Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1848 & 1854

 Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, June 3, 1848


At Milford Centre [Otsego Co. NY], on the 10th ult. by E.C. Wright, Esq. Mr. David Wells to Miss Julia A Collier both of Colliersville [Otsego Co. NY].


In New York City, on the 18th ult., John H. Magher, Esq. formerly of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY], and son of Col. Peter Magher, in the 37th year of his age.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, June 10, 1848


In North Naven, Conn. on the 1st inst. by the Rev. Austin Putnam, Dr. R. Fox Stillman of Burlington Green, Otsego County [NY] and Miss Rebecca E. [Warner] only daughter of Colonel E. Warner, of the former place.

In this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY], on the 6th inst. by H.S. Babcock, Esq. Aaron Tucker to Sophia Haggerty both of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY].

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, June 17, 1848


A Mrs. Beckwith about eighty years of age, we understood was killed in Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] on Saturday afternoon last.  It is said that she and her husband, who is about 85, have been in the habit of drinking to excess, and on that day or the one previous, had bro't home some whiskey, which they divided.  But Saturday afternoon the old man was gone out an hour or two, and he says while he was gone, the old woman hid his whiskey - that they had a quarrel, and he struck her.  There were five pretty severe wounds on the head, apparently inflicted by some instrument with sharp corners, although none could be found except the whiskey jug.  A coroner's inquest was held on Monday afternoon, which rendered a verdict that she came to her death by wounds inflicted by him.  Delhi Gazette.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, June 24, 1848


In New Lisbon [Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th inst. of apoplexy, Mrs. Betsey [Morehouse] wife of Hon. Benjamin Morehouse in the 64th year of her age.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, November 1, 1848

Connubial Bonds:  "The silken tie that binds two willing hearts"

In Westford [Otsego Co. NY], on the 11th ult. by the Rev. Charles Wadsworth, Mr. Robert R. Jackson to Miss Gratia S. [Skinner] daughter of George Skinner, Esq. all of Westford.

In Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 25th ult. by the Rev. Alfred B. Beach, Mr. William H. Augur of Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY], to Miss Phebe C. [Hunter] of Middlefield.

In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 25th ult. by the Rev. W.C. Loomis, Mr. Barnard Duffin to Miss Lucy Wickham.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 26th ult, by the same, Mr. John Webster of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Emily Sloan of Springfield.

The Sepulchral Hrn.: "Thou hast all seasons for thine own, Oh Death."

In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY], on the 9th inst. Sarah Marvin [Russell] daughter of Mr. Joseph Russell, aged 3 years and 11 months.

In Hartwick [Otsego Co. NY], on the 25th of Aug. Asa Eddy [Russell] second son of Mr. Joseph Russell, aged 9 years and 4 months.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, November 2, 1848

Connubial Bonds

In marriage are two happy things allow'd, / A wife in wedding garb, and in her shroud; / Who then dares say that state can be accurs't / When the last day's as happy as the first?

At Gardnersville, Schoharie County [NY] on the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Squires, Mr. Kneeland Eldredge of Sharon Springs [Schoharie Co. NY], to Miss Ann G. Gardner, daughter of D.B. Gardner, Esq.

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 16th inst. by Eld. John Spoor, Mr. Job Barness of R--- to Miss Olive Spencer, daughter of Jabez Spencer, Esq.

At Salt Springville [Montgomery Co. NY], on the 8th of Oct. by the Rev. Mr. Allen, Mr. Henry Smity to Miss Mary Youton? both of that place.

The Sepulchral Hrn.

His fight if fought, his faith has reached the end, / Firm to the heav'ns his glance, his heart ascend, / Then, with the judge, he sees his crown remain, / And if to live be Christ, to die is gain.

In this village [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY] on the 19th inst. James E. Feakins, aged 8 years.

We learn from the Washington Examiner, of the death of Mr. William Adams, a soldier of the Revolution at the good old age of 100 years.  Mr. Adams served during the whole war and was attached to the "flying Camp" so termed.

On Wednesday last the 1st inst. Mr. William Collier a resident of the town of Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], was killed in the following manner:  While hewing timer on Marvin Stewart's land, about one mile and a half from Plymouth village [Chenango Co. NY], a heavy limb of tree was blown down upon him by the wind, and struck him on the head, causing his death in about two hours.  He was thirty-seven years of age; and has left a wife and six children.  Chenango Union.

Cherry Valley Gazette, Cherry Valley, NY, November 29, 1848

Connubial Bonds

In Otsego [Otsego Co. NY], on the 19th inst. by Rev. D.W. Bristol, Mr. Cyprian Van Slyke to Mrs. Delia Ann Bixby, both of Cooperstown [Otsego Co. NY].

In this town [Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. NY], on 22d inst. by Rev. G. Loomis, Mr. Robert Robinson to Miss Elizabeth Vandyke.

The Sepulchral Hrn.

In Springfield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 22d inst. Mr. Charles Fitch in the 55th year of his age.

In the town of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] on the 18th inst., Theressa [Brockway] daughter of Erastus Brockway, aged 11 years.

A Coroner's inquest was held by Mr. Graves, of this village [Cooperstown, Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th inst. on the body of Mr. Van Alstyne who was found in the Susquehanna River, near the village of Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY].  He was 63 years of age, had no family, but made it his home at the tavern. The jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning.  Otsego Republican.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 8, 1954


On the 7th inst. in Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], by the Rev. J. Soule, Mr. Delos Hathaway of Steuben Co., N.Y. to Miss Cornelia G. Van Woret of Oneonta.

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 15, 1854


In Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], on the 8th inst. by the Rev. Soule, Mr. Hiram D. Farrington of Oneonta to Miss Helen Duel of Portlandville [Otsego Co. NY].

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 22, 1854


On Oneonta [Otsego Co. NY], March 21st inst. by Rev. E.C. Hodge, Mr. John Brown to Miss Caroline Ward both of Davenport Centre [Delaware Co. NY].

Oneonta Herald, Oneonta, NY, March 29, 1854


In West Davenport [Delaware Co. NY] on the 19th inst.  Mrs. Casandana [Miller] wife of Russell Miller, in the 31st year of her age.  She was an amiable wife sister and mother.  We hope and trust she rests with God.  Her [last] words were "My work is done and well done.  I am happy and ready to go."

In Maryland [Otsego Co. NY], on the 16th inst. Helen P. [Garlick] only daughter of the Rev. Henry and Mary Ann Garlick aged 5 years 2 months and 22 days.

Bright were the eyes of the gentle child, / As stars in the evening sky;/ But e'er six summers had o'er her smiled, / Little Hellen was called to die.

The golden curls hung o'er her brow, / Her laugh was gay and sweet; / 'Tis pleasure to remember now, / The innocent and meek.

Her mother watched beside her bed, / From morning's dawn till night; / When angels with her spirit fled, / To a land more fair and bright.

Her form with the dust of the churchyard lies, / Sweet flowers above her weep; / With the night birds song and the zephyrs sighs / They have left her alone to sleep.

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