Chenango American, Greene, NY, October 31, 1878
In Sanford [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 16th, by Rev. N.J. Rawley, Mr. George L. Hunt of Afton [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Elsie L. Carl of Sanford.
In Afton [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 16th of consumption, Mrs. Mina E. Orwen, aged 19 years.
In Sherburne [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 22d, Mr. Warren D. Newell, aged 78 years.
In Triangle [Broome Co. NY] Oct. 25th, Maud Sweetland daughter of Del Sweetland, aged 4 years and 11 months.
In this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 26th, Mr. Jehial Marvin aged 61 years.
In this village [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Oct. 27th, Mr. Ira Watson, aged 85 years, 1 month and 5 days.
In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Oct. 27th, Mr. Harry Tyler aged 87 years.
In Greene [Chenango Co. NY], October 21st of typhoid fever, George Bingham aged 18 years.
Sincerely do we sympathize with the family and friends of the youth above named. In his early demise they have suffered a loss, the extent of which words cannot convey. He was all that a son, brother and friend could be, and it is sad to reflect that he was cut down in the flower of his youth, just when life seemed sweetest, and the world was most beautiful. He has gone to his reward, however, and his mourning friends should find solace in that fact.
He drooped when the world seem'd the brightest-- / He died in the flower of his youth-- / At the age when the heart bounds the lightest; / Full of virtue and honor and truth / But his virtues will always be cherish'd / So banish your tears and your sighs-- / His mortal clay only has perished, / His glad soul dwells in the skies.
Gone from our gaze is that loved one, / Gone with the youthful bloom, / Oh, our hearts were wild with sorrow, / When we laid him in the tomb.
Hushed now forever the voice that has spoke / Kind words to friends so dear, / But 'tis God's will, kind parents listen, / Do not drop one single tear.
George has crossed death's dark river, / He has left this earthly shore, / But in Heaven we hope to meet him, / Where parting is no more.
Farewell, farewell, dear George, / Still forever more farewell, / Did we say farewell forever, / Nay we hope with thee to dwell.
Nettie S. Demell
Mrs. Cornelia Rexford, widow of the late Seneca B. Rexford, died at her residence on the morning of the 24th inst., from the effect of the late accident, which we recorded two weeks ago. Mrs. R. was a lady of superior intelligence and more than ordinary accomplishment, holding a high place in the social and religious circles. She was a devout member of the Congregational Church and one who labored with heart and hand to contribute to its prosperity. She will be long and sadly mourned not only by the church of which she was a member but by a large circle of friends by whom she was beloved for her benevolence and esteemed for her Christian grace and womanly virtues. The almost tragical circumstances of her death render her loss doubly painful to her surviving friends.
Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, October 16, 1878
NORRIS - BURROWS: In McDonough [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 6th, by Rev. Charles Steere, Mr. W.E. Norris of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Ida M. Burrows of Smithville [Chenango Co. NY].
LEDDINGTON: In North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Oct. 2d, Vollna [Leddington] widow of the late J.S. Luddington, aged 75 years.
CONKEY: In New Berlin [Chenango Co. NY], Sept. 25th(?), Mr. Lansing L. Conkey
FOSTER: In Columbus [Chenango Co. NY], the 8th(?), Mr. Christopher C. Foster aged 75 years.
STANLEY: In German [Chenango Co. NY] Oct. 5th, Amy E. [Stanley] wife of Timothy Stanley, aged 39 years.
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