Sunday, January 12, 2025

Vital Records, Delaware (1830) & Madison (1972 Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 3, 1930


In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on the 24th ultimo, by John M. Landon, Esq., Mr. Jeremiah Marvin of Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Jane Lake of the former place.


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY] on Saturday morning last, of a lingering consumption, Mr. John Leal, aged 28 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 10, 1830


In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday evening last, by the Reverend Mr. Fisher, Mr. Greene Moore to Miss Mary Denio both of this town. [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 17, 1830


In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on the 4th instant, by John M. Landon, Esq. Mr. James Campbell of Kortright [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Sarah Ann Lake of the former place.


On the 12th instant at his residence near Bloomville [Delaware Co. NY], Doct. Richard Daniel Waudey in the 53d year of his age.  He was a native of England.  He has resided in that place for the last ten years, during which time he has distinguished himself as a man of talent in his profession, and a gentleman.  He was a man of great research and observation and intimately acquainted with philosophy and history.  His loss will be sincerely felt by his acquaintance and deeply lamented by his widow, who was his only relative mourner.

In Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] in this county, on the 25th ultimo, Anna Putnam aged 10 years, after a short illness of four days.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 24, 1830


In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on the 14th instant by Asa Grant, Esq. Mr. Levi Warren to Miss Anna Orr all of Andes.


In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on the 17th instant, of consumption, Mr. Hezekiah Treadwell, aged 44 years.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, March 31, 1830


In Bovina [Delaware Co. NY] on the 25th instant by James Cowan, Esq. Mr. Alexander Shaw of Delhi [Delaware Co. NY], late of the city of New York, daughter of James Lenox, of Bovina.

Democrat Union, Oneida, NY, July 18, 1872


MOOSE - SACKETT:  At the house of the bride's grandmother, at Oneida Lake [Madison Co. NY], July 3(?), by the Rev. Daniel Moose, his son, Jefferson Moose and Miss Aggie Sackett.  After the many happy congratulations of friends, refreshments and other incidentals common to such occasions, the happy pair started for Rome, where they spent the Fourth with friends, celebrating the Independence of the States, and the glorious union of hearts.  Fame, fortune and friends attend them.

ADAMS - TUCKERMAN:  At the Baptist Parsonage in Morrisville [Madison Co. NY], July 11, by Rev. S.S. Bidwell, Mr. Wm. D. Adams of Smithfield [Madison Co. NY] and Miss Ada E. Tuckerman of Chittenango Falls [Madison Co. NY].

SANTEE - TORREY:  In Lenox, July 4, at the bride's father's by Rev. L.E. Swan, F.E. Santee and Alice Torrey.

COON - TAYLOR:  In Bridgeport [Madison Co. NY], July 4, by Rev. D.D. Lowell, Mr. Charles F. Coon and Miss Ruth Taylor both of Canastota [Madison Co. NY].

DAMON - FREEBORN:  In New Woodstock, June 26, by Rev. A. ReLoy, Eddie S. Damon and Mary Freeborn both of New Woodstock.

MAINE - KEELER:  In Perryville [Madison Co. NY], July 2, by Rev. E.F.  Maine, Mr. Paul S. Maine and Miss Florence A. Keeler, both of Perryville.

BUSH - WENTWORTH:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY] July 2 by Rev. A.G. Clark, Mr. Ira L. Bush and Miss Mary J. Wentworth both of Union Valley, N.Y. [Cortland Co. NY]

BROOKS - WILCOXSON:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY] July 2, by Rev. Judson Davis, Mr. L.G. Brooks of Peterboro [Madison Co. NY], and Miss Mary E. Wilcoxson of Eaton.

Pratts Hollow, Madison Co. NY:  We are pleased to announce this week the marriage of Tine Berry and Miss Charity Thurston.  On Monday evening they held a reception at a relative of the bride's.


CONINE:  In Preble [Cortland Co. NY], July 6, Mrs. Mary J. [Conine] wife of S.M. Conine and daughter of David and Gertrude Kilts, aged 28 years.

PAYSON:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY] July 14, Allen [Payson] only son of H.F. and S.M. Payson, of Poughkeepsie N.Y. [Dutchess Co.] aged 4 months.

HODGE:  In Knoxville, Sunday July 7, Frederick Hodge, Sen. an old and respected resident of Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], in the 80th year of his age.

BARSTOW:  In Earlville [Madison Co. NY] July 15, very suddenly of spotted fever, Deette C. [Barstow] wife of John Barstow of Lebanon [Madison Co. NY] and daughter of Lewis and Sarah Watters, of Earlville, aged 24 years.

WILCOX:  In Eaton [Madison Co. NY] July 6, an infant daughter of Rev. A.J. and Phebe Wilcox, aged 3 months.

GRANT:  In Chittenango [Madison Co. NY], June 26, Capt. Geo. Grant a prominent citizen of Sullivan [Madison Co. NY] in the 73d year of his age.

BURDICK: In Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY] July 9, Miss Mary A. Burdick aged 21 years.

CLEVELAND:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] July 6, Miss Lottie Cleveland aged 25 years and 6 months.

DORRANCE:  In Peterboro [Madison Co. NY] July 2, Mary [Dorrance] widow of the late Dr. John Dorrance and mother of D.G. Dorrance in the 90th year of her age.

CRAVER:  In Augusta [Oneida Co. NY], July 6, Phillip Craver aged 68 years, 8 months and 22 days.

Randallville, Madison Co. NY:  One of our old friends and neighbors, widow of Daniel Ladd, died a few days since.  She was in the ninety-second year of her age and retained her reason to the last.


CLOCK:  At her home near Ridgeville [Madison Co. NY], May 4, 1871, Mrs. Newton J. Clock, aged 31 years.

Mrs. Clock's amiable disposition and kind Christian character won her many friends in our community, and sadly indeed will she be missed in the circles where she so often met.  Her hand was ever ready to help the needy and her kind words of comfort were cheering to the afflicted.  Her disease was inflammatory rheumatism which lasted but a few weeks during which time she suffered extremely, but without a murmur, often saying to her friends, and especially to her husband:  "It is all right; I am willing to die."  At the same time expressing great anxiety for him and their little boy, who was so soon to be without a mother's care. She was characterized by all those womanly graces which so endear a companion and a mother, being affectionately devoted to her husband's interests and comfort, helping to bear the burdens, lessen the cares, and sharing with him the joys of life, making home the most pleasant and happy spot on earth.  Her funeral was attended by a large concourse of people and it was really an affecting scene to witness.  That vast assembly almost without an exception shed the sympathizing tear with the relatives whose hearts were wrung with anguish, sorrowing for one whose life was so full of promise. At the close of the services the following lines, written by a friend, were read by the officiating clergyman, Rev. D. Moose.

Gone from our embrace is our loved one, / Gone from our home and our love, / To rest in the arms of our Saviour / In the realms of glory above.

No more will her bright smile of gladness / Welcome the friends once so dear, / Today their hearts throb with sadness, / While weeping they bend o'er her bier.

Empty today is the casket, / No bright gem it contains, / While in Heaven it is shining in splendor, / Here nothing but ashes remains.

Yet sweet is the hope that we cherish / In this hour of sorrow and pain, / In a world where death enters never, / We shall meet dear Eliza again.

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