Saturday, October 1, 2016

Farewell Party for Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. King - 1916

Given Farewell Party - Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. King
Utica Saturday Globe,  July 1916

Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. King

Norwich [Chenango Co., NY]:  The large lawn at the Railroad Y.M.C.A. was the scene of a farewell party Monday evening in honor of Conductor and Mrs. Charles T. King, previous to their departure for their new home at Oriskany Falls.  The lawn was beautifully decorated with flowers and flags and brilliantly lighted so that when the several hundred guests assembled the scene was very inviting.
Galpin's Orchestra opened the program at 8 o'clock with several selections, their playing at intervals during the program bringing out deserved applause.  Miss Rena Farnham favored the assemblage with a soprano solo, J. Loix, played a cello solo and William Dougherty, Harry Trickett and Patrick J. Byrne rendered solos that were duly appreciated and applauded.
Rev. Alexander Fraser, of the Calvary Church, gave a brief talk on the Train of Life and Rev. Father Prendergast, Rev. Paul Riley Allen and Rev. H.R. McMillan made fitting and timely remarks. Trainmaster John H. Smith announced the speakers.  He called upon Supt. W.C. Hartigan, who spoke on behalf of the officials. Telegrams and letters were read from President John B. Kerr, of the N.Y., O.&W. Railroad Company; Howard W. Elliott, of the Board of Directors and president of the New Haven road; C.H. Hopkins and others expressing their regret at not being able to attend and commending the honorable service of 48 years which Conductor King had rendered for the company. 
A pleasing feature of the evening was the singing of America, I Love You, by nine young misses who later distributed carnations from the greenhouse of Mr. Hatcher, of Amsterdam, a brother of Mrs. King.  Hon. Samuel A. Jones and attorney David F. Lee made brief addresses, after which Conductor Bryan Ducclon of the Brotherhood of Railroad Conductors, handed former Secretary Daniel R. Hall of Binghamton, a beautiful gold-headed ebony cane which Mr. Hall, in an eloquent manner presented to the retiring veteran conductor.  On behalf of the carpenters in the engineering department of the local shops Mr. Hall also presented to their retired foreman, Henry Hansen, a fine leather traveling bag with the well wishes of his former subordinates.
Chairman Simmons, of the Reception Committee, and Secretary F.P. Browne then took a hand and generously dispensed ice cream, cake and fruit punch to all.  The occasion will long be remembered by the railroad men and their friends as one of the greatest social gatherings in the history of the Railroad Y.M.C.A., of which Mr. King and his wife had been active supporters since the association was organized, 30 years ago.

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