Monday, September 9, 2024

Vital Records, Madison County, NY, 1809 & 1872

 The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, January 4, 1809


On Saturday, the 24th, ult. by Ebenezer Lyon, Esq. the Rev. William King to Miss Mary Boothe, all of Nelson [Madison Co. NY].


At Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY], on the 18th ult. Mr. Benjamin Cheseman of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] in the 80th year of his age.

At Boston, on the 10th ult. His Excellency James Sullivan, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, January 11, 1809


On Sunday the 4th ult. by the Rev. Simeon Smith, Mr. David Coomer to Miss Betsey Cowle all of Fabius [Onondaga Co. NY].

On Sunday evening the 8th inst. by Eli Gage, Esq. Mr. Isaac Brown to Miss Content Hamilton, all of DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY].

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, January 18, 1809


On the 12th instant, by Eli Gage, Esq. Mr. Lewis Swift to Miss Anna Forbs all of DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY].

In this town [Cazenovia, Madison Co. NY], on Sunday evening last, by Elisha Williams, Esq. Doct. Joel Mann to Miss Sally Merrick.

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, February 1, 1809


On the 1st of January inst. by John Swetting, Esquire, Mr. Jesse Warden to Miss Abiah Swetting all of Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY].

At Brookfield [Madison Co. NY] on the 29th Dec. last by Edward Green, Esq. Mr. Nathan Green to Miss Orpha Hamilton

January 1st Mr. Freeborn Hamilton to Miss Tacey Green.

By Samuel Marsh, Esquire, Mr. John Nye to Miss Anna Harvey

Mr. Seth Griswold to Miss Polly Abbey.

Mr. Nathaniel Palmer to Miss Ruth Coon, all of Brookfield [Madison Co. NY]

The Pilot, Cazenovia, NY, February 15, 1809


In Manlius [Onondaga Co. NY], on the 29th ult. Mr.  Henry Seymour of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY] to Miss Mary Farewell of the former place.

Democratic Union, Oneida, NY, April 4, 1872


KILTS - WELLS:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], March 22, by Rev. L.C. Rogers, Abram Kilts and Addie Wells, both of Canastota.

CUSHMAN - ROOT:  In Madison [Madison Co. NY], March 20, by Rev. Mr. Keeler, Addison J. Cushman and Frankie Root both of Madison.

DURFEE - DEAN: in Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], March 14, by Rev. A.P. Smith, Franklin W. Durfee and Kittie L. Dean, all of Cazenovia.

MARTIN - MARIKLE:  In Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY], March 1, by Rev. John C. Ward, George F. Martin and Nettie E. Marikle, both of Cazenovia.

BIXBY - SIMMONS:  In Poolville [Madison Co. NY], March 14, Mr. Harry Bixby of Poolville, and Miss Mary Simmons of Hubbardsville [Madison Co. NY].

LUCAS - TABOR:  In Poolville [Madison Co. NY], Feb. 2d, by Rev. J. H. McGahen, Mr. Henry Lucas and Miss Fanny Tabor both of Cazenovia [Madison Co. NY].

DAVIS - DAVIS:  In Lincklaen [Chenango Co. NY], March 25, by Rev. A.W. Coon, Mr. Millard Davis and Miss Frankie Davis, all of Lincklaen.

SAVAGE - GREENMAN:  In DeRuyter [Madison Co. NY], March 26, by Rev. William Pike, Mr. Geo. E. Savage of Delphi [Onondaga Co. NY] and Miss Emma Greenman, of DeRuyter.


DEMMON:  In Fenner, Feb. 29, Miss Emma W. Demmon aged about 20 years. She was the daughter of Rev. O. and S. Taynter.  She bore her sickness with patience and passed away peacefully.  She leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn her loss.

BURTON:  March 17, Mary Lydia Burton aged 19 years and 7 months.

CLARK:  In Richland [Oswego Co. NY], March 20, C. Clark, formerly of Verona [Oneida Co. NY], aged 68 years.

BARBER:  In Verona [Oneida Co. NY] March 25, Thomas J. Barber, aged 41 years, 6 months and 9 days.

