place, broke three ribs by falling downstairs.  Jay Parshall of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] was blown over with the plate of his barn and may die from concussion of the brain.  A child of  Mrs. Cossart of Westford [Otsego Co. NY], set fire to itself with shavings while its mother was absent, and died in a few hours.  A thirteen-year- old son of Mr. Graham, who resides near Cooperstown, was killed by a tree accidently falling on him.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Vital Records, Madison (1812), Chenango (1836) & Otsego (1878) Counties, NY

The Pilot, Cazenovia NY, January 15, 1812


On Sunday the 5th instant, by Ozias Burr, Esquire, Mr. Thomas J. Lewis to Miss Lucinda Atwell all of Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY].

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, January 29, 1812


At Nelson [Madison Co. NY] on the 23d instant, by William Whipple, Esq. Mr. John Rice to Miss Anna Williams.

In this village [Cazenovia, Madsion Co. NY] by the same, on the 24th inst. Mr. Horace Hart to Miss Betsey Bigelow both of Paris, Oneida County [NY].

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, March 4, 1812


At Pompey [Onondaga Co. NY] on the first inst. by Ozias Burr, Esq. Mr. Samuel Holmes of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] to Miss Betsey Savage of the former place.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, April 1, 1812


In this village [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY] on Sunday last, by William Whipple Esq. Mr. John Brown of Sullivan [Madison Co. NY] to Miss Lauriana Ward.

At Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] Mr. Andrew P. Lord of Nelson [Madison Co. NY] to Miss Salome Tenny.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, July 13, 1836


In Richford, Tioga County [NY] on the 3d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Morse, Mr. Nelson Norton of that place to Miss Silvy Stedman of Berkshire [Tioga Co. NY].


Miss Maria Van Denburgh recently died in Albany [Albany Co. NY], aged 101 years.

News Item

Five of the former Presidents of the U. States are now dead [in 1836].  Gen. Washington died Dec. 10, 1799, aged 68 years; John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, July 4th, 1826, the first aged 91 and the second aged 84 years; James Monroe, July 4, 1831, aged 73 years; and James Madison, June 28, 1836, aged 86 years.  J.Q. Adams is the only ex-President living [in 1836].

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, July 20,  1836


In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] on the 14th inst. Mrs. Maria Harris, wife of john Harris, Esq. late of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY] aged 38 years.

The circumstances which caused and attended the death above recorded were peculiarly afflicting.  On the 4th of July, a son of Mr. Harris, aged 12 years, was drowned in the Unadilla River.  The annunciation of this event to the family produced a shock to the mind of Mrs. Harris from which she never recovered.  Search was immediately made for the body and continued during the afternoon and night, but it was not until the afternoon of the 5th that it was found.  Mrs. Harris became deranged, her mind was destroyed, and in ten days from the melancholy occurrence on the 4th, she was no more!  Thus perished a fine boy, and thus perished an excellent and amiable woman.  To the surviving members of the family these were cases of the severest trials and affliction.  We have never known the sympathies of the public more general and deep seated than on these occasions.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, November 1, 1878


In Oneonta [Chenango Co. NY] at the Central Hotel, Oct. 24th, by Rev. H.H. Allen, George H. Yager of Belden, N.Y. [Broome Co.] and Lucy N. Beers of Maryland [Otsego Co. NY].

At Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 23d by Rev. Elles Jones, C.A. Pearce of Otego [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss J. Elva Bailey.

At the house of the bride's parents, Stamford [Delaware Co. NY] Oc.t 23d, by Re.v E.L. Richards, James M. Donnelly, M.D. of Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] and Miss Frances M. Clark.

At Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 16th, Otis H. Babbitt and Mrs. D.S. Luce.

At the residence of the officiating clergyman, by Re.v J.H. Wright of Davenport, A. Oscar Baker of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Lydia M. Thayer of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

At the Baptist parsonage, Oct. 22d, by Rev. F. P. Sutherland, C.F. Myrick and Miss Emma J. Wild both of Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY].

