Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BCHS Class of 1938,, Part 2

Bainbridge Central High School - Class of 1938
Senior Portraits
"Echo" 1938
Adrian Donahe
You will be the lawyer of our class.  You are a quiet student but your mind is busy with problems which confront you.  

Homer Dutcher
You are inclined to be serious  You are ambitious and persevering and are capable of working long and hard without giving way to discouragement.

Victor Foster
You are scientifically minded.  You are gifted in accomplishing things requiring deep concentration and good reasoning.  Your ideas are in the field of Civil Service.  Your readiness to cooperate with your fellow classmates has made you a favorite with us all.

Esther Franks
You are by nature given to inquiry and experiment.  You will seek a vocation that will keep you in the midst of people.  We hear that you want to be a switchboard operator in a large establishment.

Loretta Getter
You are quiet and reserved, calm, cool and collected.  All of these traits will aid you in your life's work.  You are fond of home and family and are very industrious. 

Jeanne Hamlin
Yours is a loving, sympathetic nature.  You are most likely to succeed in pursuits that require industry, tact and deep concentration.  You will make an expert nurse, but will go deeper than that.

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