Friday, July 5, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware County, NY, May/June 1824

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 5, 1824


In this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday the 29th ult. by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. Archibald McAuslan to Miss Isabel McGibbon.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 12, 1824


Suddenly, on the 1st inst. at his residence in Freedom, Dutchess County [NY], aged 68 years, Mr. James De Graff, formerly of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, May 26, 1824


In Harpersfield [Broome Co. NY], on Wednesday the 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, Mr. Nelson Parmatee to Miss Peggy Williams.

News Item

From the Broome County Republican, May 14:  On the afternoon of Tuesday last, Mr. Oliver Harper of Windsor in this county [Broome Co. NY], was robbed and murdered on the public road between Mount Pleasant and Ocquago.  Mr. Harper had been down the Delaware River to Philadelphia with a large quantity of lumber and was returning with a considerable sum of money in his possession.  He had arrived within eight or ten miles of his home when he was shot down and robbed by some person unknown.  The deceased was a son of George Harper, Esq. and about 40 years of age.  He was an enterprising and industrious citizen and his death will be sincerely mourned by a numerous circle of relatives and friends.  His money, the fruit of successful industry, no doubt prompted the commission of this horrible crime.  No circumstances have yet transpired which tend to fix suspicion upon any particular person, but we hope and trust that the perpetrators of this foul deed will not be permitted to escape punishment.

From the same, May 21:  We last week mentioned the murder and robbery of Mr. Harper, and we are now enabled to state, that a man by the name of Jason Treadwell has been arrested and after an examination, committed to gaol to await his trial for this atrocious act.  Circumstances are said to be extremely strong against him, but any detail of them would be improper at this time.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 2, 1824


 In the town of Colchester [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday the 5th ult. Maj. Abel Downs, after a lingering and painful illness, in the 54th year of his age.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 16, 1824


In Bloomville [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 9th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Fenn, Mr. Thomas Martin Jun. of Andes [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Susan Ophelia Merwin daughter of Colonel Asher Merwin, of the former place.

At the same place, on Tuesday the 15th inst. by the Rev. Robert Forrest, Mr. Nathaniel H. McCollum to Miss Rebecca Coan, both of Bloomville [Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, June 30, 1824


Died, in Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on Tuesday the 22d instant, Aaron Hull, Esquire, in the 74th year of his age.  In the War of Independence he showed himself the firm friend of civil and religious liberty and personally engaged in that sanguinary contest.  He was among the first to encounter the hardships and privations of our wilderness and endeared himself to his neighborhood as the friend and patron of our new settlers.  His name appears first among those who organized the first Christian church in Andes.  The interests of Zion lay near his heart, and he adorned his profession by an exemplary walk.  His last illness, which was painfully severe, he bore with Christian fortitude and resignation and died in hope of a blessed immortality.  In his death his family have lost an amiable and affectionate relative, the church of Christ a bright ornament, and civil society one of its most useful members.  As far as he was known he was beloved and respected in his life and will be lamented in his death.  A funeral discourse was delivered on the occasion of his death, by the Rev. D. Waterbury from Isa. LVII 1: "The righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come."

"Sweet is the scene where virtue dies, / When sinks, a righteous soul to rest; / How mildly beam the closing eyes! / How gently heaves the expiring breast!

So fades a summer cloud away; / So sinks the gale when storms are o'er / So gently shuts the eye of day. / So dies a wave along the shore.

Triumphant smiles the victor brow, / Fann'd by some angel's purple wing; / O grave! where is thy vict'ry now? / Invidious death! where is thy sting?

A holy quiet reigns around; / A calm which nothing can destroy; / Nought can disturb that peace profound, / Which their unfetter'd souls enjoy.

Farewell! conflicting joys and fears, / Where light and shade alternate dwell! / How bright the unchanging man appears / Farewell! inconstant world! Farewell!

Its duty done, as sinks the clay, / Light from the load, the spirit flies. / While Heaven and Earth combine to say, / Sweet is the scene where virtue dies."

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