Sunday, August 4, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY July 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, July 10, 1878


RAY - DAVENPORT:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Charles Welch, July 1st, Mr. Leland D. Ray to Miss Annie Davenport, both of Georgetown, Madison County, N.Y.


BICKFORD:  At sea, off Cape St. Roque, June 11, 1878, Jamie [Bickford] youngest son of the late Rev. E.J. Bickford, aged 1 year and 6 months.

The death of Mr. Bickford at Marash, Turkey, was announced through the Telegraph several months since.  Mrs. Bickford was returning to this country with her two little boys, when baby Jamie took a sudden cold and after two days' illness, died of capillary bronchitis.  Officers, passengers, and sailors of the English steamship on which they were, vied with each other in their delicate attentions to the stricken mother and everything was done that could be to make death beautiful.  At the order of the captain, flowers were brought, the little form was placed on a bed of them, and then covered with the sweet blossoms.  A lady artist among the passengers made a drawing of the sleeping darling and a landscape artist sketched the surrounding scenery - the finest in all the voyage - and presented it to her.  Bereft of her husband and two children, Mrs. Bickford returns to her native  land, from which she went out less than four years ago, mourning, yet rejoicing that she has been permitted to give of her greatest treasures for the cause which she so much loves.

DOWELL:  Earlville, Madison Co. NY:  The funeral of Lena [Dowell] only child of John and Mary Dowell, was attended by a large concourse of her friends and playmates on Tuesday July 2d.  She was taken with a severe attack of peritonitis the previous Wednesday and lived only four days.  Thus, at the age of thirteen, there has gone out one of the most brilliant and most promising, young lives in our community, its loss being deeply felt by all of her acquaintances, for "to know was but to love."

PEARSALL:  Coventry, Chenango Co. NY:  On the 4th inst., the mother of Charles and Reuben Pearsall, died at the residence of the former, at the advanced age of eighty-three years.  The good old age had brought its infirmities, and the deceased had been gradually failing in both mind and body for some time, until at length death brought relief and ushered her, we trust, into the presence of the beloved Savior, whose glory and goodness had been a staff and comfort to her old age. The funeral was attended at the house on Friday afternoon and the remains were taken to Bainbridge cemetery for interment.

News Item

In our brevities in our last issue as we stated that Frederick Barrows, of McDonough [Chenango Co. NY], had died from the effects of an accident in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] on Barnum's show day.  Seeing the statement in the columns of our contemporary, we made enquiry and finding it reasonably confirmed we gave it credence.  We are glad to be able to state that Fred has not "passed in his checks," but on the contrary was able to dance all night on the Fourth of July, a feat he certainly could not have accomplished had he died as stated.  He has however had the rare opportunity of reading his own obituary.  The warning however should not be lost upon him to be careful how he gets hit on circus day by careless drivers.

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