Thursday, June 27, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, May 30, 1878


CRANDALL - WALLING:  In Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], May 28th, by Rev. L.M.S. Haynes, Mr. Lews N. Crandall of Columbus [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Leona Walling, of South Edmeston [Otsego Co. NY].

DELAVAN - BUNNELL:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], May 22d, by Rev W.D. Wilson, Mr. Samuel A. Delavan to Miss Maria Bunnell all of Guilford.

S.A. Delavan was married to Miss Maria Bunnell in Christ's Church, last Wednesday evening.  After the ceremony they had a reception at their residence and received numerous presents.  May their path be strewn with roses and their new life as bright as the noonday sun. [Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 29, 1878]

LAW - CRUMB:  At the residence of Phineas Crumb, May 22d, by Rev. A.C. Smith, Mr. Howard S. Law of Cuyler [Cortland Co. NY] to Miss Eina F. Crumb of Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY].


PHILLIPS:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], May 27th, George H. [Phillips] son of George D. and Roselia Phillips, aged 5 years.

SERGEANT:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], May 19th, of erysipelas, Freddie [Sergeant] son of Alvin D. and Alice A. Sergeant, aged 3 years and 11 months.

SIVER:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY] May 20th, Mrs. Betsey Siver, aged 77 years.

BEARDSLEY:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co NY] May 18th, Mr. Charles Beardsley, aged 43 years.

SMITH:  At the County House in Preston [Chenango Co. NY], May 22d, Miss Angeline Smith aged 23 years, formerly of Pharsalia [Chenango Co. NY].

NICOLLS:  Diphtheria still rages to an alarming extent in Oregon (Butternuts) [Otsego Co. NY].  A son of Norman Nicolls, aged eleven years, was buried in our cemetery [White Store, Chenango Co. NY], Saturday. Three other cases (one in the same family, twin brother of the deceased) are considered hopeless.  Eleven cases are reported from there and five from Mt. Upton [Chenango Co. NY].  Parents are trembling for the safety of their children and selves from the dread disease.

FAUSETT:  A former resident of this place [White Store, Chenango Co. NY], and at the time of her death, May 25th, 1878, of Rockwell's mills [Chenango Co. NY].  For several weeks the deceased was afflicted with a disease which caused her death, and which has baffled the skill and puzzled the minds of the most skilled physicians.  Counsels have been held between Dr. B.F. Smith, of Mt. Upton, who attended her, and eminent and learned physicians of Norwich and other towns, without, however throwing any light upon the nature of the disease.  An inquest and examination was held over the body Saturday afternoon, the result of which we have not ascertained.  The remains were conveyed to Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], Sunday, for interment.

MOAK:  New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY:  Diphtheria is also in our midst, doing it fatal work.  Little Katie Moak was its first victim.  She only lived about two days after taken sick.  We did not chance to know Kattie, but those who did say she was a noble little girl and meet for the glory of the better life. The earthly home may wear a shadow for many a day, but in Heaven there is new light and radiance. Every new star beam that sheds its silvery radiance in the sinless land adds new glory to the eternal splendor of the great calm noontide of immortal life.  Happy are they who gain that sweet rest ere the spirit wears a mantle of sin.

KELLER:  Mr. Keller an old resident of our village [New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY], died Saturday orning.  Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church yesterday.


SHIPPEY:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], May 25th, Mr. Ezekiel Shippey, aged 83 years.

Another of our venerable citizens has gone to his rest.  Ezekiel Shippey died at his residence on Grove Avenue in this village on Saturday last of erysipelas, aged eighty-two years.

Deceased was born in Gloucester, R.I., in 1796 and removed with his parents in 1806, to what is known as "Rhode Island," in the east part of this town, settling upon the farm now owned by David Fields.  At that time the forests covered the hills and valleys and abounded in game.  In 1820 he married and located on a farm in Webb Settlement, where he resided twelve years, when he purchased a farm on Great Brook, in the town of New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY], upon which he remained until this spring, when he removed to this village.  He served in the war of 1812 and has since drawn a pension for honorable services.

Mr. Shippey was much respected by all who knew him.  His life has been an eventful one, and he has borne his share in the toils and trials which attended the early settlers of the country.  He has gone to an honored grave.  The funeral was attended at his late residence on Tuesday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. D. Ballou of Utica. The remains were interred in the White Store cemetery, by the side of his first wife and three children.  A widow and seven children survive him, nearly all of whom were present at the funeral.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, May 29, 1878


Preston, Chenango Co. NY:  Rev. Geo. Parsons returned to town with his bride the 22d inst., and that evening a few of his friends gave him a surprise and a welcome back to his labors here.


A child of George Littlebrandt in Masonville [Delaware Co. NY] was scalded to death a few days ago by falling into a kettle of hot water.

It becomes our painful duty to chronicle the death of Mr. J. Beachman who died at his residence in this village [South New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY], May 9, 1878.  Mr. Beachman has just returned from a visit to his daughter, (Mrs. A. Shellas of Brooklyn) was taken with congestion of the lungs, which together with the asthma with which he had been long afflicted, placed him beyond human aid, the best skill and tenderest care being of no avail.  His funeral was attended the following Monday by a large circle of friends and neighbors who sympathize with the bereaved wife and daughters.  Rev. J.H. Boyce officiated assisted by Rev. Walter Scott.

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