Friday, August 9, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego (1848) and Broome (1837) Counties, NY

 Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, June 7, 1848


At Milford Centre [Otsego Co. NY], on the 10th ult. by E.C. Wright, Esq. Mr. David Wells to Miss Julia A. Collier, both of Collierville [Otsego Co. NY].


In Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] on the 3d ult. Volney Annas aged 29 years.

We noticed under our obituary head yesterday the decease of Mr. Alexander Ely who expired at the residence of his brother in this city yesterday morning at the ripe old age of 86 years.  He did his country good service in its first great struggle for liberty and lived to reap the rich reward of his patriotic sacrifices.  He has seen the wilderness made to blossom as the rose and what was then a few dependent and sparsely settled colonies transformed in his own lifetime into a mighty nation of freemen, flourishing beyond all example in the arts of peace and war, and taking rank alongside the most powerful nation of the globe.  The deceased veteran moved to this city in 1816, from West Springfield, Mass. of which place he was a native and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was in the army with General Washington and witnessed the execution of Maj. Andre.  Rochester Courier.

We regret to learn that Geo. Bowman, a young man aged 17 years, son of Alfred Bowman of Montgomery County [NY] was killed instantly last Friday by the falling of a tree.  The deceased was in the employ of Henry Smith of this village and was much esteemed by his large circle of relatives and friends.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, June 28, 1848


In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 8th inst. by the Rev. Joseph Ransom, Mr. Joseph W. Clark to Miss Emily Wales both of this town.


In Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th inst. Nancy [Tanner] wife of Ira H. Tanner, aged 35 years.

In Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] on the 21st inst. at the residence of her father, Deacon Albert North, Mrs. Emily Ames, wife of Cheney Ames of Owego [Tioga Co. NY], aged 31 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, January 1, 1848


Mr. S.B. Horton of Natick was run over and killed by a train on the Worcester Railroad near that place [Worcester, Otsego Co. NY] on Saturday afternoon.  He stood upon the track, looking at a freight train which was on the other track and the noise of that probably prevented his hearing the coming and alarms of the one which killed him.  He was about 30 years old and  had a wife and two children.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, January 8, 1848


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 6th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Peter R. Winne of Canajoharie [Montgomery Co. NY], to Miss Phebe W. Cooley eldest daughter of Richard Cooley, Esq. of this village.

We were "done brown" in the cake line.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 6th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Beach, Mr. John H.H. Doty to Miss Mary J. Graves, both of this village.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, January 2, 1848


In this town [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on Thursday night last, Maj. Geo. T. Dalphin aged about 30 years.

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, August 17, 1837


In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY], on Saturday last, Mrs. Susan Abbott, wife of Mr. William E. Abbott, aged 29 years.

In Colesville [Broome Co. NY], on Sunday, August 6th, Robert R. [Harpur] only osn of john W. Harpur, Esq. aged 23 years.

In Vestal [Broome Co. NY], August 6th, Mr. John Seymour aged bout 50 years.

In this town [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] August 14th, Mary Gray foster child of Abram Bevier, Esq. aged 17 years.  Possessed of an amiable disposition and prepossessing manners, she early endeared herself to those to whom she was connected by ties of nature and awakened feelings of deep interest and affection in those with whom she associated.  To these graces of nature were added those of piety, which, a few months previous to her last illness, had taken deeper root in her soul and effected a greater change in her outward conduct, until all that was early seemed subdued, and her spirit was ripe for heaven. During her sickness, notwithstanding her extreme suffering, she manifested continued patience and as death approached, entire resignation to the will of God. When questioned of her hopes, she assured her friends that her faith in her Redeemer gave her joy even in death. She was anticipating a removal soon to her parents at the West, but it pleased her heavenly Father to take her to a home in heaven, and her assurance of preparation made the summons welcome.  May this dispensation give new force to the command "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth."

Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY, August 31, 1837


On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Adams, Mr. Samuel Brown merchant to Miss Julia Backus, both of this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY].

On Monday evening last, by the Rev. Solon Stocking, M. James Stone to Miss Eliva Wentz, all of this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY].


In this village [Binghamton, Broome Co. NY] on Friday last, Mr. Reuben S. Close aged 53 years.

In this city [Albany, Albany Co. NY], on the 20th inst. after a protracted and painful illness.  Mrs. Catharine Spencer, aged 58 years, wife of the Hon. Ambrose Spencer, formerly Chief Justice of the state, daughter of General James Clinton, and sister of the late Gov. DeWitt Clinton.  Mrs. Spencer has been for many years an inhabitant of this city.  She has long been distinguished and respected for numerous acts of benevolence and liberality and she was justly endeared to an extensive circle of relatives and friends, who will cherish an affectionate and unfading remembrance of her unobtrusive virtues.  Albany Journal, August 21.

At the Salt Sulphur Springs (Va.) on the 10th inst. T.S. Mills, Esq. of the firm of O.&T.S. Mills & Co. Charleston, S.C.

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