Sunday, July 7, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 12, 1878


TIFFANY - TURNHAM:  In Round Rock, Williamson County, Texas, April 4th, by Rev. J.F. Battaile, Mr. Frank A. Tiffany, of Mexico, formerly of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] to Mrs. Zoe Turnham daughter of Gen. Hazard P. Hale.

Under its appropriate headings in today's Telegraph will be found the notice of the marriage of Frank R. Tiffany, well-known as a former Norwich boy, and son of John M. Tiffany of this village [Norwich].  Frank now resides in Texas and though far away, his many friends here wills be glad to hear of his good fortune and tender congratulations accordingly.  Ye typhos of the Telegraph office unite in good wishes to their old companion.


Just now the family of Oscar Gager of this village [Mt. Upton, Chenango Co. NY] is a sadly bereaved one.  On May 26 a daughter aged 19, wife of Egbert Lamphere, died on Tuesday; following another daughter died on her 14th birthday; also, the infant of Mrs. Lamphere on the same day; and on the 2nd day of June their daughter Carrie, wife of Wilber Smith, was borne by sorrowing friends to her last resting place; all victims of that terrible disease diphtheria.  Only one more death has occurred here from the same cause, a son of Levi Lamphere aged 3 years, all the other cases are rapidly improving.  There is something remarkable in the fatality of this disease.  It has been confined almost entirely to families closely related.  It will be remember that Norman Nichols of Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] lost several children a short time ago, and Mrs. Nichols is a sister of Mrs. Gager and Mr. Lamphere.  Can learned doctors explain.

Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY:  Justin Gager a much respected farmer residing two miles east of this village, died very suddenly at his residence last week.  The cause is attributed to heart disease.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Horace Cornelius lost a child aged nine months with inflammation on t he lungs last Saturday.  Funeral on Monday at 10 o'clock A.M.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Mrs. Irene Stowell daughter of Harmon B. Terwilliger, died on Saturday last.  Obsequies took place at her late residence at Smithville [Chenango Co. NY] on Sunday.

North Norwich, Chenango Co. NY:  Friday afternoon, when the sad and painful message reached this village, of the sudden and untimely death of Mrs. Amos Waters, the wife of one of our citizens. It spread like wildfire and was soon known to all.  Sometime during Wednesday, Mr. Bissell, the father of the deceased, came to this village, and took her to his own home, thinking perhaps that the change might possibly be beneficial to her feeble health and better care could be given her although at that time she was not considered dangerously ill, but rather on the gain.  She was about the house, until almost up to the hour of her death.  The funeral was held at the house of Mr. Fitch Bissell at Wood's Corners, Sunday afternoon. Rev. Samuel Scoville of Norwich officiated. The remains of the deceased were brought to this village for interment.  Opportunity was given at the grave for those assembled to look for the last time upon the remains of one who had been a true wife and devoted mother.  The deceased leaves a husband and four small children who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad affliction and bereavement.  The age of the deceased was 29 years, 10 months, and 13 days.  G.S.T.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 15, 1878


MOON - THORNTON:  In Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY], June 1st, by Rev. B.T. Davies, Mr. Edwin Moon of Newark Valley [Tioga Co. NY] to Miss Rosa Thornton of Whitney's Point.

BURDICK - MORSE:  In New Woodstock, Madison Co. [NY]\ May 15th, by Rev. E.P. Brigham, Mott R. Burdick to Allie I. Morse all of New Woodstock.

TREADWELL - MARTIN:  At the M.E. Parsonage, Port Crane [Broome Co. NY] June 2nd by Rev. E.L. Bennett, Mr. Wellington L. Treadwell and Miss Lizzie Martin both of Chenango, N.Y. [Broome Co.].


Silver Wedding

June 7th, 1853, Rev. B.B. Carruth, formerly of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], was united in matrimony with Miss H. Elizabeth Leonard. The Rev. gentleman is now stationed at Gilbertsville [Otsego Co. NY] and the good people of that locality generously remembered their pastor on the occasion of the twenty-fifth return of the wedding anniversary.  The Otsego Journal gives the following particulars:

Preparations had been made at the parsonage for a few invited guests from the different localities in which they had lived, especially their earlier friends remembered, and at an early hour they began to assemble.  There were representatives from Mt. Upton, North Norwich, Willett, Cincinnatus, East Pharsalia and Butternuts and a silver proxy from the State of Minnesota.  About fifty sat down to the sumptuous repast provided.  Three only of the number were present at the nuptial ceremonies of twenty-five years ago.  These were Mrs. M.W. Edminister, of Guilford, a sister of Mrs. Carruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Berthier Herrick, of East Pharsalia, Mrs. H. a sister of Mrs. Carruth.  One brother, Mr. W.S. Carruth, of Cincinnatus, was present.

After the dinner was served, all repaired to the parlor, where in behalf of the friends assembled Rev. T.P. Halstead, of Mt. Upton, in a neat and appropriate speech presented the gifts of the friends, and all joined in singing: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."  A fervent, feeling, prayer offered by Bro. H. and again they sang, "How sweet it will be in that beautiful land."

Just as the company was about to disperse, the friends from the immediate locality, having got wind of the affair began, uninvited, to throng the house so that soon after eight o'clock it was well filled, and kindly greetings and congratulations were again the order. Then the newcomers adjourned to the church where a brilliant scene greeted the company.  Flowers in profusion and glittering silverware, and rich cakes graced the table in the altar.  Exercises at the church consisted of a song by the choir, prayer by Rev. J.V.C. Nellis of the Presbyterian Church.  Music by the Butternuts Cornet Band.  Then Fred N. Winans, M.D., introduced Rev. T.P. Halstead to represent the kind people of Gilbertsville, which he did in his most felicitous manner, presenting the gifts of self-invited guests consisting of a silver table set of four pieces, cake basket, castor, butter dish, spoon holder, etc.  The pastor's only response was simply thanks, for the heart was too full for utterance, but he called out the Rev. Mr. Nellis to respond for him who made acknowledgement in a most happy and felicitous manner.  Ice cream and cake was passed by willing hands and "all went merry as a marriage bell."

The aggregate of gifts from invited and self-invited guests of the day and evening reached the sum of seventy-five dollars.  At a late hour the company separated, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. C. long life and happy days in the future, in which we know their many friends in this county will heartily join.


CADY:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY] June 10th, Mrs. Lois N. [Cady] wife of Ira Cady, aged 48 years.

SWART:  At East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], of diphtheria, May 16th, 1878 Jessie May [Swart] aged 10 years, 2 months 5 days.  Also May 22d, A.J. [Swart] aged 11 years, 6 months and 19 days, children of Samuel and Julia Swart.

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