Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, August 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, August 15, 1878


STEWART - WEBB:  In Watertown, N.Y. July 1st, by Rev. J.W. Putnam, Mr. Edward Stewart to Miss Ella M. Webb, formerly of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY].

Dr. John W. Mitchell of Providence, Rhode Island, is to lead to the altar on Thursday of this week, Miss Lydia Pearce the accomplished daughter of a wealthy gentleman of that city.  The event is one that calls forth the hearty congratulations of the Doctor's numerous friends in this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].


Holmesville, Chenango Co. NY:  Tuesday, the 7th inst., dawned cloudy and threatening rain, yet nearly a hundred guests gathered at an early hour, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of their wedding day.  Morris, Gilbertsville, Rockdale, Oxford, Bainbridge, Norwich and South New Berlin, were all represented.  Long tables were laid in the orchard near the house, and well filled with refreshments.  Rev. J.H. Chamberlain was welcomed, though at the "eleventh hour."  A.D. Newman also joined the gathering late in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Horton have reached the "eventide of life."  Mr. H. is sixty years old; his wife a few days younger.  Two children have wandered from the old hearthstone, an only daughter, now Mrs. H.D. Richmond and a son in the far West.  A little mound tells where the eldest fell asleep.  A little life that took but the keynote here and sings the song in the beautiful Beyond.

Many useful and beautiful gifts were brought, not to make a show of giving, but as mementoes of friendship and respect.

We left that genial couple, with hosts of good wishes and came slowly back to the stern realities of life, saying with Cowper:  "O domestic happiness; thou only bl'ss / Of Paradise that has survived the fall!"


FORD:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co., NY], August 11th of cholera infantum, Gertrude Payne [Ford] daughter of Charles R. and Helen Ford, aged 6 months.

INGERSOLL:  In Guilford [Chenango Co. NY], August 12th, Olive [Ingersoll] wife of Ethan Ingersoll, aged 65 years.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 14, 1878


TABOR:  In Holyoke, Mass., Aug. 5, 1878, Mrs. Sarah Jane E. Tabor wife of Frank Tabor, aged 25 years.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 17, 1878


North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY]:  The wedding of J. Ernest Brown and Miss Eliza Green took place at the Church Tuesday at 5 P.M.  Rev. C.C. Williams performed the ceremony and concluded by presenting the bride with a costly certificate, elegantly framed.  A wedding at the church is, with us, always an event of unusual interest, and this, the fourth one celebrated there in twelve long years, is all the more novel because of the peculiar style in which the church was decorated.  During that day, some of the most enterprising young ladies of our village, assisted by the willing hands of Miss Grace PerLee of Binghamton, very kindly volunteered to aid in the work of trimming the house.  In front of the balustrade, tastefully overlaid with running pine, was a large arch graced with evergreens and in the center hung a magnificent marriage bell, composed of evergreens and flowers.  Also, in front of the desk on which sat two vases of beautifully arranged bouquets, was a smaller arch covered with fern and a closely veiled marriage certificate hung in the center.  The tastefully executed trimming made the church look like an enchanted palace awaiting a fairy princess. As the hour drew near for the important event, the happy guests, having enjoyed a sumptuous feast of good things at the house of the bride's parents, repaired to the church which was filled with a most brilliant assemblage.  Promptly at the time fixed, the two guests of the bridal party, Miss Bell Greene, sister of the bride, and Solomon Titus 2d, accompanied the bride and groom as they were ushered in, when Miss Cepha Harris presiding at the organ sang, "Behold the Bridegroom Cometh," in a clear sweet manner.  Then the veil disappeared and the marriage services began.  The ceremony was a very impressive one and when over, the greetings and good wishes followed.  On the evening of that memorable occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Brown were accompanied to the depot by numerous friends and the two departed for Utica on the 7:55 train.  They will make a tour to the Thousand Islands, also visit Trenton Falls and other places of importance. We wish them a pleasant time.  


FOWLSTON:  At Lyons, Wis., Aug. 2d of dropsy, Thomas Fowlston, aged 83 years, father of Delos Fowlston of this place [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

RUDDOCK:  In Spearville, Ford County, Kansas, Aug. 7th, Mrs. Maria Louise Ruddock, wife of Rev. E.N. Ruddock, aged 43 years, 8 months and 14 days.

We came down to the crossing / Where we'd never been before, / And while the waves were tossing, / She was safely guided o'er.

McDonough, Chenango Co. NY:  Daniel Matthewson a highly respected citizen, died on Monday last, from the effects of a rupture.  He leaves a wife to mourn his loss.  His funeral took place on Tuesday last, from his late residence.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  Willie G. Willard who came here a few weeks since from New York in full health, departed this life Wednesday morning at two o'clock.  He was about 25 years of age, an industrious and promising young man, and was held in high esteem by his acquaintances. The family have the sympathies of all here in this sad bereavement.

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