Saturday, July 6, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, June 13, 1878


BENNETT - BUSH:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], June 5th, by Rev. S.C. Fulton, R. Arthur Bennett, Esq. of South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Mattie L. Bush of Oxford.

DANIELS - HARRINGTON:  At the home of the bride, June 4th, 1878, by Rev. J.L. Race Mr. Edward Daniels to Miss Ettie S. Harrington, both of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].

WEEKS - EATON:  At the residence of the bridegroom at Pitcher Springs [Chenango Co. NY], June 9th by A.F. Smith, Esq. Mr. Lewis I. Weeks to Miss Laura Ann Eaton, of Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY].

TIFFANY: TURNHAM:  In Round Rock Williamson Co., Texas, April 4th, by Rev. J.F. Battalie, Mr. Frank R. Tiffany of Mexico, formerly of Norwich [ Chenango Co. NY] to Mrs. Zoe Turnham, daughter of General Hazard P. Hale.


WATERS:  At Wood's Corners [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], June 7th at the residence of her parents, Theresa J. [Waters] daughter of D.F. and Jane L. Bissell and wife of Amos Waters, of North Norwich, aged 37 years.

CHAFEY:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], June 8th, Mr. Elisha Chafey, aged 79 years.

SMITH:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 2d, Mrs. Carrie O. Smith, wife of William A Smith, aged 22 years.

Mrs. J. Smith of Rockwell's Mills [Chenango Co. NY] died of diphtheria, Sunday evening, June 2d.  She was highly respected.  Though very young, only 22, her death occasions a sad vacancy.  At her burial, her sister, Mrs. D. Dibble, threw herself upon the coffin, moaning "Here lies the last of my three sisters," and the tears which started so plentifully from all eyes, told of the sympathy of friends and neighbors in the great affliction  These three sisters, Miss Belle Gager, aged thirteen, Mrs. E. Lamphere, aged eighteen, and Mrs. Smith, died within two weeks, also a babe of Mrs. Lamphere.  There have been several other cases of diphtheria, but all have recovered except a child of Levi Lamphere.  

NICHOLLS:   Another victim of the dread disease, diphtheria, a son of Mr. Nicholls, of Oregon (Butternuts) aged eleven years, a twin brother ot the one whose death we mentioned a short time ago, died Monday of last week, and his remains were deposited in our cemetery, Tuesday.  This is the third victim of the family of Mr. Nicholls, in the few weeks.  The dread monster, diphtheria is causing loss of life and devastation everywhere.

Mr. Norman Nicholls, of Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] has buried three children and two grandchildren within the few weeks past, and the five little graves, in Evergreen Cemetery, at White Store, tell a sad story of loss, but a brighter story of little lambs safe gathered to the bosom of the Good Shepherd.

REEVE:  In Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], June 4th, Herbie S. [Reeve] son of Oscar H. and Hannah M. Reeve, aged 8 years, 9 months and 13 days.

BEDIENT:  In Windsor, Broome Co. [NY], May 29th, of diphtheria, Willie S. [Bedient] son of Lewis E. and Mary Thurston Bedient aged 7 years, formerly of Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY].

OWENS:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], June 1st, Mr. Elbridge Owens, in the 66th year of his age.

For many years a resident of the village of South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY], he was respected by all who know him and enjoyed the confidence of the community in which he lived, as a man of honor and integrity.  He was a valued member of the Baptist Church of that place.  Of a kindly nature, he possessed much of that charity which suffereth long and is kind, is not easily puffed up, vaunteth not itself.  His long and painful illness was patiently borne, and his hope of heavenly rest through Christ his Redeemer, sure and steadfast.  And while his place is vacant among those who loved him, we have the comforting assurance that freed from his agonizing suffering he has entered upon that rest for which he so often and earnestly prayed.

CORBIN:  New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY:  The remains of Mrs. H.J. Corbin, a relative of Joseph Arnold Esq. were brought to this village for interment on Tuesday last.

