Sunday, November 9, 2014

Soldier News continued - 1944

A/C Myron Carl in Advanced Flight Training
Bainbridge News & Republican, March 2, 1944

A/C Myron L. Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.L. Carl, has reported at Carlsbad,  N.M., Army Air Field, where he will receive advanced flight training in high-level bombardiering and dead-reckoning navigation.  The Carlsbad Army Air Field is the newest bombardier school in the Army Air Force Training Command.  During the 19 weeks training course Cadet Carl will study bombardiering and dead-reckoning navigation under simulated combat conditions.  On graduation he will be awarded his silver bombardier's wings and will be ready for active duty as an officer in the Army Air Forces.  He is a graduate of Cornell University.
Sgt. Nelson Sheppard, Killed in Plane Crash
Bainbridge News & Republican, March 6, 1944
Sgt. Nelson J. Sheppard, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard, of Otego [Otsego Co., NY], was killed last week Tuesday night in an airplane crash 14 miles southeast of Rock Hill, S.C.  The Otego youth returned the previous Friday to his base at Charlotte, N.C., after visiting his parents on an eight-day furlough.
Sgt. John Nelson Hill Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster
Bainbridge News & Republican, March 6, 1944
By direction of the President the Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of an additional Air Medal was awarded on Feb. 14, 1844, by Lt. General Millar F. Harmon Commanding United States Army Forces in the South Pacific Area, to John Nelson Hill, Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, United States Army, as aerial engineer gunner from 18 December to 31 December 1943.  Home Address:  Bainbridge, New York.
Oak Leaf Clusters in lieu of an additional Air Medal are awarded to AAF members by direction of the President for meritorious achievement while participating in sustained combat operational missions, and when fights are of a hazardous nature during which there was traversed an area where enemy anti-aircraft fire is effective, or where enemy airplanes or exposure to enemy fire is habitually encountered.
Numerous Air Medals and Oak Leaf Clusters have been awarded to members of the 13th AAF, who wage a tireless fight against the Jap air and ground forces.  Their efforts exhibit courage and reflect the highest credit on the military forces of the U.S.
Gertrude Smith Commissioned
Bainbridge News & Republican, March 16, 1944
Gertrude Smith, registered nurse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smith, of Walton [Delaware Co., NY], has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the army nurse corps.  She reported for duty at Atlantic City on Mar. 1. 
Sgt. Paul Robek At Rest Home in England
Bainbridge News & Republican, March 16, 1944
Mrs. Paul Robek, of Bainbridge, East Side [Chenango Co., NY], has received word that her husband, S/Sgt. Paul J. Robek, of the 8th Air Force, has been spending eight days at a rest home "somewhere in England."  These rest homes are run by the Red Cross for the purpose of giving tired fliers and gunners a few days of rest and relaxation and a chance to forget about the war for the time being.  They are sent to these homes after they have completed approximately 15 missions over enemy territory.  The boys are issued "civies" for their use while there.  Also, each boy is issued a bicycle.
All meals are served to them.  Meal time is a different scene from even the very best of combat messes, and all the elemental luxuries can be found, rugs on the floor, pictures on the walls, white linen and napkins on the table with a butler hovering around the table.  Red Cross girls living and working at the homes are distributed one to a table at meal time and they are very effective.  They manage to dodge the main danger of such a job but at no time try to act like matrons at a boys' boarding school.  Good looking, good humored, at all times completely themselves they assure you that their assignment is one of the best the ETO Red Cross has to offer. 
S/Sgt. Robek says the home in which he is staying reminds him of "The Pillars" near Bainbridge only that it is about twice the size.  It is located near three large lakes.  S/Sgt. Robek has completed 16 missions over enemy territory.  He is the holder of the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters and also the Distinguished Flying Cross. 

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