Monday, July 22, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, June 1878 & 1880

 Chenango American, Greene, NY, June 20, 1878


At the home of the bride, June 5th, by Rev. J.L. Race, Mr. Edward Daniels to Miss Ettie S. Harrington both of Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY].

At Pitcher Springs [Chenango Co. NY], June 9th by A.F. Smith, Esq. Lewis I. Weeks to Miss Laura Ann Eaton of Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY].


In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], June 13th, Mrs. Desire Driscall, aged 91 years.

In Chenango Forks, N.Y. [Broome Co.] June 16th, Hannah M. Roos, aged 46 years.

In Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], June 17th, Mr. David L. Davis, aged 51 years.

In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], June 8th, Mr. Elisha Chafey, aged 79 years.

In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], June 2d, Mrs. Carrie O. Smith, wife of Wm. A Smith, aged 22 years.

In East Guilford [Chenango Co. NY] of malignant diphtheria, May 16th, Jessie May [Swart] aged 10 years, 2 mos. and 5 days; also, May 22d, A.J. [Swart] aged 11 years, 6 months and 10 days, children of Samuel and Julia Swart.

Widow Phoebe Lincoln formerly of Smithville [Chenango Co. NY], a sister of E.T. Hayes of this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], died suddenly of dropsy of the heart at her home in California, June 9th, aged 79 years.  Mrs. Lincoln will be remembered by many of the older inhabitants of this town and Smithville as a worthy and estimable lady.

Mr. Wm. Stuart died at his residence in Binghamton [Broome Co. NY] last Thursday night, aged 68 years.  for years he has been an invalid, and for the past seven years blind.  He was founder of the Daily Republican and a most vigorous, able writer.

News Items

In one of the most beautiful and delightful sections of our town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], there might be seen on Saturday last, relatives, friends and neighbors, accompanied with their children, from far and near going to attend a birthday party of one of our most respected citizens, Nathan Aldrich, which was held at his residence.  Mr. Aldrich was born in Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], June 22, 1816, and being the son of an enterprising farmer, has followed the occupation of farming for a livelihood up to the present time.  Having entered into a copartnership early in life with his brother-in-law, John Gross, forming the firm of Gross & Aldrich, they have become by their untiring industry, good management and strict economy well to do farmers, who are far above the pressure of the times which are crushing many of our less fortunate citizens.  How truly in this instance the wise saying of one in olden times has been verified "United we stand, divided we fall."  One of the firm giving council and direction while the other acting as a regulator and ballast to guide their little bark successfully over the tempestuous sea of this earthly life.

Of his sisters, Mrs. John Gross, of Greene; Mrs. Wm. Gross, of Triangle; Mrs. Benjamin Evans, of Norwich; with some of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were present, numbering 35.  Of his brother's family present were Mr. and Mr. Wm. Ross of Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ross and daughter of Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. Aug Ross and daughter and Mrs. John Noyes and Mrs. Dr. Blin Harries, of Norwich; Isaac, Almira and Lois Ross of Preston; his aunt, Mrs. Samuel Aldrich and cousin King Cook, and Mrs. Amy Norton and Mrs. Alonzo Thorington and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Childs of the same place; Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Parker and Mrs. Alphonzo Gross.  Among those of our own citizens might be seen George R. Lyon, John Fredenburgh and Charles O. Davis.


Mrs. Hill of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], wife of Ed. Hill, now in Auburn prison, recently borrowed a horse and buggy of a farmer in Guilford, Chenango County, and eloped with Frank Hebbred of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].  The team and runaways have not been found.  Hebbred left a wife and child.

Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, June 29, 1878


HYATT - BENEDICT:  In Brooklyn, the 26th inst., Hon. F.A. Hyatt of Perryville, N.Y. and Miss Libbie Benedict, daughter of the late Josiah Benedict, of this place [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY].

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, June 27, 1878


GATES - EVANS:  At the home of the bride in Center Village, Broome Co., N.Y. June 15th, 1878, by Rev. H.G. Harned, Mr. Adison Gates of Lebanon, Madison Co. [NY] and Miss Ada A. Evans.


AVERY:  In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], June 21st, 1878, Mrs. Leonard Avery aged 72 years.

HUNT:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], Saturday June 22nd, 1878, Dexter Hunt aged 79 years.

Yaleville, Chenango Co. NY:  Another bright and shining light gone.  On the morning of Saturday June 22d one of our oldest and most respected citizens passed away, and nothing but good deeds and remembrances of his purely Christian life, are left to remind us of his former existence.  The subject of this sketch, Dexter Hunt, was born in Rhode Island in 1799, and moved to this place several years ago, where he has since resided.  At the time of his death, he was 79 years of age.  He was the youngest of the family and leaves many sorrowing friends to mourn his loss.

Say ye, his life is lost our home's sweet comfort and our crown of hope! / Nay, friends his life has now a grander scope, / A living holocanst to God and truth and right; / A hero heart is still and eyes are sealed and loving lips are mute, / Which bore on earth the spirit's golden fruit, / but peace, it was God's will.

News Item

A man of venerable years.  Mr. Jeduthun Roe, now in the 91st year of his age, is still smart and active, often walking the distance of 1-1/2 miles to the post office and home again, without the appearance of much fatigue.  His mind is also remarkably vigorous, remembering dates and business transactions with a precision scarcely equaled by those in the prime of life.

Weekly Press, Afton, NY, August 31, 1880


Died in Binghamton [Broome Co. NY], August 25th of the congestion of the lungs, Gracie [Owens] little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Owens, aged 2 years and 25 days.

The funeral services of L.S. Owens little girl were held at the Presbyterian Church last Friday morning by Rev. J.F. Williams.

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