Monday, June 30, 2014

Charles Lyon Gets lost in the Woods, 1878

Lost in the Woods
Chenango Union, Jan. 17, 1878
A remarkable instance of longevity is related of Mr. Charles Lyon who is aged 94 years and who is living with Mr. Wheeler Smith of West Bainbridge.  Some ten days since the old gentleman in the early evening undertook to go to the house of his son, Horace Lyon, some half a mile distant.  This was on the night of the extreme heavy fog, and as darkness soon set in he realized he was walking in the woods and completely lost.  The cold was so intense that notwithstanding he had mittens he had to slap his hands to keep them from freezing.  Finally after walking over brush heaps, prostrate tree tops and logs, and walking as he had to all night to keep from freezing, he discovers that daylight is dawning and pushes for the nearest house, which proves to be Briggs Lyon's and only one-half mile from his home and same distance from Horace Lyon's, but the old gentleman was so completely bewildered and lost that he could not realize where he was, and inquired how many miles it was to Horace Lyon's.  ---Republican.

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