Saturday, August 3, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego (1847) & Chenango (1878) Counties, NY

 Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, December 4, 1847


In Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] on the 24th, ult. by the Rev. James H. Richards, Mr. Linard Hoos to Miss Laura Pearson, both of that town.

On the 14th ult. Sawyer L. Pearson of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Emily Butler, of Royalton, Niagara County [NY].

In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY], on the 24th ult. by the Rev. L.C. Pattengill, Mr. Alonzo Gifford to  Miss Phebe Ann Bullock all of the above place.


In Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 17th ult. Mr. Richard Davidson, aged 92 years.  He was a resident of this town [Cooperstown Otsego Co. NY] 58 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, December 18, 1847


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Sperry, Mr. William G.S. Hall of this village to Miss Mary J. Minor of Warren, Herkimer County [NY].

In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] on the 8th inst. by the Rev. J. Davis, M. Edgar Knapp of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Catharine M. Tyler of Westfield [Chautauqua Co. NY].


In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 14th inst. Mrs. Mercy Ann [Brown] aged 38 years, wife of John Brown, Esq. Sheriff of this county.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 15th inst. Mrs. Anna Blair aged 67 years.

In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY] on the 15 inst. Daniel Carr, Esq. aged 81 years.

Rev. Asa Turner, a revolutionary hero and for 33 years a minister of the Gospel in Chautauqua County [NY] died in Stockton in that county on the 27th ult. in the 83d year of his age.  He joined the Continental army at the early age of 13 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, December 25, 1847


In Milwaukie, Wisconsin, on the 24th Nov. last, Martin Hayden, formerly a resident of this county [Otsego Co. NY], aged 67 years and 5 months.


On Wednesday morning, 2d inst. at 3 o'clock, Mr. Archibald Dixon late a resident of this city, formerly of Vicksburg, Miss.

The above brief note which we find in the Picayune of the 4th, records the death of one of "the salt of the earth" - as estimable a man as ever went to the grave.  Mr. Dixon was well known to most of our citizens, and by those who best knew him most beloved.  He was a printer not to be excelled in skill or industry, and was long engaged in the Sentinel office, where he enjoyed the respect and esteem of all connected in it with him, from the time of Dr. Hogan until a few months ago when in declining health he left us to visit his relatives at his native place, Gilbertsville, New York [Otsego Co.].  He was one of the printers enlisted in the First Mississippi Regiment with which he served until forced by disease to return.  Long after his arrival here last winter [unreadable] resume his profession, which he continued with us, until convinced that a change of life was absolutely necessary, and he determined to revisit his native home.  He set out, unfortunately, just in time to be arrested in New Orleans by the Yellow Fever.  He suffered a severe attack, from which we suspect he never recovered, and has now gone to his final rest after lingering in sickness through the summer.

He was a member of the Masonic fraternity of our city, and of the Mechanics' Mutual Benefit Society, and we feel convinced that they will both pay a suitable tribute to the memory of one who was so bright an ornament to their orders.

Poor Dick! We fear he fell asleep in neglect among strangers, but if there is a better world for the noble, the generous, the humane and good, he has awoke to a reward in heaven.  Vicksburg (Miss) Sentinel, Nov. 9

The deceased was formerly a resident of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. nY] and received his first instructions in the art of printing in the office of the Freeman's Journal.

Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, July 11, 1878


HALL - BARR:  In Greene [Chenango Co. NY], by Rev. H.N. Van Duice, Mr. George B. Hall of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Abbie Barr of Coventry [Chenango Co. NY].

CURRIER - LEWIS:  In Amsterdam [Montgomery Co. NY], July 2d, by Rev. W.H. Irish, Mr. Enoch A. Currier of New York to Miss Charlotte A. Lewis of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

WEBB - WILSON:  At the Baptist parsonage, Stony Fork, Pa. July 4, 1878, by Rev. Jas. A. Boyce, Mr. George W. Webb of Smithville, Chenango Co. N.Y. to Miss Ada A. Wilson, of Charleston, Tioga Co. Pa.


CARPENTER:  At Wood's Corners [Chenango Co. NY] July 10th, Frances E. [Carpenter] wife of Earl Carpenter, aged 26 years.  Funeral services will be held at her mother's residence at Wood's Corners, Thursday at 2 P.M.

SHOALES:  At Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], June 30th, of diphtheria croup, Julia M. [Shoales] youngest child of Newton and De France Shoales, aged 11 months and 20 days.

HARRINGTON:  In Oxford [Chenango Co. NY], June 30th, of consumption, Miss Helen M. Harrington, aged 32 years and 8 months.

LEWIS:  In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], July 8th, Mrs. Augusta Lewis aged 58 years.

Died, in Pitcher at the home of her son-in-law, Wm. m. Newton, Mrs. Augusta Lewis, aged fifty-eight years.  Mrs. Lewis was taken with severe pain in her head on Friday afternoon last and remained unconscious while life lasted.

SMITH:   In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], July 8th, Mr. Ralph Smith aged 42 years.

Died in Pitcher at the residence of his father, July 8th, Ralph Smith, aged forty-two years.  Mr. Smith was one of our best citizens, honest and upright and respected by all. At the time of his death, he was one of the Commissioners of Excise.

News Item

Last week we published an item stating that Frederick Barrows of McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] who jumped or was thrown from a wagon at the corner of West Main and Court Streets in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], on Saturday evening, June 20th - he having started for his home after Barnum's show - had sustained injuries which resulted in his death at his home and that he was buried on Tuesday of last week. This we published in good faith, the report of his death being generally credited, but since we have learned that he is still on earth and attended a dance in his native town on the evening of the fourth, we take it all back, and offer our apologies for burying him too soon, with the hope that he may "live long and prosper."

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