News Item

Our South Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY] correspondent, George W Adams had a surprise party at his residence about ten o'clock on Friday morning last, when his wife gave birth to three bouncing boys, whose weights were 6 lbs 9 oz, 6 lb. 8 oz, and 5 lbs 1 oz, respectively, aggregating 18 lbs 2 oz.  From what we learn, they have apparently come to stay, all doing finely, as is also the mother.  It seems but a few years since George worked as an apprentice with us in the Union office and we did not dream that he would so soon become the father of five boys and four girls, all of whom are now living.  Barnum need not attempt another Baby show, as South Plymouth can beat it, and all the admittance fee there is, is a present to the little beauties.  That a life of happiness and prosperity may attend the parents and their little ones, is the wish of all who know them.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, May/June 1824

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 5, 1824


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday the 29th ult. by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. Archibald McAuslan to Miss Isabel McGibbon.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 12, 1824


Suddenly, on the 1st inst. at his residence in Freedom, Dutchess County [NY], aged 68 years, Mr. James De Graff, formerly of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 26, 1824


In Harpersfield [Broome Co. NY], on Wednesday the 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, Mr. Nelson Parmatee to Miss Peggy Williams.

News Item

From the Broome County Republican, May 14:  On the afternoon of Tuesday last, Mr. Oliver Harper of Windsor in this county [Broome Co. NY], was robbed and murdered on the public road between Mount Pleasant and Ocquago.  Mr. Harper had been down the Delaware River to Philadelphia with a large quantity of lumber and was returning with a considerable sum of money in his possession.  He had arrived within eight or ten miles of his home when he was shot down and robbed by some person unknown.  The deceased was a son of George Harper, Esq. and about 40 years of age.  He was an enterprising and industrious citizen and his death will be sincerely mourned by a numerous circle of relatives and friends.  His money, the fruit of successful industry, no doubt prompted the commission of this horrible crime.  No circumstances have yet transpired which tend to fix suspicion upon any particular person, but we hope and trust that the perpetrators of this foul deed will not be permitted to escape punishment.

From the same, May 21:  We last week mentioned the murder and robbery of Mr. Harper, and we are now enabled to state, that a man by the name of Jason Treadwell has been arrested and after an examination, committed to gaol to await his trial for this atrocious act.  Circumstances are said to be extremely strong against him, but any detail of them would be improper at this time.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 2, 1824


 In the town of Colchester [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday the 5th ult. Maj. Abel Downs, after a lingering and painful illness, in the 54th year of his age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 16, 1824


In Bloomville [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 9th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Fenn, Mr. Thomas Martin Jun. of Andes [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Susan Ophelia Merwin daughter of Colonel Asher Merwin, of the former place.

At the same place, on Tuesday the 15th inst. by the Rev. Robert Forrest, Mr. Nathaniel H. McCollum to Miss Rebecca Coan, both of Bloomville [Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 30, 1824


Died, in Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on Tuesday the 22d instant, Aaron Hull, Esquire, in the 74th year of his age.  In the War of Independence he showed himself the firm friend of civil and religious liberty and personally engaged in that sanguinary contest.  He was among the first to encounter the hardships and privations of our wilderness and endeared himself to his neighborhood as the friend and patron of our new settlers.  His name appears first among those who organized the first Christian church in Andes.  The interests of Zion lay near his heart, and he adorned his profession by an exemplary walk.  His last illness, which was painfully severe, he bore with Christian fortitude and resignation and died in hope of a blessed immortality.  In his death his family have lost an amiable and affectionate relative, the church of Christ a bright ornament, and civil society one of its most useful members.  As far as he was known he was beloved and respected in his life and will be lamented in his death.  A funeral discourse was delivered on the occasion of his death, by the Rev. D. Waterbury from Isa. LVII 1: "The righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come."

"Sweet is the scene where virtue dies, / When sinks, a righteous soul to rest; / How mildly beam the closing eyes! / How gently heaves the expiring breast!

So fades a summer cloud away; / So sinks the gale when storms are o'er / So gently shuts the eye of day. / So dies a wave along the shore.

Triumphant smiles the victor brow, / Fann'd by some angel's purple wing; / O grave! where is thy vict'ry now? / Invidious death! where is thy sting?

A holy quiet reigns around; / A calm which nothing can destroy; / Nought can disturb that peace profound, / Which their unfetter'd souls enjoy.

Farewell! conflicting joys and fears, / Where light and shade alternate dwell! / How bright the unchanging man appears / Farewell! inconstant world! Farewell!

Its duty done, as sinks the clay, / Light from the load, the spirit flies. / While Heaven and Earth combine to say, / Sweet is the scene where virtue dies."

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1878, 1847, 1848

 Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, June 14, 1878


In Davenport [Delaware Co. NY], June 5, by Rev. E.P. Crane, E.H. Canine of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] and Josie F. Dibble daughter of Daniel Dibble of Davenport.