At the Empire House, Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 19th, by J. Suden Esq. William L. Benjamin and Clara L. Thompson both of Morris [Otsego Co. NY].


In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], Oct. 23, Mrs. Chas. Church.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], Oct. 19, Alfred Norton aged 70 years.

In Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 24, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen widow of the late Rev. Wm. Allen and mother of Mrs. George Reynolds of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] aged 73 years.

In Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] Oct. 22, Mrs. Duer Johnson aged 78 years, mother of Mrs. David Alger of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

In New York Oct. 21, Sarah S. [Baker] widow of Lanc(?) Baker and daughter of the late Gen. Jacob Morris of Morris [Otsego Co. NY] aged 91 years.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY (1872)

 Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, July 4, 1872


PETERSON - BRIGGS:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 10, by Rev. I.D. Peaslee, Mr. Charles A Peterson of Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Ella Briggs of Lebanon [Madison Co NY].

REED - JONES:  At the residence of Lyman Woods in the town of Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], June 1, by U.N. Rhodes, Esq. George Reed and Lottie Jones, both of Hamilton.

CRAMPTON - BUSS; In Vernon [Oneida Co. NY] at the house of S. Parks, June 26, by Rev. J.W. Roberts, Mr. James Crampton and Miss Jane A. Buss.

RISLEY - MUNGER:  In Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], June 26, by Rev. C.W. Adams, Mr. Willett P. Risley and Miss Mary Munger, all of Waterville.

LEE - WILLIAMS:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY], by Rev. Ira D. Clark, Mr. George D. Lee of Rochester, N.Y. [Monroe Co.] and Miss Helen S. Williams of DeRuyter.

ROOT - McQUEEN:   In Meridian, Cayuga Co. [NY], June 19, by Rev. Wallace B. Lucas, Mr. Ervin B. Root of Newport, Monroe Co. Mich., and Miss Flora McQueen of Pine Woods [Madison Co. NY].

WILLOW - GORDON:  At the Reformed Church parsonage, June 13, Joseph Willow of Oneida Community [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Nellie Gordon of Canastota [Madison Co. NY].


CRANSTON:  Near Poolville [Madison Co. NY], June 21, very suddenly, James Cranston aged 77 years.

On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Cranston, residing in Poolville, died almost instantly.  He had been a confirmed invalid for nearly forty years, but up to the very moment of his death had shown no symptoms of unusual illness.  He had been indulging in a walk in the dooryard and then came into the house, threw himself down upon the bed and expired without a struggle.  Poolville seems particularly unfortunate in losing her citizens thus suddenly.  Within the past six months Mr. Risley, Mr. Williams and Mr. Cranston have been stricken down without a moment's warning of their fate.

CAREY:  In Munnsville [Madison Co. NY], June 30 of consumption, Edward E. Carey aged 29 years and 7 days.

BACON:  In Waterville [Oneida Co. NY] June 29, Charles C. Bacon in the 61st year of his age.

DODD:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], June 24, Ella W. [Dodd] wife of Rev. Henry M. Dodd and niece of Mrs. V.W. mason, aged 31 years, 6 months.

VIBBARD:  In Nelson [Madison Co. NY] June 19, Eliphalet Vibbard aged 83 years.

DeCLERCQ:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] June 20, Mrs. Laura Mason DeClercq wife of Peter DeClercq, aged 66 years.

KELLOGG:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] June 21, Mrs. Alice A. Kellogg in the 46th year of her age.

BLAKESLEE:  In Butler, Wayne Co. [NY] May 23, Delia A. [Blakellee] wife of Rev. M.P. Blakeslee and daughter of D.D. Stafford of Perryville [Madison Co. NY], aged 34 years.

MOORE:  In Lenox [Madison Co. NY] May 20, Mrs. Eli Moore aged 81 years.

