Sunday, July 14, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 22, 1878


HEWITT:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], on Friday morning the 21st inst. William S. Hewitt, only son of Col. Ezra Hewitt, aged 29 years, 6 months and 14 days.

On Friday morning soon after the hour of midnight, William Snow Hewitt quietly - peacefully entered into the spirit land.  Though not unlooked for, the announcement comes upon our community with fearful suddenness.  Mr. Hewitt was born in this village in December 1848 and was at the time of his death twenty-nine years, six months and fourteen days old.  His early boyhood and youth were spent at our academy where he obtained a liberal education.  He afterwards entered the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie and by a thorough course there he abundantly fitted himself for that business prominence which characterized him in after life.  Leaving college he entered the law office of Isaac S. Newton, Esq., and after close study and application was admitted to practice law in 1872.  He entered into practice and bid fair to attain distinction at the bar.  In May 1872, however, he was tendered the position of Teller at the Bank of Norwich, which he accepted, an occupation much more congenial to him than the practice of the law.  He continued in this position until forced to resign it in April 1877, on account of failing health.  At that time he visited the Southern States with the hope of finding permanent relief, but on his return in June, it was too painfully apparent that consumption had marked him for its own.  From that time to this, he has rapidly declined until as above stated, his disease terminated fatally, and thus has passed away one of the most promioung men it was ever our good fortune to know.

Mr. Hewitt was an active worker in all the interests of the community as well as the church.  He was the first County Chief Templar, an office which he held for years, throwing his every influence upon the side of Temperance.   He was one of the founders of the Norwich Circulating library Association and was its first President, an office which he held at his death.  To his endeavors more than all else is that institution indebted for its success, and we believe the energy and life he infused into it, will cause it to long survive, a monument of his energy, public spirit and far sightedness.  He was also for a long time Librarian of the Congregational Sunday School, and for many years a Trustee of the society.  In all good works he was zealous and seemed happiest when engaged in some labor which should ameliorate or elevate the condition of his fellows.

He was the only son of Col. and Mrs. Ezra Hewitt, and the shaft of death deprives them of the stay and help which they vainly hoped would be accorded to them in their old age.  A number of years since he married the daughter of Gen. PerLee, who with his infant child survives him.  To all of the stricken, the loss is a great tone, and the warmest sympathies of our entire people mingle with their grief.  The loss is a great one to the community as well, and his death teaches anew the lesson to our youth, that a virtuous, Christian life meets with its reward here as well as hereafter and that his life emulated and followed will lead them to the dark waters without fear and enable them as it did him to pass over with the full consciousness that "it is well with him"

His funeral will be attended on Sunday afternoon at four o'clock from his father's residence on North Broad Street.

BURLINGAME:  Holmesville, Chenango Co. NY:  The funeral of Mrs. James L. Burlingame was attended at the F.B Church on Monday last, Rev. J.H. Boyce of South New Berlin, officiating, assisted by Rev. C.A. Morehouse.  Mrs. B. has been an invalid for years and a great sufferer.


News Item

Unadilla Valley, Chenango Co. NY:  We are sorry to state that diphtheria still prevails, cases scattered here and there through the valley and on the hills on either side.  Mrs. Barber, wife of George Barber, Esq., died on the 14th inst.  Mrs. D. Phetteplace is very ill with the same disease.  A little son of Frank Bowen has been very sick but is now recovering.  Miss Leona North who has been prostrated for several weeks by this disease is recovering.  

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, June 19, 1878


UTTER - FOOTE:  At the home of the bride, June 5th, by Rev. H.G. Harnard, Mr. W.E. Utter of Bennettsville [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Ella R. Foote of Guilford [Chenango Co. NY].

East McDonough, Chenango Co. NY:  On Thursday, the 6th, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ingraham celebrated the 20th anniversary of their wedding.  The day opened fair, an emblem fitting for the full enjoyment of the affair.  The spread was arranged beautiful and tasty, several cakes were trimmed with mottos and inscriptions justly appropriate to the occasion.  Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham were the recipients of many valuable presents, including an abundance of silver ware.  The day was pleasantly passed, the young people played various games, while the older ones recalled bygone days and the happy times enjoyed.  The parties received the congratulations of many friends upon their success in life and the best wishes for future prosperity.  May they live to celebrate their golden wedding was the sentiment of all present.

Guilford, Chenango Co. NY:  Married, June 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. DeL Wilson, Mr. Bennett of Morrisville [Madison Co. NY] to Miss Julia [Bradley] youngest daughter of Augustus Bradley.


SMITH:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 2d, Carrie O. []Smith] wife of Wm. A. Smith, aged 22 years.

CHAFEY:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], June 8th, Mr. Elisha Chafey aged 79 years.

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