In Middlefield Centre [Otsego Co. NY] June 2nd, by Rev. Walter Fry, William D. Spicer of Middlefield and Mrs. Defrance R. Hoyt of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

At Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], May 29, by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Elliott Lamb and Miss Eliza M. Castle, both of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].

By Rev. Samuel Homan, June 5th, Lysander Day of Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Harriet Galer of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].

In Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] on the 6th inst. by Geo. C. Ritter, Esq., Theron A Weeks and Miss Eliza Strait both of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 13, 1847


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY], on the 31st ult. by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Addison Hubbell of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], to Miss Elizabeht Stowell of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY].

In Pierstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Mr. Truman Irish of Canajoharie [Montgomery Co. NY] to Miss Sarah W. Kelley of the former place.


In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on the 12th ult. Mrs. Polly Hackley wife of Peter Hackley in the 81st year of her age.

In this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 31st ult. Charlotte Phebe [Scott] eldest daughter of Harvey Scott aged 5 years and 3 months. 

Also, in this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 24th ult. Isaac Newton [Russell] son of William Russell, aged 19 months and 16 days.

A gentleman by the name of Moses M. Bingham, Professor of Music of Rochester, N.Y. [Monroe Co.] was found dead in his bed this morning about half past 9 o'clock at the New England Hotel.  Mr. Bingham retired last night in apparent good health and from the testimony of physicians, died in a fit.  Deceased leaves a wife and one child in Rochester, to whom this unexpected visitation will prove a great bereavement.  Mr. Bingham of the New England, who is a cousin of deceased, leaves for Rochester this afternoon with the body in charge.  Cleveland Herald of 16th Oct.  From the Rochester Democrat

Mrs. Deborah Parshall wife of Israel Parshall of the town of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] was burned to death on Saturday last by her clothes taking fire.  They had recently moved into the house, and she and the hired man, named Blinco, were left in the house together to arrange the furniture.  At 8 o'clock in the evening, a son of Mrs. Parshall and Mr. Low, returned to the house, and observing an unusual light, supposed the house to be on fire.  They opened the door and dragged out a burning mass, which proved to be the body of Mrs. Parshall, horribly crisped and entirely lifeless.  Near the body were found a candlestick and matches and it is supposed that her dress took fire while she was in the act of lighting a candle.  the man Blinco was found asleep in the barn, in a beastly state of intoxication.  Coroner Graves of this village held an inquest on Sunday last, and the jury gave a verdict that she came to her death by her clothes taking while in a state of intoxication.  Mrs. P. was 57 years of age.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, March 1, 1848


At East Worcester (Otsego Co.) [NY] on the 2d ult. by the Rev. Mr. Thurston, Mr. Joseph S. Lake to Miss Sarah Green.

Also, on the 3d inst. Mr. John Champion Janye to Miss Eliza Champion all of East Worcester [Otsego Co. NY].

In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] on the 20th ult. by the Rev. J. Davis, Mr. James Webb of Davenport, Delaware Co. [NY], to Miss Eliza Swartout of the former place.

At South Valley [Cattaraugus Co. NY] on the 14th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Richards, Mr. Cornelius Chaus of Oswego [Oswego Co. NY], to Miss Eliza Chase of Westford [Otsego Co. NY].

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, June 1878

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, June 13, 1878


At the residence of Wm. E. Cory, Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY], June 6th, '78, by Rev. Ellery E. Peck, Theodore C. Turner to Miss Abby Cory, both of Cooperstown.

At the residence of Mr. I.K. Williams, Cooperstown, N.Y. [Otsego Co.], June 6th, 1878, by Rev. Ellery E. Peck, William Hardy Johnson of Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Deetta Kinter of Van Hornsville, N.Y. [Herkimer Co.].

At the Presbyterian Parsonage at Exeter Center [Otsego Co. NY], on the evening of the 2d inst. by Rev. J.S. Robinson, Augustus L. Coleman of Exeter to Miss Irene Slater of Burlington [Otsego Co. NY].


In South Columbia, N.Y. [Herkimer Co.] June 2d,'78, Julia A. [Horton] wife of Geo. W. Horton, aged 55 years and 6 months.

In Center Valley, June 4th, '78, Phylanca M. [Thrall] wife of Gardner Thrall, aged 22 years 8 months and 2 days.


At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], on Friday, May 31st, 1878, Lena [Byard] daughter of John S. and Della A. Byard, aged 7 years 1 months and 9 days.