CARPENTER:  In the town of Nelson [Madison Co. NY] June 23, Nancy Carpenter, wife of William Carpenter, aged 72 years and 9 months.

Mrs. William Carpenter, died of consumption at her residence near here on Sunday, 23d ult. and her funeral was held at the Baptist Church in this place, on the following Tuesday.  Elder Swan, of Cazenovia assisted by H.D. Whitnale, officiated.  Elder S. intimated that in due time these bodies of ours would be raised and live again in another world.

PRESTON:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 23, Wilmina Preston aged 3 years and 2 months, daughter of Nelson and Aurora Preston.

HOWARD:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], June 26, James Howard, aged 73 years.

MERRIFIELD:  In Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] June 9, Emma Merrifield aged 1 year, 4 months and 9 days

BEEBE:  in Hamilton [Madison Co. NY] June 25, Anna M. Beebe wife of Darius Beebe aged 62 years and 5 months.

The wife of Darius Beebe, of Hamilton, died on Tuesday of last week, by the refusal to take nay nourishment to sustain life.  Mrs. B. had been out of health some time, suffering under an aberration of mind, to such an extent as to be considered unsafe to be left alone.

DEWEY:  Chittenango Depot, Madison Co. NY:  Charles Dewey got drowned on Saturday morning last, near Boliver [Allegany Co. NY].  there are so many rumors in relation to the matter that the particulars cannot be got with accuracy.  The facts are that he was in a gig with a son of Isaac Bettinger, and was going from the canal landing to Boliver.  They were at the time driving pretty fast and saw a sawlog on the towpath, but not in time to stop the horse.  One of the wheels hit the end of the log, broke a tug, and the horse ran away, throwing Bettinger from the gig on the ground, hurting him quite seriously, upsetting the gig at the same time into the canal, with Dewey under it.  He was found on Saturday morning by Rufus Jones.  The above is all that we have been able to learn.

BAKER:  The death of William H. Baker cast a gloom over the many readers of The Democratic Union in this place and vicinity and all sympathize deeply with his many relatives and friends in this their hour of grief.

WADSWORTH:  Chittenango, Madison Co. NY:  The remains of a child of Mrs. Wadsworth were disinterred from our cemetery on Tuesday of last week and sent to Erie, Pa. for reinterment.

BENNETT:  The Utica [Oneida Co. NY] papers announce the death of Calvin H. Bennett last year, an employee in the Herald office, which occurred at St. Elizabeth's hospital in that city Saturday morning, June 22d.

WALLACE:  A young man by the name of Wallace Swan formerly of Lincklaen, Chenango Co. [NY] was drowned while crossing the Marmaton River, near Nevada City, Mo. on the first(?) of May last.

News Items

The Fall of a Rope-Walker at Norwich

On the afternoon of the 26th ult. Professor Leone undertook to cross one of the principal streets of Norwich, N.Y. [Chenango Co.] on a rope, extended from the American House to the Rhinge Block.  At about 4 o'clock a crowd assembled, the professor mounted the rope and had got nearly halfway across it, when the fastening to the end of the rope on the American House suddenly gave way, and down came man, balance pole and rope into the mud. The professor was taken to the hotel but shortly re-appeared and assured those gathered about that he was all right and would again make his appearance on the rope.  But later it was ascertained that he had broken a rib.  The distance fallen was between thirty-five and forty feet and his escape from instant death seems almost miraculous.

Murder in Cortland County

On Monday of last week a well-known citizen of Truxton [Cortland Co NY], Levi Rowley, Jr. was shot while at work making fence on his farm.  The ball entered his back, inflicting probably a fatal wound. The one who committed the deed was a nephew of Mr. Rowley's by the name of Eugene Briggs, about eighteen years of age.  Mr. Rowley, after being shot, turned and saw young Briggs only about eight rods from him with a gun in his hand.  He immediately fled and has not since been heard from although the officers are in pursuit of him.  Mr. R. succeeded, after being shot, in walking to a neighbor's house, where he soon after died.

