Thursday, July 25, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1878

 Oneonta Herald & Democrat, Oneonta, NY, July 5, 1878


In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], June 23(?), Infant son of Geo. D. Weeks.

In Franklin [Delaware Co. NY], June 26, John Taylor aged 80 years.  He was a soldier in 1812.

In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY], June 28(?) Alonzo Van Steinburgh aged 38(?) years.

Jas. B. Clark President of the First National Bank of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] died Sunday afternoon.  He was a very wealthy and much respected citizen.

Ex Judge Samuel B. Garvin died in New York Friday, aged 67 years.  He was born in Butternuts, this county [Otsego Co. NY] lived there until 18 years old, and then commenced the study of law at Norwich, where he married a daughter of the late Dr. Henry Mitchell.


Twice last week our people were shocked by the sudden deaths of prominent citizens.  But two days after the burial of the venerable Timothy Sabin, the death of Rev. E. Vine Wales occurred, Friday, the 28th ult.  He had been in unusually poor health for a few days previous but was about the house the day of his decease, which resulted from paralysis of the throat.  He had been a great sufferer from this disease for several years and death must have come to him as a sweet boon from Heaven.

Mr. Wales was born in Plymouth, Chenango Co. [NY] in 1817 and was therefore 61 years of age.  He was graduated from Oneida Institute at Whitesboro and the Theological Seminary at Auburn.  In 1844 he entered the Presbyterian ministry, his first charge being at Laurens.  He afterwards preached in Livingston Co. and the Mohawk Valley, and finally returned to Laurens where he remained a few years, moving in 1865 to this place.  He still supplied the Laurens church for a time and in 1872 retired wholly from active service.  In 1849 he married Helen M. Comstock, a daughter of the late Gen. Comstock of Laurens, who with one daughter, Mrs. C.E. Ford, survives him.

In 1868, Mr. Wales' only son, E. Vine Wales, Jr., died, and was brought here for burial.  From the death of this son, Mr. Wales never recovered and the ill health that followed was largely promoted by grief.  He sunk into a serious study and investigation of the Future, reading every available work concerning that problem to mortals still unsolved [unreadable] the more he questioned and considered, never doubting God, but all the time trying to satisfy an unquenchable longing to ascertain the exact and true condition of those who inhabit Heaven.  Just two weeks before his burial, Mr. Wales was conversing with Rev. J.T. Wright concerning the Future and said that the Bible was a source of consolation to him, but he desired to know of his boy's welfare, his occupation, what he was doing.  Mr. Wales believed in a future of activity and that the inhabitants of Heaven are not mere idle angels but engaged in general pursuits.  They are freed from temptation, sin and anxiety, but a state of progress is maintained, thought he.  

Since 1845, Mr. Wales had kept a record of temperature and from that date not a day has passed but the items have been recorded.  His daily reports to this paper have been valuable and closely watched by many people.  Since 1860 he had kept a journal of personal and general interest.  One singular feature was that he recorded matters of thought, concerning his opinions upon public subjects, religious faith, etc.  He frequently visited the grave of his son, the record tells just how often, and with each entry are noted impressions suggested by the vitiation.

About 1870, Mr. Wales' name was proposed as a Professor of Hebrew at Auburn Theological Seminary, and at the meeting of the Trustees he came within two votes of being elected to that position.  This action was unsolicited by Mr. Wales and unknown to him until several days after the election.  As a learned man, we doubt if there is his equal in Otsego County.  As a preacher, he was noted for writing sermons of choice diction, profound though and sound theology.

The funeral was attended Sabbath afternoon, Rev. J.T. Wright officiating, who referred to his long acquaintance with Mr. Wales and his regard for the ability and piety of the deceased.

Ere this, if one can believe God's word, what Mr. Wales failed here to understand has now been made plain.  While mourning exists here, there is rejoicing in the spirit land.

News Item

About six weeks ago, A.G. Harrington a married resident of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY] eloped from Otego [Otsego Co. NY] with Mrs. Hettie Young of the latter town.  Both left families.  They were traced to Rutland, Vt., and Deputy Sheriff Stearns of that place, worked up the case.  On the 25th ult he found them living at Proctorville, under the name of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Clark.  Harrington was arrested and lodged in the Rutland jail to await a requisition from Gov. Robinson, in the absence of which he will be held for adultery, which is a felony under the Vermont statutes. The woman was not arrested.  Harrington has also passed under the alias of D. A. Cregg, since the elopement.  Albany Argus

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