Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Belgian Proclamation - 1944

Local Parents Receive Belgian Proclamation
Bainbridge News & Republican, October 26, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Clark received a letter from their son, Pfc. Earl D. Clark, Jr., who is in Germany, written Oct. 7, and enclosed was a copy of the proclamation issued by the liberated Belgians as a tribute to the Allied Forces, for making freedom possible in their country again.  The Proclamation was printed on yellow paper, 9 inches wide and 12-1/2 inches long, in black ink, and across the top and bottom of the sheet were red and black stripes.  The Proclamation follows:
Special Edition of Our Clandestin Paper, La Libre Belgique
(Short statements made by various statesmen in French)
You are our liberators and we are proud to cheer you!
On behalf of the people of Liege, "La Libre Belique" greets the soldiers of liberation!
For four long and painful years, we have waited impatiently but with unshakable confidence for this great moment where we could think, speak, and act again as we wish.  The people of Liege has suffered heavily, through his sufferings his love of liberty has become greater.
We knew that overseas thousand of young men were preparing for the final assault, which would open the road to glory and victory.  We honor the memories of the brave men who fell in the first and heaviest battles.  Their blood and that of our sons and brothers in May 1940 will not have been shed in vain.  Their memory shall live eternally in our hearts and we will confide their names and their example to the coming generations.
Now, Liege whose "Perron" symbolizes forever her love of liberty and the sacrifices of her people, Liege, the "Cite Ardente" is greeting, cheering and kissing you.  Gallant soldiers of liberty be welcome in our City on the very ground of liberty.
Fighting men of the United States of America and of Great Britain, you are our brothers, the heart of Liege considers you as its sons.  You are here at home, be in our little Fatherland as in your great Fatherland!
LONG LIVE LIBERTY and the HEROES who are bringing it back to us!
(on the opposite side of the sheet is the following)

In the name of the people of Liege, the "Libre Belgique" cheers the soldiers who are coming to deliver us!

For the last four years, squashed, but not bent, under German boot, he waited impatiently, but with confidence, after the day he could breath again a pure and free air, think and talk as he wants to, in a word, find again with his liberty, the beauty of its town and the charm of his life.

The people of Liege has paid a heavy tribute, and their love of freedom has grown with it.  He knew that, for away, overseas, millions of young men, sons of liberty, enrolled under the Stars and Stripes or the union Jack, that the French forces of the interior were grouping for the final assault which was going to open the way to glory and victory.

Unfortunately! How many of those braves fell in the fight and hardest fights.  They sleep now in the liberated countries, side by side with our sons, our brothers which were in mai 40, the first workmen of the final victory.

We salute their heroism!  Their shedded blood, their sufferings, the gift of themselves won't be vain.  Because they died for us, their memory will live forever in our hearts.

Liege, the town so often Martyr, but always independent,
Liege, who's "Perron" symbolizes secularly Love of liberty and the people's sacrifice.
Liege the beautiful,
Liege the cheerful,
Liege, the "Ardent City,"
Liege salutes and cheers you.

Be welcome among us, soldiers of liberty on the land of liberty.  You are our brothers, because you have in your hearts the same, Ideal and the same Faith as we.

Soldiers of American and Great Britain, the heart of Liege receives you as his sons.  You are at home in our City.  Be here in our little land as in your native country.

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