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, July 11, 1872:  Levi Rowley, who was shot last week, did not die, as reported in our last, but was, at last accounts, alive and likely to recover.  Young Briggs, who shot him, has been caught and lodged in Cortland County jail.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango (1819 & 1836), Otsego (1869) Counties, NY

 Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, March 17, 1819


At Cincinnatus [Cortland Co. NY] on the 13th inst. Mr. Bradford Church of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Anna Barns.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, April 17, 1819


In this town [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] on the 3rd inst. Mrs. Persis Hall aged 20 years, wife of Mr. Amos Hall.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, April 21, 1819


Died in this town [Oxford, Chenango Co. NY] on the 5th inst. Mr. Gilbert Eddy, aged 52 years.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, June 2, 1819

One Cent Reward

Ran away from the subscriber on the 28th inst. an indented apprentice boy named Eliphas Nickerson, 14 years old.  Whoever will return said runaway to him after shall receive the above reward, but no charges.  All persons are forbid harboring or trusting said runaway on penalty of the law.  Wm. M. Thomas Coventry [Chenango Co. NY] April 30th, 1819.

Oxford Gazette, Oxford, NY, June 23, 1819


In South Carolina, Mr. Stephen Lyon to Miss Rebecca Lamb.  Now join'd in matrimonial tether, / The Lamb and Lion lie together; / And at the appointed time in troth, / "A little child will lead them both."

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 1, 1836


In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] on the 21st ult.  Mrs. Irena [Blivin] wife of John Blivin, aged 32 years.

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 8, 1836


In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] on the 30th ult. by the Rev. S. Mills, Mr. Alfred Pabodie of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Prudence Deline Bosworth of Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY].

Chenango Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 22, 1836


Lyman Baldwin, son of Mr. Rufus Baldwin, Merchant, of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] a very intelligent and promising young man 18 years of age, was drowned in the river on Sunday morning.  We learn that he went into the river with two others, and in endeavoring to cross, not being a swimmer, got into deep water.  The body remained in the water about half an hour.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, October 27, 1869


In Morris [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 20th, by Rev. O.K. Crosby, Jonah E. Holdredge and Ella E. Wallace both of Burlington [Otsego Co. NY].


In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Oct. 21st, Sophia [Haddock] wife of Hosea Haddock, aged 68 years.

In this village [Morris, Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 20th, Harriet E. Morse [McClintock] wife of Dr. E. McClintock, aged 28 years.

At Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 6th, Henry T. Richmond aged 39 years.

At Albany [Albany Co. NY] Oct. 14th, Herbert B. [Musson] son of Richard and Abbie Musson of Butternuts [Otsego C o. NY] aged 9 months and 17 days.

At Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 4th, infant daughter of George W. and Anna N. Lillie, aged 2 months.


James Morehouse the person who drank the aqua ammonia in Schenevus [Otsego Co. NY], mention of which we made last week, died on the 18th inst.  He was a substantial farmer, and a good citizen and was 67 years of age.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, October 20, 1869:  Drank Ammonia:  On Saturday last, Mr. Jas. Morehouse of this town entered the store of Parsons A. Thompson in this village, stepped down to the cellar, where were placed a number of demijohns which contained wine for medicinal purposes.  By accident, while tasting the wine, as he supposed, Mr. Morehouse got hold of a demijohn containing ammonia, and before he was aware of it, he had taken quite a large draught.  He was removed to the house of his son-in-law, S.L. Kelley, and medical aid summoned.  He is now in a critical condition and his recovery is very doubtful.  Schenevus News

News Item

A boy named Leroy Bill whose hearing was injured and intellect impaired by sickness while an infant, ran away from his employer, Mr. David Bush, at Guilford Centre, on the 8th of last August, and all efforts to find his whereabouts have proved unavailing.  Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by said Bush, or his Guardian, R.C. Norton, Guilford, Chenango Co. N.Y.  

