Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tubbs Family Reunion - 1897

Tubbs Family Reunion
The second reunion of the Tubbs families was held July 5, 1897, on the Tubbs farm, five mile from Harpursville [Broome Co., NY], now owned by Lewis Huntley.  Those present were:  Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. John Huntley; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leonard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Green and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Badger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Barnes and family.  The tables were spread in front of the house, under a large locust tree.  They were loaded to their utmost capacity with edibles delightful to the eye, and pleasing to the taste.  They did all eat and were filled to the number of twenty-seven.  The afternoon was passed in singing and visiting by the older ones, and fireworks by the children.  Ice cream, candy and bananas were served during the afternoon.  And when the hour of departure came all wished Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Huntley many more such reunions.  All felt as if they had spent a happy day.  These reunions will be looked forward to in after years with pleasure; they will more firmly bind together and cement the ties of nature and affection between kindred friends as the years roll around.  "How good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell in unity."  It is like the dew of Harmon that descended upon the mountains of Zion where the Lord commanded the blessing.  Even life forever more. S.B.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this posting!

    For more information on Phebe (Tubbs) (Leonard) Huntley and her extended family please see: (now in need of updates!)

    Of course, further additions and corrections are always greatly appreciated!

    Perry Streeter (