Tenderly we laid the child beauty away / Where the flowers will blossom, and the grasses will wave; / Undisturbed to repose till the dawn of the day / Whose glories shall lighten her path from the grave.

Sweetly she sleeps on the Shepherd's own breast, / Where no storms ever rave, or sickness can harm; / Transported her spirit to the land of the blest, / To bask in the sunshine of its unbroken calm.

Her beauty, it shone until heaven caught its light, / And sent down the angels to gather her home; / Home to the city never shadowed by night, / Where she shines a bright gem in Christ's royal crown.

Heaven is rich with our treasures, passed on before, / Glories that faded as they shone bright and fair, / Jewels we lost here, to find them no more, / But at the gateway of life they will welcome us there.


Mrs. John Sweet of Milford [Otsego Co. NY], exchanged mortality for life on Sunday, June 3d, 1878, in the 46th year of her age.  

 Mrs. S.'s sickness was brief, but severe, an attack of pneumonia lasting but eight days, terminated her life.  In this sad event Mr. Sweet and family have sustained an irreparable loss, and the sincere condolence of the entire village is tendered them. The funeral services were attended by a very large concourse of relatives and friends and were conducted by the pastors of our village at the family residence.  The deceased was a member of the Baptist church and died in the faith of the gospel.  "Godliness is profitable for all things having the promise of this life and of that which is to come."

Morris Chronicle, Morris, NY, June 19, 1878


June 5:  At Otego [Otsego Co. NY], by Abner Ferry, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Geo. Northup to Miss Julia Chapman, both of Otego.

June 6:  At Burlington [Otsego Co. NY], by Geo. C. Ritter, Esq., Theron A. Weeks and Miss Eliza Strait, both of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].


June 7:  In Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY], Sallie Slocum, aged 89 years.

June 9:  In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] Gilbert Stebbins aged about 71 years.

June 10:  In Otego [Otsego Co. NY] Ursula C. Buckley aged 7 years and 18 days.

June 10:   In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] of paralysis, Isaac Church aged about 58 years.

Monday night last Isaac Church, living about one mile from the Centre was stricken with paralysis, and lived but a few hours. He had been in usual health and was splitting wood, when suddenly he left his work, went into the house and told his wife he did not feel well and thought he would smoke.  He filled his pipe, and she noticed that he put the bowl of the pipe in his mouth.  She spoke to him, he started to go to the lounge, told her to call someone and lying down became insensible.  He only lived about 8 hours.  He leaves a wife and one daughter. The loss falls heavily on the family.  Mrs. C. had been in poor health for some time, and the blow will be hard for her to bear.  In his death the community have lost a good citizen, and his death will be deeply felt by all.  W.N.T.

June 10:  In Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY], Charles Burlingham of congestion of the lungs in the 72nd year of his age.

June 15:  In Morris [Otsego Co. NY], Mrs. Erexena Lull wife of Ezra lull, Sr. aged 78 years, 8 months and 28 days.

Saturday evening just as the sun went down, Mrs. Erexena Lull, wife of Ezra lull, Sr., died.  She was one of the oldest inhabitants of this town.  She and her husband have occupied the home in which she died ever since it was a wilderness and thro' their energies the farm on which they lived has been made a pleasant home for a large family of children.  She was ever a faithful wife, mother and neighbor; living to a good old age (over 78 years), she was gathered to her people and a large company of relatives and friends mourn her departure. The old pioneers of the Butternut Valley are fast passing over the river; a few years more and our fathers and mothers will have all passed to their reward.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, 1878 & 1880

 Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, June 5 , 1878


Mt. Upton, Chenango Co. NY:  Four interments in our cemetery within a week.  Two from diphtheria, Belle Gager, aged 12 years, Homer Lamphire aged 3, and Mrs. Lamphire and babe two weeks old.  No diphtheria cases in our village until within the past two weeks for years, and it is hoped the progress of the disease is stayed.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, June 8, 1878


PUDNEY - HEADY:  At the M.E. Parsonage in this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], May 25th, by Rev. C.H. McAnuity, Mr. Oscar Pudney and Miss Mary Heady all of this place.


GAGER:  In this town [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] on the 2d inst. Mr. Justin M. Gager, aged 49 years.