Monday, December 16, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1828) & Otsego (1857 & 1869) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 8, 1828


In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] on Saturday evening last by the Rev. E.D. Wells, Mr. John Boyden to Miss Orrilla Tyrrell, daughter of Mr. Thomas M. Tyrrell, all of Oxford.


In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Mr. Addison Thomas, aged 20 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 15, 1828


In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] on the 8th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Babbitt, Mr. Roswell Brant to Miss  Betsey Yendes daughter of Mr. George Yendes, all of Hamden.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, October 29, 1828


At Trinity Churchy in Athens [Greene Co. NY], on the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Prentice, Henry K. Sanger Esq. of Utica [Oneida Co. NY] to Miss Caroline Prentice of the former place.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, April 15, 1857


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] on the 25th of March, by Rev. Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Abel S. Miles to Miss Hellen Graves both of Oneonta.

In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] on the 2d inst. by Rev. E.C. Hodge, Mr. Jacob Gile to Miss Hellen E. Graves both of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].

In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] on the 7th inst. by Elder J. Cooke, Mr. Charles U.W. Osborn of Oronoco, Olmsted Co. Minnesota Territory, to Miss Sarah H. Griffth of Laurens, N.Y.


In this village [Oneonta, Otsego Co. NY], on the morning of the 11th inst at the residence of his son, Mr. David Reynolds aged 78 years.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, May 6, 1857


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] May 1st, by Rev. E.C. Hodge, Mr. Dexter Ward and Miss Zerva Harlow both of Davenport, Delaware Co. [NY].

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, May 13, 1857


In Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY] on the 30th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Boice, Mr. Nicholes Mickle of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Amanda M. Peck of Harpersfield.


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] on Wednesday, April 8, Emma Louisa Herrick adopted daughter of Benjamin and Hannah Fritts, aged 2 years, 5 months and 19 days.

Yes, she sleepeth now in the quiet grave, / Where no sorrows flow and no tempests rave; / The bowers shall fade from the dear one's breast, / But her soul shall dwell in the land of rest / Till an angel band from the sky shall come, / And her body bear to its heavenly home.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, October 20, 1869


In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] by Rev. John Smith, Adelbert Gould to Miss Fredonia Whitaker  both of Tompkins [Delaware Co. NY].

In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] at the same time, by the same, Samuel Cuyle of Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Esther Gould of Otego.

In Mt. Vision [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 2, by D. Barnard, Esq., Hiram Bronnell of New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss E.C. Ward, of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY].


At Morris [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 14th, Louisa [Valentine] wife of Henry Valentine, aged 40 years and 4 months.

Last Wednesday afternoon, the wife of Mr. Henry Valentine, who resides some two miles north of this village, died very suddenly.  About a week before her death, she had given birth to a child, and was doing well as was supposed.  Wednesday morning, she was able to set up and had her dress on, after dinner she thought she would lay down, got onto the bed for that purpose.  Heavy breathing was at once heard by a girl in the house, who went to the bedside, found the little child on the floor and Mrs. Valentine apparently breathing her last.  The girl informed Mr. V. who was chopping wood at the door.  As he went in, he saw that his wife was nearly gone.  He at once called for his neighbors, but she died before they reached the house.  Thus, suddenly has a husband been bereft of a wife and five small children of a kind and affectionate mother.  Although death came upon her suddenly, yet it found her prepared for the change, having for a number of years, possessed a hope that her name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

At Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 3d, Thomas Southworth aged 78 years.

At Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 7, Julia A. [Ward] wife of Amasa H. Ward, aged 51 years, 7 months.

At Albany [Albany Co. NY], Oct. 10, of consumption, Geo. B. Whitford of Garrattsville [Otsego Co. NY] aged 22 years.  His remains were brought home for interment.

