Monday, August 26, 2013

Miscellaneous, Bainbridge History Quiz

Bainbridge History Quiz
Mrs. Nellie A. Wakeman wins the $3.50 Conklin fountain pen and a two year subscription to the Bainbridge Press, as winner of the second "Old Times" contest, which closed last Saturday noon.  Mrs. Burton Woodruff, Adrian Donahe, Mrs. J.N. Cullen, Hilda Sargeant and Miss Lena Van Valkenburg are the other winners who each receive a one year's subscription to the Press.
Those winners who are already subscribers to the Press may have their subscription extended for another year or send it to a friend living in the area served by the Bainbridge postoffice.  Judging by the many answers received, these contests appealed to many of our readers.
The answers to the second set of questions about Bainbridge are as follows:
1.  Name five of the first families to settle in what is now the town of Bainbridge.
Ans.  Among some of the first families were:  Joseph Bush, Major Henry Evans, Caleb Bennett, Reuben Kirby, William Guthrie, Samuel Bixby, Deacon Israel Smith, Thaddeus Newton and others.
2.  How many of these families are still represented here [in 1939]?
Ans.  The Beatty family traces back to the Bush family.  Will Evans and his son, Leigh, are descendants of Major Henry Evans, Ralph Kirby and Margaret Kirby Casey trace their ancestry back to Reuben Kirby and William Guthrie.  Mrs. Leo Nichols is a great great granddaughter of Thaddeus Newton.
3.  What was the first name of the Town and when changed.
Ans.  The town was first called Jericho and was changed to Bainbridge in 1814.
4.  Who was the village named after?
Ans.  The village was named after Commodore Bainbridge of the American Navy.
5.  What date did first village officials take office?
Ans.  On May 5, 1829.
6.  Who built the first steamboat here?
Ans.  Orrin Jacobs.
7.  Who drove the first automobile?
Ans.  C.C. Hovey
8.  Who, in later days was affectionately called "the father of the village?"
Ans.  Harrison Beatty
The answers to the first set of questions are as follows:
1.  At one time Bainbridge had four hotels.  Where were they located?  Who were the proprietors?
Ans.  The four hotels were:  The Park Hotel, owned and operated by A.L Bevier, located on the site of Demeree's Garage (Mr. Bevier sold it to Pratt and Gorham who operated it for a time and then leased it to Henry Hall of Guilford).  The Mills Hotel owned and conducted by Henry Mills, on the site now occupied by Colwell Bros.  The Bernherst Hotel, owned and operated by L.B. Anderson, was located on the site now occupied by Harry Hall's gas station.  The Central Hotel, operated by T.D. Willsey or Jesse Fuller, occupied the site of Ireland Hardware Corp . and the present Central Hotel site.
2.  Who owned and drove the first automobile in Bainbridge?
Ans.  The first automobile was owned and driven by C.C. Hovey.
3.  What was the name of the Captain who built and launched the first steamboat on the river here in Bainbridge?  In what year?  What happened to this steamboat?
Ans.  The first steamboat was built in 1850 by a stock company formed by Orrin Jacobs.  It was called the Enterprise and was built under the direction of Peg Leg Roberts and captained by him.  It was finally sold to Pennsylvania people in Tunkhannock, Pa., to be used as a ferry to carry people between Tunkhannock and Lanesboro.
4.  What was the name of the first regiment organized in Chenango County during the Civil War?  What was the name of the Bainbridge citizen who was one of the chief organizers?
Ans.  The first regiment was 114th New York Volunteers.  It was organized by Henry A. Clark.
5.  Where was the first public school in Bainbridge located.
Ans.  The first public school was located on the south east corner of the village commons near the Presbyterian Church site.
6.  Where was the largest and most disastrous fire in Bainbridge?
Ans.  The most disastrous fire was at the Gilbert Manufacturing Co., which was on the property now occupied by the Casein Co. Superintendent Presby lost his life in the fire.
7.  Where was the first theatre (not a movie) in Bainbridge located?
Ans.  The first theatre was Prince Hall located in Prince Block.  It is now occupied by the Masons.
8.  Where was the first Post Office in Bainbridge located?
Ans.  The first post office was in the Clark Block where the Liquor Store is now located.
9.  In what year did the first railroad train run through Bainbridge?
Ans.  The first train went through Bainbridge in 1866 and was called the Albany Susquehanna Railroad.

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