Friday, June 28, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, May/June 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, June 1, 1878


PARSONS - OLTMAN:  In Sharon, Wis., May 2, 1878, by Rev. A.A. Reed, Rev. G. Parsons of Wyoming Conference to Mrs. Sarah A. Oltman, of Sharon, Wis.

BOYCE - DAVIS:  In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY], May 29th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. B. Robinson, Mr. L.L. Boyce of Northville [Fulton Co. NY] to Miss Eva Davis.

The residence of Mr. Andrew Davis of New Berlin was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Wednesday evening last, upon the occasion of the marriage of his daughter Eva, to Linn L. Boyce, Esq., of Northville, formerly of this village [Norwich Chenango Co. NY].  Quite a number of young people from this village graced the occasion with their presence.  The ceremony was beautifully performed by Rev. J.H. Robinson, after which the happy couple received the congratulations of the large number of friends present.  A right royal repast was partaken of, and at a late hour the guests departed.  On Thursday morning the bride and groom started for their new home at Northville, which the thoughtfulness of Mr. Boyce had fully provided, furnished complete with every appointment, even to the dinner which was to be served promptly at four P.M. that evening, upon the arrival of the train which bore them home.  Messrs. C.L. Teff and Norman Carr, with ladies were present at the wedding from this village, the latter, we believe officiating as groomsman.  The Telegraph unites with other friends in the compliments of the occasion to the newly wedded pair.


SMITH:  In Sidney Plains [Delaware Co. NY], May 27, Robbie [Smith] youngest son of S.C. and T.G. Smith of diphtheria, aged two years.

OGDEN:  In Chicago, May 5th, Sarah H. Boulls [Ogden] wife of Willima L. Ogden, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

FAUSETT:  Mrs. Fausett whose long illness has been noticed some time ago, died last Friday, after suffering so protracted and intense that it was almost a relief to her friends when they ceased forever.  A postmortem examination by Messrs. Smith, Walker, Wicks and Thorp, revealed the cause of her terrible sufferings.  The children of the deceased did all in their power to alleviate her distress, and memory will never reproach her young sons for neglect of their widowed mother.  The remains were carried to Smyrna, to be laid beside those of her husband who died some four years ago.  K.J.R.

Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, May 29, 1878


Guilford, Chenango Co. NY:  The event of the week was the marriage of Mr. Samuel DeLavan to Miss Maria Bunnell both of this place.  The beautiful ceremony of the Episcopal church was performed by Rev. W. DeL Wilson.  The church was crowded by the friends of the two that were made one. The one then proceeded direct to their home on Main Street, and there were pleasantly surprised by a number of friends, with refreshments, etc.  The and-so-forth being many useful and valuable presents just fitted to help and assist in the commencement of housekeeping.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, May 30, 1878


Rollin Pratt died at Olean, Cattaraugus County [NY], last week, aged 107 years.  He was the man that rescued six women from a bear at Randolph in 1831, which was afterwards stuffed and placed in the Albany Museum at the expense of ex-President Fillmore.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, June 1, 1878


FREEMAN:  May 29, 1878, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Nealy Thompson, 235 Madison Ave., New York, Mrs. Rebecca B. Freeman, mother of Henry O. Freeman, Esq. of this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY].

Mrs. Freeman, mother of H.O. Freeman, Esq. of this village, died at her residence in New York, on Monday, the 27th inst., Mrs. Freeman, in answer to a dispatch received, started for the city on Tuesday morning, Mr. F. having gone to New York last week.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, may 30, 1878


Miss Electa Whitney died early Monday morning and her funeral Wednesday was largely attended.  Rev. J.C. Shelland preached her funeral sermon from the words "The Lord is my shepherd" etc. She selected the text and by her own request he officiated.  Electa leaves many sorrowing ones.  She was a teacher in the M.E. Sabbath School and had endeared herself to all who knew her.

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