Mr. Justin M. Gager died suddenly at his residence in this town, on Sunday last. The cause of his death is supposed to have been a disease of the heart.  He had appeared apparently well on leaving his house about an hour before his death, but shortly returned, remarking that he did not feel well, lay down and expired in about half-an-hour.  Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday last, by Rev. Mr. Ballou, and were attended by a large concourse of citizens who testified to the worth of deceased as a citizen and neighbor.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, June 6, 1878


HARD -SHAFER:  At East Worcester [Otsego Co. NY], june 4th, 1878, by Rev. N.S. Reynolds, Frank A. Hard of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Eva Shafer of Richmondville.

PALMER - HAWKS:  At the home of the bride, May 20th, by Rev. A. Thomas, Mr. Datus Palmer and Miss Wealthy May Hawks, both of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY].


ROUNDS:  In Yaleville [Chenango Co. NY], May 31st, 1878, Sarah [Rounds] youngest daughter of William and Rosilla Rounds, aged 6 years.

ADAMS:  Horace Adams of Triangle [Broome Co. NY] aged 92 years, died on Monday, May 27th.  He served during the war of 1812 and was a pensioner.  His wife, with whom he had lived 65 years, died last August, aged 86.

PEARSALL:  David Pearsall a respected resident of Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], and at one time Supervisor of the town, died at his residence on Tuesday morning of this week, aged 56 years.  His funeral took place on Wednesday and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends.

Masonville - Pine Hill, Delaware Co. NY:  Since our last death entered our midst May 29, and took from among us little Clarence [Butts] aged 1 year 7 months and 3 days.  The funeral took place on Friday in the schoolhouse.  The sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Ripley of Masonville. The funeral was quite largely attended, and they have the entire sympathy of the neighborhood in their bereavement.

News Item

Hon. Warren G. Willis of Masonville [Delaware Co. NY], is a graduate of the Albany Law school, at its recent commencement.  Mr. Willis, a man of mature years, was a successful student at Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] in his younger days; has seen both the hard and soft side of mining life in California, returning to his native town after marvelous hardships to resume the life of a farmer.  He served his district in the legislature with ability and yields at last to his own wishes and those of his numerous friends to enter upon professional life.  He enters the bar not older than many other men who have achieved both legal distinction and pecuniary success.  We feel sure that many old associates will join us in extending congratulation.  Oneonta Press

Weekly Press, Afton, NY, April 22, 1880


ALLEN - DOOLITTLE:  At Harpersville [Broome Co., NY], Wednesday April 14th by the Rev. A.W. Cornell, Bennett B. Allen and Miss Nancy Doolittle, both of Harpersville.

PHELPS - DYKEMAN:  At the M.E. Parsonage, Saturday, April 10th by the Rev. N.J. Hawley, Mr. Oliver D. Phelps of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] and Mrs. Frances Dykeman of Colesville [Broome Co. NY].


The tragic death of Mrs. J.B. Kirkhuff has cast a gloom over the whole community, and all hearts sympathize with the afflicted family in their great distress.

Mrs. Kirkhuff was a cultured and refined lady, modest and unassuming in her manners.  Her loss will be deeply felt in the family, where she was a faithful and affectionate wife and mother; and in the church, of which she was a consistent and devout member.  But it is our comfort that we sorrow not as those who have no hope.  She sleeps in Jesus. the weary head and aching heart are forever at rest.  Her ransomed spirit is in joy and felicity in the Paradise of God.  Cheered by this hope, our grief for her loss loses its sting and it is not so hard for us to say "God's will be done."  A.W.C.

Weekly Press, Afton, NY, May 6, 1880


TARBELL - ROUNDS:  In Afton [Chenango Co. NY], April 27th by Rev. D.N. Grummon, Charles E. Tarbell and Ellen J. Rounds.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, June 6, 1878


MARSH - STEARNS:  At the residence of the bride's father, in Lincklaen, June 4th, 1878, by Rev. H.C. Leach, Mr. Duane J. Marsh of North Brookfield [Madison Co. NY], to Miss Louisa M. Stearns, of Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY].


OWEN:  At the residence of his brother-in-law, J. Donegan in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], June 1st, Mr. Elbridge Owen of South New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] aged about 70 years.  His remains were taken to South New Berlin for burial, the funeral taking place on Monday.