Rev. Daniel Clark formerly pastor of the Congregational church at Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], late of Plainfield, Ill., was drowned Sept. 24th, while fording a bayou of the Desplaines River on horseback.  Mr. Clark is remembered with affection by many of the churches and former pastors in Chenango and Otsego as a noble Christian worker.  From the appearance of the body when found, it is supposed his horse suddenly plunged into one of the many deep holes in the bayou throwing his rider and in struggling to regain firm footing probably struck the deceased on the head with his forefoot.

James Butler, brakesman on a special stock train East last Tuesday morning, 12th inst., was instantly killed by striking his head against the turnpike bridge over a deep cut between Afton and Harpursville.  Butler was a resident of East Worcester [Otsego Co. NY].

A few days before old Jimmy Cox sickened and died, he was sawing wood for a family in the village.  The lady of the house asking him his age, he replied 92.  "Well, Mr. Cox, I suppose you are so anxious to live now, as you were fifty years ago."  The old man took his short pipe out of his mouth, looked the lady in the face, and with humble tone replied:  "I don't know, if the Lord should take a fancy to me, I'd be willing to lie down and die at once."  Rep & Dem.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1828), Otsego (1857 & 1869) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 10, 1828


In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on the 4th inst. by Elder Richard Woolsey, Mr. Nicholas Akerly to Miss Sally Hamilton.


In New York suddenly on Saturday morning last, General Theodorus Bailey postmaster of that city, aged about 70 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 17, 1828


In Exeter, Otsego Co. [NY] on Thursday last, by the Rev. Daniel Nash, Mr. Edward B. Paine of this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Sally Ann Johnson of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] daughter of Mr. Horatio G. Johnson.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 24, 1828


In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] on Monday morning last, by Elder Tuttle, Mr. Ephraim Robbins, merchant, to Miss Julia Benedict, daughter of Benjamin Benedict, Esq. all of Meredith.


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] this morning, after a short but severe illness, Miss Nancy Welles, daughter of Mr. Noah Welles in the 34th year of her age.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, April 1, 1857


At Ballard's Hotel, March 26th, by Rev. W.G. Queal, Mr. Isaac Howe to Miss Agnes M. Osborn both of Franklin, N.Y. [Delaware Co.]


The Hon. Levi Beardsley died in New York on the 19th of March.  Mr. B. was formerly a resident of this County [Otsego Co. NY] and her representative in the Assembly,  He held the office of Senator for eight years.  He also, in his lifetime, held many other responsible stations.  Truly our noble men are passing away.

Judge Douglas died in Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on the 19th ult.  He was the oldest member of the bar in Delaware County [NY].  He held the office of first judge of the county righteously.  His life illustrated his integrity of purpose and well may the living mourn the loss of such men.


Dr. William Yates who first introduced vaccination into the United States, died at Morris, Otsego County, in this state [NY] on the 17th ult. at the extreme age of 90. He was a native of England, studied under Sir James Earle at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, attended Abernethy's first course of lectures, left London at the aged of 23, possessed a fortune, and went home.  Of a remarkably benevolent disposition, his attention was early directed to Trent.  He received and treated a number of pauper lunatics, but an unfortunate accident overthrew his plans for their relief.  One of his patients in a paroxysm of frenzy took the life of another patient, under shocking circumstances, and then committed suicide.  He was so horrified at the act that he determined to close the asylum, and, after providing for the proper treatment, among their friends or otherwise, of the remainder, he sailed to Philadelphia, where he arrived in June 1799.

Previous to this incident (says a correspondent of the Evening Post) he had become greatly interested in the subject of vaccination which was then just becoming known to the medical profession in England.  And it was the desire to extend its blessings along with the shock to a sensitive mind of the accident mentioned that determined his visit to America.  Before sailing he made the personal acquaintance of Dr. Jenner, obtained from his hand a large supply of the virus and from his mouth all additional particulars.

