Sunday, January 26, 2014

Miscellaneous, Dr. Anna Stevens, 1883

The Lady Doctor from Greene
Anna (Roberts) Stevens
Chenango Union, March 15, 1883
Several years ago a young lady of this town married a young gentleman, a resident of New York, and took up her abode with him in that city.  Shortly afterwards she commenced the study of medicine, and after a three years' course in college, she graduated with the highest honors.  After graduating she spent a year in one of the largest city hospitals, in constant surgical practice.  On leaving the hospital she opened an office and commenced the practice of her profession.  From the very beginning she was a successful and popular practitioner, and at once established a  lucrative practice.  She is constantly in her carriage, riding about the city attending to her patients.  She has, besides her up-town office, a dispensary down town, where, during an hour of each day she attends to the calls of the afflicted, in all forms, free of charge.  Her practice at this time amounts on an average to $90 per day.  Besides supporting herself in fine style, she has for a long time paid the board and other expenses of an unfortunate sister in an asylum of our State, and is the substantial prop of an aged and beloved mother. Added to this she is now helping a younger brother through college, paying all his expenses. Is it any wonder, then, that her family look upon her as a noble representative of a worthy, Christian father, who was called to his reward a few short years ago, and who during the last thirty years of his life was one of the leading medical experts of this section of the State.  The lady spoken of above is Anna C. Stevens, M.D., and a sister of George C. Roberts, one of the proprietors of this office--Chenango American, Greene, NY.

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