Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Greene NY Affair - 1845 - Part 3

The Greene Affair
In Justices' Court, Befroe E.c. Kattle, Esq.
Binghamton Courier, December 17, 1845

The People vs. John Johnson, Examination of Witnesses, Nov. 20 [1845]

Cross Examination of James Bolt

I had worked for Johnson 7 or 8 years, during that time I lived with Mrs. Bolt, lived upon Johnson's lands and in his houses.  Johnson was intimately acquainted with my wife; he was frequently at my house, our relations were friendly and intimate as far as I know.  I had no difficulty with my wife, lived as happily together as men in general so, not any difficulty between me and my wife except that she wanted to go back to Delaware Co. where we moved from, she did not make me any trouble on that account.  Before I moved to Triangle I lived in house of Johnson's about 3/4 of a mile from Johnson's.  The teams started about the time I did.  I think we moved to Triangle the 6th or 7th of April, Johnson soon after commenced building a barn there.  I did not discover my wife being deranged till the Thursday before Rose came over there which was Friday, the first I discovered her derangement was the 11th of May, I think Thursday near the middle of the night, we had no time piece.  I went either the fore part of that week or the week before to see R.B. Monell, I can't tell what day it was, there was no difficulty between me and my wife after we got to Triangle.

I made the searches abroad for my wife after I had moved back to Greene; think I moved back Monday the 20th of May, after I discovered my wife's derangement she kept growing worse; she never made any attempt to go off before the Sunday spoken of.  I was about the house all that day watching her mainly.  I think she would have got away if I had not stopped her; I did not have to use much strength; she was weak, struggled some, she had two pair shoes, she wore a pair of calf skin shoes thro' the day, she had on the prunella shoes at night when I brought her back, kept up a fire all night, she did not go to sleep when I put her on the bed after I brought her back, at any rate not before I got into a drowse.  I laid awake an hour, perhaps more.  I did not wake after I went to sleep till I heard the door slam.  I saw my wife the last item I ever saw her, sitting by the fire smoking, this was after I put her on the bed the last time.  I cannot tell where she is now, this was the last time I ever saw her, I do not know whether she is living or dead. The south wind was blowing pretty herd.  I heard a noise of the wind blowing the trees when I went out to look for my wife that night.

When my wife was sitting by the fire the last time, she had neither pair of the shoes on, this was an hour or two after I pulled her back by the hand.  I never plowed or dragged any on that place after the Thursday or Friday before this,.  I went over to Greene on Monday afternoon after my wife was missing, went over on foot, it is 12 miles from there to Greene the way I went.  I started after noon, no one went with me, I got back home the same afternoon after dark a spell.  the Otselic river is a rapid stream when it is high, it had rained the day before my wife was missing and the river was very high. My brother and myself searched the river after it got low.  I think my wife went into the room where the children lay twice in the course of the night, I think the children were not asleep the last time she went in, did not hear any talk between her and the children.

James Bolt further testified that he was at Greene again during the week, that his wife was missing, that he tried to get Johnson to give up his lease, and that he rode form Greene over to his house in Triangle with Johnson when he returned, but could not recollect what day this was, that it was not on the Monday after his wife was missing.

To be continued

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