Immediately on his arrival at Philadelphia, he engaged himself with all the zeal of an ardent philanthropic mind to disseminate the knowledge of the then new discovery.  And it is certain that he was the first to introduce into America this great boon to humanity, although the credit of its first introduction has been generally accorded to another.  He knew this, but had a morbid dislike to publicity, and never publicly contradicted it, being satisfied to extend its usefulness to his utmost.  While preaching incessantly its preventive powers, he inoculated thousands with the vaccine virus.  The doctrine and practice were received by the American public with greater avidity even than with the English.

The following year his affairs demanded his return to England, but in a few months, he sailed again for Philadelphia.  He made the acquaintance of Judge Cooper, father of Fenimore Cooper, the novelist.  Of their intimate friendship he enjoyed until they dropped one after another into the arms of death.  With Judge Cooper he ascended the Susquehanna to Otsego County, and being charmed with the passing beauty of the scenery and also captivated by the daughter of a leading settler in the Valley of the Butternuts, he married the young lady and resolved to pitch his tent there.  He returned with his bride to England, when he disposed to Sapperton, which, as the eldest son he had inherited, to his brother.

After spending a year in England, and making a tour of the continent, he sailed for the last time for America and purchased a large estate in Butternuts, where he resided to the day of his death.

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, October 13, 1869


At the house of the bride's father, Oct. 6th, by Rev. N.S. Rulison, E. Martin Burpee of Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] and Abbie M. [Bowne] daughter of Chas. A. Bowne, Esq. of Morris [Otsego Co. NY].

At the house of Albert Ford, Esq. Morris [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 4th, by Rev. O.K. Crosby, George W. Ford and Carrie M. Angels.

At the house of the bride's father, in West Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] Sept. 30th, by Rev. A. Hayward, Mr. G.R. Hay and Miss L.F. Soden, all of Laurens.

At the house of the bride's father in Garrettsville [Otsego Co. NY] September 29th, by J.P. Wheeler, Esq., Eli Coy and Miss Jane Reed all of Garrattsville


In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] on the 25th ult. Icabod Dunning aged 66 years.

In Garrettsville [Otsego Co. NY] September 18, of consumption, Miss Lottie D. Emerson, aged 14 years, 4 months and 16 days.

In Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 3d, Mrs. Milinda Babbet aged 67 years.  Grand was the victory she achieved over death, through faith.  As the light falls into the bosom of the morning, so peacefully she passed from behind the vail to the light and joy of immortality.

This destroyer of mankind has taken from earth a friend.  Algernon L. Sabin died in Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] Oct. 2d, aged 30 years.  Although but few of our readers were acquainted with the deceased, yet we cannot let his death pass without speaking a word to his memory.  Mr. S. we had known for many years.  We saw him growing up from a boy to manhood, respected and beloved. At the breaking out of the rebellion, he with many others of his young associates from his native town, buckled his armor on and fought bravely the battles of his country.  Coming home in health, full of vigor, with a bright future before him, he entered actively into business and he will be remembered by many in this section, as the obliging stationman at Oneonta.  He was kind, obliging, gentlemanly, friendly and benevolent.  He had a heart and it was in the right spot and always felt for earth's unfortunate ones.  He has passed away just as he was in the midst of enjoyment.  Many a silent tear will be dropped over the grave of our young friend.

Died, at Boise City, Idaho, Sept. 27th, of heart disease, following inflammatory rheumatism, Christine Carr [Foote], wife of Rev. Henry L. Foote, aged 21 years.  Her life was beautiful.  She gave her youth to the Savior, who gave His life for her, and in the flower of her early womanhood, He has taken her to himself.  God comfort the bereaved.  God help us all, that our last mortal cry, "My heart is sore pained within me," may be exchanged for the joyful song of him "That overcometh" and "shall not be hurt of the second death."  A.C.B.