ATKINS:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], March 8, Amos Atkins, aged 24 years.

PETRIE:  In Canastota [Madison Co. NY], March -2?, Arminta Petrie wife of Hiram A. Petrie Aged 52 years.

ROGERS:  In Hamilton [Madison Co. NY], March 20?, Mildred Rogers, aged 60 years.

ELMER:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY], March 23, Sarah Elmer aged 26 years.

SANFORD:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY], March 27, Patience Sanford, aged 887 years and 11 months.

MILLER:  In Deansville, April 1, Stewart J. Miller aged 16 months and 17 days.

CLARK:  In West Hoboken, N.Y., Dec. 20, Hon. James Clark of South Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] in the 75th year of his age.

DUNHAM:  In Stockbridge [Madison Co. NY], March 25, Mrs. Fidelia Dunham wife of D.J. Dunham, aged 48 years.

LUMBARD:  In Morrisville [Madison Co. NY], March 30, Augustus Lumbard, aged 73 years.


Death of William H. Walrath

The Chittenango Times thus refers to the late William H. Walrath: on the 22d inst., after brief illness, William H. Walrath, of this village [Chittenango, Madison Co. NY] departed this life, aged fifty years and eight months.  His attending physicians pronounced his disease typhoid pneumonia.

In the death of Mr. Walrath, this community has suffered a loss that cannot be overestimated.  He was enterprising, and fully identified with all measures, having for their object the best interest of the village and community in which he lived.  No death has occurred that occasioned more widespread and universal sympathy among our citizens than this.  Born and brought up in our midst, his virtues and excellence were well known and appreciated and few among our prominent and influential citizens had a wider circle of friends than the deceased.  The estimate in which Mr. Walrath was held by his business associates and those who were connected with him socially, is most touchingly testified in the subjoined preambles and resolutions.  These expressions of confidence and testimonials, to his virtues, are in perfect keeping and harmony with the sentiments of this entire community.  One of the first and most prominent of our citizens, he was modest in all his intercourse with his fellow citizens.

One of his many virtues was his perfect simplicity of taste and abhorrence of ostentatious display.  Courteous, affable and gentlemanly in his dealings with the people, his friends were numerous.  Mr. Walrath was a person of decided convictions and judgment and he adhered to his convictions with persistent firmness.  Few men were more so disposed than he, and few men were more honest and conscientious in their views than he.  If he took a position, he believed he was right, and believing it stood firm.  Politically he acted with the Democratic party, and not unfrequently has been the recipient of marked honor, from his political friends.  His standing with his political associates was high and his merits and services recognized and appreciated not only in his own county, but among the prominent and influential men of State of New York.

Possessed of a finished academical education, he was not a stranger in the society of any gathering of people.  He was a fluent and able debater, a fine logician, and a captivating and earnest speaker, and the occasions are not a few, when the power and force of his arguments have met with generous approval, while the polish of his eloquence charmed and captivated his listeners.  He was confiding in his nature and disposition and was wont to treat and be treated by all men with generous frankness and freedom  He always took delight in the pleasure of honest and simple friendship, rather than in the flinty formality of selfish courtesy and interested politeness.  

The most beautiful characteristic of his life, and that which betokened the true Christian gentleman and the manly man, was his perfect devotion and delight in the pleasures of his home circle.  Few persons took more earnest delight in the welfare and enjoyment of his household than he, and here it is that his loss will be the most severely felt.  His mother, Mrs. John I. Walrath died the same evening, and the funeral services of both were conducted at the same place and time.  She was a most estimable and devoted Christian lady, and her long life was thickly adorned with virtues that made it pleasant while she lived and beautiful for her children to contemplate now that she has passed form earth. 

The funeral services were held at the Reformed Church in this village and were most impressive. the capacious house was filled to it capacity and the large audience all sympathized with the afflicted friends and relatives of the two coffined dead. the members of the Masonic Fraternity, of which Mr. Walrath was a member, attended in a body and took part in the services and contributed to impress the solemnity of the occasion.  Peace to the ashes of the dead mother and son.

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