Monday, October 8, 2018

Harry Burrell - Grave Robbers' Victim - 1879 - Part 2 of 3

Harry Burrell's Remains Found
Utica Morning Herald, April 24, 1879

The remains of Harry Burrell, stolen from the vault of the Little Falls cemetery Monday night, were accidentally found at Jacksonburg, a canal lock station three miles west of the Falls, a little after seven o'clock yesterday morning.  This fortunate recovery was hailed with great satisfaction by all whose blood had been chilled by the terrible crime of Monday night.

Had not prompt measures been taken to cover the whole ground inside and about the village for miles, it is possible that the ghouls might have succeeded in removing the body to a place of security, from which they could dictate terms for its return to the family. A reporter of the Herald moving about little Falls at 4 A.M. yesterday, found squads of special police upon every other block, faithfully patrolling their beats and halting all suspicious persons.  This patrol, under Capt. Albert Story, extend far out on all roads leading from the village and along the canal, railroad and river.  It was a labor of love on the part of the people, and all volunteered cheerfully.

Rodney House with his brother Squire House reside at Jacksonburg and keep the canal hotel and grocery at the lock.  On the heel path side and alongside the road is a barn about 50x60 feet in size.  Early yesterday morning Rodney House went out to the barn to hunt for eggs.  Under the flooring is an opening about eighteen or twenty inches in height.  To enter this opening one has to step up five or six feet on the foundation.  Mr. House's hens have been in the habit of laying their eggs under the barn floor and he has been obliged to follow them to their nests.  While doing so yesterday, after reaching a point about 40 feet from the opening, he saw something behind one of the piers which looked like the body of a man.

He approached the body, turned the blanket over and found that it was the remains of a dead man.  Leaving it untouched he called his brother, Squire House, who identified it as the remains of Mr. Burrell.  They placed a guard over the remains and immediately drove to Little Falls to inform Mr. Burrell's family.  David Burrell, with James Churchill, returned with the brothers of Jacksonburg in a close carriage.

The body was found to be in a good condition and had not suffered materially by the removal, except the loss of the scalp locks of hair mentioned in yesterday's Herald as having been found on the vault door and the side of Foxe's wagon.  It was wrapped in the blankets, placed in the carriage, and Mr. Burrell, taking a seat by the side of the remains, was driven back to Churchill's livery at 8:30 A.M. The body was kept in the carriage until Undertaker Toxer was ready to prepare them for reinternment.

Shortly after the body had been brought to the village, Officer Shepardson, of Little Falls, arrested Tom Kane, Alias "Happy Jack," upon the charge of being one of the principals in this terrible crime. The news spread over the village rapidly and quite a crowd gathered, but only few were allowed to get within reach of the accused.  Owing to the excitement, it was thought best to send Kane to jail at once, and Officer Shepardson drove him to Herkimer about noon.

The preliminary examination was set down to occur before justice Smith, at Little Falls, at 10 A.M. today.  This delay was necessary to allow the authorities to perfect and get into shape the evidence which they possessed to prove Kane's guilt.  It is also certain that Kane had accomplices, but thus far not enough was known to warrant any arrest.  Many facts in connection with the crime are in possession of our reporters, but they are withheld at the request of the authorities until all the links in the chain of evidence are complete.

Thomas Kane, the accused, is a resident of Little Falls and about twenty-five years of age.  He was formerly a hack driver in the employ of Churchill's livery, and of late years has been considered a suspicious character.  He was charged, but not convicted of the crime of breaking into a cobbler's shop and stealing shoes.  The plunder was found where he had hidden it in a hay loft, but the proof of his guilt was insufficient.  As he says himself, he has been looked upon with suspicion whenever anything went wrong and it is probably those suspicions were well founded though they many never have caused any satisfactory results.  Kane is best known by the name of "Happy Jack."  He was arrested by Detective Wheeler, of this city, about two years ago for complicity in the numerous robberies of freight trains at Little Falls.  Kane was handcuffed and finally led Wheeler and the officers to the point where the printing press, shoes, etc. were hidden in the rocks over the river.  It was necessary to use Kane as a witness for the people to secure the conviction of the chiefs of the gang, and in this capacity he consented to "squeal" on his associates and was allowed his liberty.

Kane belongs to the large gang of idlers, thieves and desperadoes which hangs around certain well-known saloons and restaurants in Little Falls. The people of that village have borne with these villains for some time, but this dastardly outrage has excited the indignation of everybody and these villains will hereafter work or walk.  A law and order committee is talked of, and it will not be well for many of this party to remain out late at night for some time at least.  One of the best citizens of Little Falls, yesterday, declared "these whelps must go or they will be driven out of town., let the consequences by what they may."

As was stated yesterday, there are satisfactory proofs that Thomas Fox's old horse and wobbling wagon were used to convey the remains from the vault to Jacksonburg.  The blankets in which the remains were wrapped are believed to have been stolen from Fox's barn with the horse and wagon. They contained hay horse hairs.  No one charges Fox with any knowledge or complicity in this or other offences.  It is believed that his horse and wagon have often been taken for dishonest purposes without his knowledge.

It is to be hoped that all the villains who were engaged in this work may soon be brought to Justice.  Mr. Burrell's family and the authorities of Herkimer county will have nothing undone that may tend to secure their conviction and punishment.

An Interview With Kane by Special Correspondent
Herkimer:  I called at the jail this afternoon, and through the courtesy of Deputy Eaton, was allowed to see Thomas Kane, better known as "Happy Jack," the alleged body snatcher of Little Falls.  Kane is confined alone in the northwest corner cell, upper corridor.  No one in any way liable to have been implicated in the crime will be allowed to see him until after the examination tomorrow. After a few words of introduction, I told Kane that I represented the Herald and asked him if he desire to make any statement in regard to this matter.  He replied:  "I can't say anything, for I don't know anything about the matter."

On being asked if he had anything to say in regard to his whereabouts Sunday and Monday  night, he said:  " I was at home, no one saw me out after 10 o'clock, and no one can say they did.  I have made it my business not to be out late, for if anything did happen, they would be sure to lay it to me."

I asked if there was anyone who knew he was in at that hour, and he said:  "My brother, who is learning a trade, sleeps with me.  He came in about ten o'clock both evenings, and I was ahead of him and in bed."  He said his brother was fourteen or fifteen years of age.  

Kane's appearance today bellies his title of "Happy Jack," for he seemed gloomy and evidently did not feel in humor for conversation, though he treated his callers with courtesy.  

Evidence Accumulates
Little Falls:  Our streets are filled this evening with citizens.  The general topic of conversation is the arrest of "Happy Jack" Kane. The evidence against him is hourly accumulating and the feeling against the prisoner in intense.  Many anticipate trouble at the examination tomorrow.  Accomplices in the crime are closely shadowed.  Further arrests are expected to be made tonight.  


  1. Replies
    1. Part 3 was posted to this blog on October 9, 2018.
