Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Miscellaneous, Bainbridge Park created, 1902

Hurrah For a Park in Bainbridge
The Village Green is to be Transformed into One
Our enterprising townsman, the Hon. Harrison L. Beatty, has inaugurated a movement that will probably result in the conversion of the village green into an attractive park. 
It is understood that the Presbyterian society will transfer their title to the village [Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY] in case the citizens will layout a park on the property, and Mr. Beatty has assured the village Board that if this is done he will erect a beautiful fountain free of cost to the village within two years.
President [i.e. mayor] D.L. Taylor has caused a subscription paper to be circulated among the residents of the village and if from $400 to $500 can be secured, the work will begin at once.  Additional shrubbery will be planted, walks laid out and seats provided.  With a small outlay of money the green can be transformed into a beautiful park that will add greatly to the attractiveness of our pleasant village and will make a more delightful environment for the three churches that face this village play-ground on different sides, and as well provide a place of pleasant retreat for young and old during the season for out-door lounging.
There surely should be no hesitation on the part of the people in responding to the generosity and commendable public spirit of one of our honored citizens, and of the society of Cilicia of the Presbyterian Church.  Then we may be hopeful of this marked village improvement as a result of the movement now on foot.
Few villages here about have the opportunities of such a charmingly located public park or of securing the same at such a nominal expenditure and we feel convinced that the action of the village Board will meet with the full approbation and hearty support of the entire community.
A meeting of the Presbyterian society has been called for Monday afternoon, April 14, the object of which is to consider the advisability of empowering the trustees of the church to place the government of the village green in the hands of the village trustees for the purpose of converting the same into a village park.
The citizens are responding most cordially to the proposition of making an attractive park of the village green and Monday morning nearly $300 was subscribed in a short time for that purpose.  Now, if the village legislature will enact laws that by taxation the park shall be kept in proper condition yearly, it will be an important step toward the modern advancement of Bainbridge.
The society of Celicia of the Presbyterian Church, met Monday last and at that time voted to give the village jurisdiction over the green for the purpose of improving and converting the same into a park.  The control of the green which now rests in the village, only continues as long as the authorities keep it in the condition which has been planned.

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