Thursday, July 4, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1878, 1847, 1848

 Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, June 14, 1878


In Davenport [Delaware Co. NY], June 5, by Rev. E.P. Crane, E.H. Canine of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY] and Josie F. Dibble daughter of Daniel Dibble of Davenport.

In Middlefield Centre [Otsego Co. NY] June 2nd, by Rev. Walter Fry, William D. Spicer of Middlefield and Mrs. Defrance R. Hoyt of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].

At Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], May 29, by Rev. J.W. Mevis, Elliott Lamb and Miss Eliza M. Castle, both of Otego [Otsego Co. NY].

By Rev. Samuel Homan, June 5th, Lysander Day of Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] and Miss Harriet Galer of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY].

In Burlington [Otsego Co. NY] on the 6th inst. by Geo. C. Ritter, Esq., Theron A Weeks and Miss Eliza Strait both of Laurens [Otsego Co. NY].

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, November 13, 1847


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY], on the 31st ult. by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Addison Hubbell of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY], to Miss Elizabeht Stowell of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY].

In Pierstown [Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th ult. Mr. Truman Irish of Canajoharie [Montgomery Co. NY] to Miss Sarah W. Kelley of the former place.


In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on the 12th ult. Mrs. Polly Hackley wife of Peter Hackley in the 81st year of her age.

In this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 31st ult. Charlotte Phebe [Scott] eldest daughter of Harvey Scott aged 5 years and 3 months. 

Also, in this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 24th ult. Isaac Newton [Russell] son of William Russell, aged 19 months and 16 days.

A gentleman by the name of Moses M. Bingham, Professor of Music of Rochester, N.Y. [Monroe Co.] was found dead in his bed this morning about half past 9 o'clock at the New England Hotel.  Mr. Bingham retired last night in apparent good health and from the testimony of physicians, died in a fit.  Deceased leaves a wife and one child in Rochester, to whom this unexpected visitation will prove a great bereavement.  Mr. Bingham of the New England, who is a cousin of deceased, leaves for Rochester this afternoon with the body in charge.  Cleveland Herald of 16th Oct.  From the Rochester Democrat

Mrs. Deborah Parshall wife of Israel Parshall of the town of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] was burned to death on Saturday last by her clothes taking fire.  They had recently moved into the house, and she and the hired man, named Blinco, were left in the house together to arrange the furniture.  At 8 o'clock in the evening, a son of Mrs. Parshall and Mr. Low, returned to the house, and observing an unusual light, supposed the house to be on fire.  They opened the door and dragged out a burning mass, which proved to be the body of Mrs. Parshall, horribly crisped and entirely lifeless.  Near the body were found a candlestick and matches and it is supposed that her dress took fire while she was in the act of lighting a candle.  the man Blinco was found asleep in the barn, in a beastly state of intoxication.  Coroner Graves of this village held an inquest on Sunday last, and the jury gave a verdict that she came to her death by her clothes taking while in a state of intoxication.  Mrs. P. was 57 years of age.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, March 1, 1848


At East Worcester (Otsego Co.) [NY] on the 2d ult. by the Rev. Mr. Thurston, Mr. Joseph S. Lake to Miss Sarah Green.

Also, on the 3d inst. Mr. John Champion Janye to Miss Eliza Champion all of East Worcester [Otsego Co. NY].

In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] on the 20th ult. by the Rev. J. Davis, Mr. James Webb of Davenport, Delaware Co. [NY], to Miss Eliza Swartout of the former place.

At South Valley [Cattaraugus Co. NY] on the 14th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Richards, Mr. Cornelius Chaus of Oswego [Oswego Co. NY], to Miss Eliza Chase of Westford [Otsego Co. NY].

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