We are obliged to chronicle in this issue the decease of another of the old and respected residents of South New Berlin, Elbridge Owen died at his residence in this town on Saturday night last, after a long and painful illness, aged about seventy years. The deceased was one of those modest, unostentatious men who call around themselves host of friends; honest, conscientious and obliging he was respected by many and his death deeply regretted by all.  His funeral occurred at the Baptist church on Monday the Rev. Scott and Smith officiating and where a large concourse of people of his town assembled to pay a last sad tribute to respect to his memory.  A widow and one child survive to mourn the loss of a loving husband and a kind and indulgent father. 

O'CONNOR:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], June 5th, Mary [O'Connor] wife of Thomas O'Connor, aged 35 years.  Her remains will be taken to Waterville [Oneida Co. NY] for burial.

ALLEN:  Judge William F. Allen of the Court of Appeals, died at his home in Oswego on Monday of an affection of the brain.  Judge Allen was born in Windham County, Connecticut, on the 28th of July 1808.  He graduated at Union College and in 1847 was chosen Judge of the Supreme Court.  He afterwards was elected Comptroller of the State for two consecutive terms, and from that position was chosen as judge of the Court of Appeals.  He was also in early life elected to the Assembly one or two terms and held other responsible public positions.  By constitutional limitation he would have closed his Judicial service on the first of January, he having reached the age of seventy.  He was a clear and forcible thinker and commanded the respect and confidence of the people at large.  Governor Robinson will probably appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the election takes place.  

Guilford, Chenango Co. NY:  We hear of several fatal cases of diphtheria in our vicinity of late.  In one family, that of Joseph Rounds, just west of our place, three children and all they have excepting a married daughter residing away, have been carried off with this disease.  This may truly be called a desolate, as well as heart-stricken household.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 5, 1878


The friends and acquaintances of Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes gave them a very pleasant surprise on Friday evening last.  The occasion being the 28th anniversary of their marriage.  The Dr. and his wife were invited out to tea, and while absent their friends took possession of their residence and when they returned were warmly greeted by the assembled guests and a very pleasant evening was passed, a large number of presents were made, and numerous congratulations bestowed on the Dr. and his estimable wife.


VAN PELT:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], June 3d, of consumption, Ervin J. [Van Pelt] son of Tyler and Diantha Van Pelt, aged 20 years.

The funeral of Ervin J. Van Pelt took place on Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended by friends and relatives of the deceased.  [Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, june 8, 1878

ROUNDS:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] May 18th, Ruth [Rounds] daughter of William and Rosilla Rounds, aged 14 years.

TRACY:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], May 16th, Mrs. Mary [Tracy] wife of John Tracy, aged 53 years.

North Norwich, Chenango Co. NY:  Last Saturday Solomon Titus exhumed the remains of his son Charlie Titus which were deposited in the old cemetery some twenty-eight years ago and buried them on a lot which he has in the new cemetery.  The hair of the deceased had grown some four inches and was preserved in the nicest order, also the feathers of the pillow on which his head rested were in good condition and the pearl buttons on his shroud shone as bright as they did when placed there.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 8, 1878


CRAVER - WEEKS:  In Port Crane [Broome Co. NY], May 29th, by Rev. E.L. Bennett, Mr. Leroy Craver and Miss Carrie Weeks, both of Colesville [Broome Co. NY].

TRIPP - RHODES:  At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Tyron Rhodes, in DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY], May 19, by Rev. T.F. Harris, Mr. Eugene A. Tripp and Miss Emma I. Rhodes all of DeRuyter.

UTTER - FOOTE:  At the home of the bride, June 8th, 1878 by Rev. H.G. -?-, Mr. W.R. Utter of Bennettsville [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Ella M. Foote of Guilford, N.Y. [Chenango Co.].


WILCOX:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY] after a brief illness of membranous and diphtheria croup, Carrie Grace [Wilcox] daughter of Edwin and Nellie Wilcox aged 4 years.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1824) & Chenango (1880) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 14, 1824


On the 8th inst. at his residence in Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY] near the head of the Delaware, Mr. Job Clark.  Mr. Clark was an industrious and intelligent farmer in the very prime of life, possessed of good native and acquired talents, adorned with an uncommon share of modesty and good sense.  By his death society is deprived of a valuable and useful citizen, his widow of a faithful and an indulgent companion, his children of a tender and watchful father, his connections and friends of an agreeable and worthy associate and his neighborhood of one of its brightest ornaments.  It may be said of him, "those who knew him best esteemed him most."

