Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Vital Records, Delaware (1826) & Otsego (1878) Counties, NY

 Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, January 25, 1826


In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY], on the 5th inst. by the Rev. John Sears, Mr. Morris Vail to Miss Harriet Edwards, both of that place.

By the same, on the 11th inst. Mr. Wm. Wead of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Polly Chamberlain of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY]

Mr. John Rathbone to Miss Abigail Fitch both of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY].

On the 12th inst. Mr. Martin Colton of Lansing [Tompkins Co. NY] to Miss Sarah Loveland of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY].

Mr. Benjamin Bissell of Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], to Miss Phebe Gager of Sidney [Delaware Co. NY].

At Harpersfield [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday the 18th inst. by Elder Daniel Wright, Mr. Lot Lewis to Miss Clarissa Treadwell.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, February 22, 1826


In Hamden [Delaware Co. NY] on Sunday the 12th inst. by Elder Cummings, Mr. Samuel Robinson to Mrs. Jane Rogers.

In Walton [Delaware Co. NY], on Tuesday the 21st inst. by the Rev. Isaac Headley, Mr. Joseph Osborn to Miss Mary Fitch, daughter of Mr. Seymour Fitch.

Freeman's Journal, Cooperstown, NY, August 1, 1878


In Pittsfield [Otsego Co. NY], July 22d, 1878, by Rev. H.B. Cook, William G. Peck of New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Mary C. Medbury of Pittsfield.


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], July 28th, 1878, Patrick Moore aged 33 years.

At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY], July 26th, '78, Ann Eliza [Halbert] wife of Morris S. Halbert in the 48th year of her age.

In Unadilla [Otsego Co. NY], July 10th, Richard Webb aged 77 years.

Mrs. Dr. John B. Marchisi mother of Mrs. P.G. Tanner of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], died at her residence in Utica [Oneida Co. NY] on the 26th ult., aged about 80 years.  Her venerable husband survives her, at the age of 90.  His father was one of the most celebrated musicians in Italy.  Dr. M. has reside in Utica for 63 years.


At Schuyler's Lake [Otsego Co. NY], July 13th, Mary Ann [Fern] wife of John Fern aged 61 years, 7 months and 29 days.

"She's sleeping so sweetly, / Oh, there let her rest / With roses and lilies / Upon her pure breast / Though stars their lone vigils / Keep o'er the tomb, / Her soul is rejoicing / In Eden's bright bloom.

In life's early morning / There came the sure token, / The silver cord loosed / The golden bowl broken. / But sure was the anchor / Across the dark river, / Her refuge was Jesus, / The blessed life giver.

Then mourn not for Mary, / For sweetly she'll rest, / In Eden's fair bowers / The home of the blest. / She'll join in the anthems / The angel lands sing, / And weave the sweet garlands / the shining ones bring.

Oh, weep not for Mary / She'll joyfully wait / To meet you in glory, / At Eden's bright gate. / Where wait the soft zephyr / That fragrantly roam, / Sweet music to welcome / The loved ones home.

Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, August 2, 1878


In Meredith [Delaware Co. NY], July 27, William Sloat aged about 28 years.

On Mill Creek, Otego [Otsego Co. NY], July 26, Jane Hawkins aged 27 years.  Buried in Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] on the 27th.

At West Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], July 26, Emma [Norris] wife of Thomas Norris, aged 25 years, 9 months.

In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY], July 21, Willis T. Haight aged 72 years.

Williard Hall of this place [Hartwick, Otsego Co. NY] died last week Tuesday of typhoid fever.  Mr. Hall was a mechanic and an esteemed citizen.  His sudden death has cast a feeling a sadness over the whole community.  The funeral services took place on Thursday the 25th, at his late residence in this village, services conducted by Rev. Mr. Webster, of Mt. Vision, after which the friends and relatives in procession, wended their way in sorrow through heat and dust to Westville [Franklin Co. NY], where the remains of the deceased were placed beside those of his kindred and near the home of his youth.  Mr. H. leaves a wife in feeble health and two small boys, with no very cheering prospects before them in life.  It is thought that Mr. Hall was partially sun stroke, as the great moving cause of his sickness.

Gilbertsville, Otsego Co. NY:  The remains of Francis Walker were interred in Brookside cemetery on Tuesday of last week.  Rev. J.V.O. Nellis officiated.

Otego, Otsego Co. NY:  Dr. D.B. Hunt, of New York and family made a very sad visit in this place last week.  They arrived at his father's (H. Hunt) on Wednesday of last week.  Their little son, aged six months, was taken sick while coming.  Cholera infantum triumphed and Sunday night little Dwight [Hunt] died.  Mr. and Mrs. Hunt returned to New York Monday morning with the corpse. They were expected to remain at the Sliter house during the Summer.

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