Monday, August 12, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango (1878), Delaware (1825) Counties, NY

 Sherburne News, Sherburne, NY, July 20, 1878


HUSTED - BUTTON:  At the M.E. Parsonage in this village [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY] on the 14th inst. by Rev. G.H. McAnuity, Mr. Charles Husted and Mrs. Nancy Button, all of Sherburne.


VAN WAGNER:  In this town [Sherburne, Chenango Co. NY], July 16, Alonzo Van Wagner aged 67 years.

Again has death entered our neighborhood and taken one of our respected citizens.  Alonzo Van Wagner, who has long been a great sufferer, died on Tuesday of this week.  As he has been a resident of this place for many years and ever a kind, obliging friend, he will be missed by many besides his immediate family who are thus sadly bereaved of a dear husband and father.

PURDY:  We learn that Thomas Purdy, Sr. of Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY] died suddenly on Tuesday morning after but an hour's illness at the advanced age of 76 years.  He was at work in the hayfield and was overcome by a supposed sunstroke.  Medical aid was called, and he was brought to so that he was able to talk.  He thought he would be able to be around in a short time.  While talking with his friends he commenced sinking and lived but a very few moments.  Heart disease is now believed to be the cause of his death.

NASH:  Mr. Alphonso D. Nash for twenty-three years foreman in the Hayes & Rider Piano factory, Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], died at his residence in that village last Thursday night, aged 55 years.  Mr. Nash was a mechanic of very superior ability, enthusiastic in his art and devoted to the interest of his employers.  Ever kind and obliging he had hosts of friends who will sadly miss his presence among them and sincerely mourn his loss.

WETHINGTON:  The old Professor, of whose declining health we have spoken several times of late, breathed his last on Saturday morning. the Prof. had been a resident of this village [New Berlin, Chenango Co. NY] between twenty and thirty years and had, up to the time of his illness, successfully conducted a barber shop.  Something like eight months ago he began to show signs of failing health, and it was soon consumption had claimed him for a victim.  During the past six months he has made his home with E. Johnson, the proprietor of the new and popular barber shop in the Cady Block, who generously harbored and took care of him as long as he lived.  The funeral services were held in the Hall on Sunday afternoon and what there was left of the old Professor was conveyed to the cemetery accompanied by a large concourse of citizens and acquaintances.  Of his early history we know but little.  besides being a good barber, the Professor was a good musician, as well as an artist of more than ordinary merit, and occupied his spare time in painting portraits of different personage.  He has left a son and daughter to mourn their loss.  New Berlin Gazette

News Item

The relatives and friends of Mrs. Marilda Aldrich met to celebrate her ninetieth birthday Thursday, July 18, 1878, at her son's, Seth Aldrich's, on East Hill [Chenango Co. NY].  Children, grandchildren and relatives from North Norwich, Columbus, Sherburne, Hamilton and Pennsylvania, were present to the number of about 40, and had a very enjoyable time.  The old lady holds her faculties remarkably well and was one of the first settlers of the country.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 3, 1825


At Augusta, Georgia, on the 29th of June last, Mr. Seth Comes formerly of Walton [Delaware Co. NY], in this county.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 10, 1825


At Augusta, Georgia on the 11th July last, Mr. James Maxwell son of Mr. Alexander Maxwell of this town [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], aged 27 years.

On the 23d ult. at his residence in Greenbush [Rensselear Co. NY], Dr. John Downs in the 44th year of his age.  In the death of this amiable man, a bosom companion is bereft of one whose merit as a husband had secured her best and strongest affections; an extensive circle of relations have sustained an irreparable loss; and society is deprived of the talents and faithful exertions of a skillful, successful and generous physician.  The memory of Dr. Downs will long be embalmed in the bosoms of all who best knew him.  His life was desirable, his death peaceful, and it may be confidently hoped that his eternity will be glorious.  Albany Argus.

On the 30th ult. Mrs. Mary Downs consort of the late Dr. Downs of Greenbush [Rensselaer Co. NY], in the 39th year of her age.  The uniform piety of her life, the peace and tranquility of her death, speak volumes in her praise and will remain an imperishable monument, sacred to her memory.  Her remains were conveyed to the tomb on the Sabbath following, attended by an extensive circle of relatives and friends, whose tears and devoted attention, expressed their tenderest sympathies and their undissembled respect.  Mrs. Downs survived her husband only seven days.  "They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their deaths, they were not divided."

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 17, 1825


At Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on the 10th inst. Mr. Abraham Ogden in the 54th year of his age.  Mr. Ogden came to this County in the infancy of its settlement - industrious, persevering and capable, his fortunes were made to keep pace with its gradual and certain prosperity.  But from a prolonged career of deserving success, from the enjoyment of that which he might look upon as the fair reward of honest exertions, he was suddenly taken by an incurable malady.  About four years ago he was attacked by peroxisens of the epileptic species and little since that time has he known of life but its anguish. Death has a last come to him a relief, and to his friend but a secondary affliction.  The society, so large a share of which he has filled as a citizen and man of business, the family circle, from which he is bereft, and whose tender relations he sustained with such exemplary propriety and affection will appreciate the loss with sincere regret and sorrow.

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