At Roxbury [Delaware Co. NY], after a lingering illness, Captain Abraham Gold in the 58th year of his age.  Mr. Gold was the only survivor of four hardy young men who emigrated from the town of Fairfield, Conn. in the year 1790, to the town of Roxbury, and being the first settler, suffered and endured all the hardships incident to a new country - at last struggled through and placed himself in a situation of ease and plenty - was called to resign his breath and give up all into the hands of God who gave it.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 18, 1824


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Thursday evening last, by Elder William Cumings, Mr. George Easton to Miss Clarissa Farrington, daughter of Gen. Putnam Farrington.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 24, 1824


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday the 17th inst. by Elder Tuttle, Mr. John D. Jones to Miss Emeline Flint.

On Thursday the 18th inst. Mr. George F. Howland to Miss Nancy Hanford.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 31, 1824


In Kortright [Delaware Co. NY], on Monday the 22d inst. by the Rev. William McAuley, Mr. John Bilby to Miss Elizabeth Marshall, all of the town.

At the same place on Tuesday the 23d inst. by the same.  Mr. William Henderson to Miss Margaret Smith.

Home Sentinel, Afton, NY, April 9, 1880


At the residence of Wm. S. Landers, Esq. on the 31st of March 1880, Fred Grover and Emily P. Landers were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. E.T. Jacobs.  The citizens of Afton, from an intimate acquaintance with these two young people, will join us in the decision that this is a happy union and we all wish them much joy.


The New York World of March 27 contains the following under the head of "All Gone:"

On February 18th, 1879, in Greene, Chenango County [NY], three sisters took upon themselves the bonds of wedlock at the same time.  There were the Misses Jennie L., Flora F. and Mary H. Grant and they were married respectively to the Rev. W. N. Richie, pastor of the Forty-fourth Street Presbyterian Church of this city [NYC]; H.H. Scott, an Eight avenue shoe dealer, and the Rev. Smith T. Ford, pastor of the Baptist Church at Greene.  The story of the wedding and the merry making at Greene was published in the World at the time.  Miss Agnes Grant, the only remaining unmarried sister, was left at the old homestead.  On Wednesday evening she was married to Professor W. R. Rowlands, Principal of the Union School at Hamilton, N.Y. [Madison Co.].  The ceremony took place at the residence of Rev. Mr. Richie, no. 442 West Forty-fourth Street and the services were read by the Rev. Mr. Ford, assisted by Mr. Richie.  The ushers were Messrs. J.H. Allen, George H. Rowe, Charles F. Searles and Richard Morton.  There were no bridesmaids.  The bride's dress was made of brocade satin and gross grain silk, light ashes of rose color, trimmed with duchesse lace.  She wore a wreath of orange blossoms and diamond ornaments. After the ceremony there was a collation and dancing and at 11 o'clock the bride and groom left for Philadelphia.  The three brides of last year in their bridal dresses and with their husbands were present.


Miss Mary A. Swift died at O.K. Swift's residence in Nineveh [Broome Co. NY] last Saturday in the 75th year of her age.

On April 2d, 1880, Homer T. Nichols died in Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY] of inflammatory congestion, aged 8 years.  After the death of the child, it was thought best to hold a postmortem examination, as he had met with a severe bruise from being run over by a wagon about six months ago.  Upon examination it was found that the heart case had adhered to the anterior of the ribs and also to the lungs and that a part of the heart was found to be apparently perished away.  The lungs were found to be badly congested and but a small part of them that would float.  From all the showing of the case, no doubt the little boy was a great sufferer and found a blessing in the rest of death.

News Item

We are under obligations says the Union to Nemiah Leach for the past five years Keeper of the County House, for the following items of interest from that institution.  

In his large family of boarders of all classes he has one who was one hundred years old on Thursday last.  His name is William Lavee who was born in New London County, Conn. April 1, 1780, and settled in the County in 1814, where he has since resided, a period of sixty-six years.  By trade he was a shoemaker, but he at one time owned and cultivated a farm in the town of Preston [Chenango Co. NY].  In his old age reverses came upon him and he was reduced to want, at last becoming an inmate of the asylum for the poor.  He early embraced the cause of Christ, and all these years he has lived an exemplary Christian.  His mental faculties he retains to a remarkable degree.  

Mr. Leach has now about one hundred and thirty boarders, and the aggregate of the ages of the thirty between 70 and 100 in 2,288 yrs; of the next twenty-eight, between 60 and 70, the aggregate is 1,797 years.  During these five years, fifty-six have died; of these the ages of Twenty-nine aggregated 2,337 years, and of the remaining 27, 1,366 years.